About these resources
Looking for a simple activity to get your students researching **Alan Turing? **
This activity has been designed for use in the classroom to assist in covering a topic or outcome related to Pioneers in computing, Heroes of World War 2, Famous Engineers, British Science Week or any other topic which may require a biographical study of Alan Turing.
Pages have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons. Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Suggestions for using this activity.
Students can conduct individual research using their personal device, the school computer room or by utilising the school library. You may wish to have the students work in groups of two or individually to complete the work sheet.
Students can be called on to provide answers to questions following their research.
The teacher may wish to use the worksheet as a pre test, testing knowledge that the students may have prior to study.
The worksheet could be provided as a homework task
The worksheet can be used as an emergency extra or substitute lesson when the usual teacher is not present.
This set of worksheets have been designed to be used as short activities. They could be used when a cover lesson needs to be quickly organised or could be used when students cannot complete practical activities with the remainder of the class.
The worksheets set are all either single or double pages so can be printed quickly. Each new worksheet or handout has space for the student to write their name.
Woodwork lessons include :-
Set 1 - Safety
Set 2 - General woodwork
Set 3 - Materials
Set 4 - Safety tests
Set 5 - Timber Production and Conversion
Set 6 - Woodwork Power Tools
Set 7 - Marking Out Tools
Set 8 - Hand Planes
Metalwork lessons include :-
Set 1 - General metalwork
Set 2 - Case studies
Set 3 - Printable Safety Tests
This resource Bundle is a collection of all the History of computers research activities currently available in the Tasstudent store.
Worksheets include
Ada Lovelace
Alan Turing
Charles Babbage
Time Berners-Lee
Steve Jobs
Steve Wozniak
Nicola Tesla
Bill Gates
This activity is designed to help students describe their life as a convict in England and/or Australia in the late 1700’s who has just been sentenced to seven years transportation.
The activity should be used when learning about convicts. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present or as an activity to complete during class time.
Students will be able to write a creative description of what they are feeling and fears they may have about the transportation.
About these resources
The resources contained within this activity have been designed for use in the classroom to assist in covering a topic or outcome. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons. Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Suggestions for using this activity.
Students can conduct individual research using their personal device, the school computer room or by utilising the school library. You may wish to have the students work in groups of two or individually to complete the work sheet.
Students can be called on to provide answers to questions following their research.
The teacher may wish to use the worksheet as a pre-test, testing knowledge that the students may have prior to study.
The worksheet could be provided as a homework task
The worksheet can be used as an emergency extra or substitute lesson when the usual teacher is not present.
This timeline activity designed around the story of the sinking of the Titanic. The activity can be used to assist in teaching about voyage of and history behind the R.M.S Titanic.
The activity lends itself to developing skills in researching skills.
You may wish to use the cut and paste timeline activity to teach your students about the significant dates related to the ship. This would be a great activity to use for significant anniversaries such the Titanic sinking anniversary in April each year.
Activities included in this resource
RMS Titanic Timeline (Version 1) (SOLUTION INCLUDED)
RMS Titanic Timeline (Version 2)
RMS Titanic Timeline missing word activity (SOLUTION INCLUDED)
This bundle includes all the worksheets and activities relating to great explorers in history currently available in the Tasstudent store.
Captain James Cook
Christopher Columbus
Mathew Flinders
Marco Polo
Sir Edmond Hillary
This set of activities can be used as a homework task, as an additional activity for students who complete set work early, as an introduction to a Ned Kelly or Bush Rangers unit of study or as an emergency cover lesson/activity when the normal teacher is not able to be present.
Activities included in this resource
Ned Kelly Find-A-Word (With Sample SOLUTION)
Ned Kelly Research activity (With Sample SOLUTION)
Ned Kelly Timeline activity (With Sample SOLUTION)
Ned Kelly Wanter Poster
This is one of a number of “Bushranger” activities you may find useful.
Caroline Chisholm Biography Research activity
This is one of a series of resources looking at the lives of the people depicted on the various Australian bank notes from 1966 onwards.
Who could use this activity?
You could use this resource as an emergency cover or sub lesson for a class refining their research skills, it could be used.
You may want to use it as a homework task or
To cover content for activities requiring research of a historical figure such as the HASS stage 3 syllabus
This resource consists of two activities for students to work through.
This activity is designed to help students gain an understanding of the life of famous and important people in Australia’s and world history. The activity is intended to be used as a research activity.
Students will research the story of Caroline Chisholm who an English born migrant to early Colonial Australia and who advocated for immigrants amongst other groups in the early 1800’s.
