Jasmine1002003's ShopAverage Rating1.92(based on 7 reviews)Resources to share and buy. Edit shopAdd a resource
jasmine1002003English Functional Skills Entry Level 1 & 2 planning with activities included - bundle(2)This resource is specifically designed for Functional Skills English Entry Level 1 and 2 ONLY. All planning and activities included are for Entry Level 1 & Entry Level 2. I hope this helps and happy teaching. -J
jasmine1002003Writing an ending PowerPoint includes visual clip and auditory clip(0)Brief PowerPoint to describe some types of story endings. This is not suitable for GCSE. Will suit KS3, KS2, and SEN
jasmine1002003The Twits English KS1 & SEND Planning with complete booklet. Many abilities with differentiation.(1)SEN & KS1, 6 weeks English planning with complete workbook. No creating worksheets required.