The activity will require students to search for information from a variety of websites. Space has been provided for students to record the sources of information.
The activity should be used when learning about Australian communities or colonial figures of importance in the early settlement. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover, or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present, or as an activity to complete during class time.
There are two activities included in this activity.
Research activity.
Caroline Chisholm word search activity (Find-A-Word)
Answer sheets are included
If you find this activity useful, you will find similar activities on other famous explorers in the store. including
Captain Cook
Matthew Flinders
Marco Polo
About these resources
The resources contained within this activity have been designed for use in the classroom to assist in covering a topic or outcome. They have been formatted to allow for quick printing of individual lessons. Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given.
Sample solution included with the resource.
Suggestions for using this activity.
Students can conduct individual research using their personal device, the school computer room or by utilising the school library. You may wish to have the students work in groups of two or individually to complete the work sheet.
Students can be called on to provide answers to questions following their research.
The teacher may wish to use the worksheet as a pre test, testing knowledge that the students may have prior to study.
The worksheet could be provided as a homework task
The worksheet can be used as an emergency extra or substitute lesson when the usual teacher is not present.
This activity is designed to help students gain an understanding of the life of famous and important people in world history. The activity is intended to be used as a research activity but could also be used as a reading comprehension activity, a homework task, a pre-test of knowledge or a post test to test content retention. There are many other ways that a teacher may be able to use this and similar activities in the T.E.S store.
The activity should be used when learning about early explorers or Captain Cook. As mentioned previously, it could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover, or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present or as an activity to complete during class time.
A sample answer sheet is included.
This activity is designed to help students gain an understanding of the life of famous and important people in world history. The activity is intended to be used as a research activity but could also be used as a reading comprehension activity, a homework task, a pre-test of knowledge or a post test to test content retention. There are many other ways that a teacher may be able to use this and similar activities in the T.E.S store.
The activity should be used when learning about early explorers or Matthew Flinders As mentioned previously, it could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover, or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present or as an activity to complete during class time.
A sample answer sheet is included.
This bundle includes all resources currently included in the TES store relating to Australian history. Included in the resource are the following.
Captain Cook - Famous Explorers in History
HMS Endeavour Timeline Activity
Life as a Convict - Diary Writing Activity
Matthew Flinders - Famous Explorers in History
World War One Study - Battle of Lone Pine
Buy as a bundle and save 30%
This resource is designed to help teach your students about the First Fleet. These resources and worksheets are great for classes when the classroom teacher may not be available for the class.
The activity should be used when learning about early European settlement. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present or as an activity to complete during class time.
The activities are aimed at junior classes and include activities which will assist student to understand the reasons for sending the First Fleet to Australia and what impact that had on the Indigenous Australians and the convicts themselves. There are a variety of activities including find-A-Words, individual research tasks, reading comprehension activity, a quiz and word scramble activity.
That is included in this activity?
The First Fleet Quiz
The First Fleet Quiz (SOLUTION)
The First Fleet Ships Word Scramble
The First Fleet Ships Word Scramble (SOLUTION)
Ships of the First Fleet - Find-A-Word
Ships of the First Fleet - Find-A-Word (SOLUTION)
Ships of the First Fleet V2 - Find-A-Word
Ships of the First Fleet V2 - Find-A-Word (SOLUTION)
Ships of the First Fleet Research Task
What was the First Fleet Reading activity
British Settlement - Cause and Effect task
First Fleet Voyage Route
First Fleet Voyage Route with labels
Nancy Wake, The war time Hero
This set of activities can be used as a homework task, as an additional activity for students who complete set work early, as an introduction to Nancy Wake or a World War 2 unit of study or as an emergency cover lesson/activity when the normal teacher is not able to be present.
Nancy Wake was a World War 2 War Hero who worked tirelessly and often in great danger to help the French Resistance to overcome the German invasion of France. Her work in secretly assisting Jewish refugees and Allied troops to escape France and her ability to avoid capture earned her the nickname of “The White Mouse” from the Germans.
This set of activities can be used in a variety of ways.
It can be used as a reading comprehension activity (Activity 1 and 2)
Activity 1 is a reading activity where students will read about the life of Nancy Wake. The teacher may direct students to create a summary from this, a diary entry activity or other class discussion around persistence for example. Alternatively, the activity could be used as a reading comprehension activity where the class answers the questions on page 2 (Activity 2).
It can be used as a student research task (Activity 3)
Students will research the life of Nancy Wake using the focus questions provided and answering as they go. The activity will require students to search for information from a variety of websites. Space has been provided for students to record the sources of information.
Activities included in this resource
Page 1 - Biography reading task
Page 2 - Questions related to the Biography (Sample Solution included)
Page 3 - Scaffolded research task (Sample Solution included)
Page 4 - Find-A-Word activity (Sample Solution included)
This is the first of a series of resources based around World War 2 heroes currently being created and which will be available in the store.
This resource is designed to help teach your students about the First Fleet. This resource is great for classes when the classroom teacher may not be available for the class. The activity consists of one Find - A - Word activity presented in three versions depending on your printing availability.
The activity could be used when learning about early European settlement. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present or as an activity to complete during class time for early finishers.
This resource is an alternative to the larger First Fleet Set also available in the store and is a good alternative for classes that may not need a variety of resources on the first fleet.
You may find the more detailed resource set The First Fleet 1788 more appropriate depending on the level of detail you wish to go into with your class.
This set of activities can be used as a homework task, as an additional activity for students who complete set work early, as an introduction to a unit of work looking at famous individuals, explorers, pioneers or specific historical research of Sir Edmund Hillary. The activity could also be used as an emergency cover lesson/activity when the normal teacher is not able to be present.
Activities included in this resource
Activity 1 - Reading activity.
Activity 2 - Research comprehension activity (With Sample SOLUTION)
Activity 3 - Research activity (With Sample SOLUTION)
Activity 4 - Time line activity (With Sample SOLUTION)
This is one of a number of explorers activities you may find useful.
This is the first of a series of resources looking at the lives of the people depicted on the various Australian bank notes from 1966 onwards.
This resource consists of two activities for students to work through.
This activity is designed to help students gain an understanding of the life of famous and important people in Australia’s and world history. The activity is intended to be used as a research activity.
Students will research the story of John Macarthur who has been described as the Father of the Australian Sheep industry.
The activity will require students to search for information from a variety of websites. Space has been provided for students to record the sources of information.
The activity should be used when learning about Australian communities or colonial figures of importance in the early settlement. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover, or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present, or as an activity to complete during class time.
There are two activities included in this activity.
Research activity.
John Macarthur word search activity (Find-A-Word)
Answer sheets are included
If you find this activity useful, you will find similar activities on other famous explorers in the store including
Captain Cook
Matthew Flinders
Marco Polo
The following resources covering Ancient Egypt are perfect for a those times when you need something quick and easy to provide in an emergency where you need some valuable on topic worksheets.
These activities have been designed to cover a lesson when a casual or cover lesson is needed. They could also be used for early finishers or to provide a short homework activity. Each is able to be quickly printed individually.
Each worksheet has been formatted to allow for students to write their name and the date the lesson was given at the top of the page.
There are 6 activities included in this resource all with sample solutions included.
1.1) Ancient Egypt Find-A-Word (Version 1) - 15 - 20 min
1.2) Ancient Egypt Find-A-Word (Version 2) - 15 - 20 min
1.3) Ancient Egypt Cross word (Version 1) - 10 -15 min
1.4) Ancient Egypt Cross word (Version 2) - 10 -15 min
1.5) Ancient Egypt Research Task - 20 - 25 min
1.6) Ancient Egypt True/False questions - 5 - 10 min
Copyright and terms of use - All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is not permitted. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view and is intended for classroom and personal use only.
William James Farrer Biography Research activity
This is one of a series of resources looking at the lives of the people depicted on the various Australian bank notes from 1966 onwards.
Who could use this activity?
You could use this resource as an emergency cover or sub lesson for a class refining their research skills, it could be used.
You may want to use it as a homework task or
To cover content for activities requiring research of a historical figure such as the HASS stage 3 syllabus
Stage 4 Technology Mandatory Food Technology/Agriculture
This resource consists of three activities for students to work through.
This activity is designed to help students gain an understanding of the life of famous and important people in Australia’s and world history. The activity is intended to be used as a research activity.
Students will research the story of William James Farrer who was a leading Australian agronomist and plant breeder sometimes refereed to as the father of the wheat industry in Australia.
The activity will require students to search for information from a variety of websites. Space has been provided for students to record the sources of information.
The activity should be used when learning about Australian communities or colonial figures of importance in the early settlement. It could be used as a homework task after discussion in the classroom, as an activity to complete as a cover, or extra lesson when the regular teacher is not present, or as an activity to complete during class time.
There are three (3) activities included in this activity.
Research activity.
Willian Farrer word search activity (Find-A-Word)
William Farrer Extended research questions.
Answer sheets are included
If you find this activity useful, you will find similar activities in the store. including
Caroline Chisholm
John Macarthur
Captain Cook
Matthew Flinders
Marco Polo