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Jason11's Shop

A level Biology teacher. I specialise in making card sorts, dominoes, puzzles and board games for AQA, EDEXCEL and OCR specifications




A level Biology teacher. I specialise in making card sorts, dominoes, puzzles and board games for AQA, EDEXCEL and OCR specifications
Xylem & Phloem - matching game

Xylem & Phloem - matching game

matching game for xylem, phloem, and companion cells. How to use - print, then cut out all squares and shuffle. Students need to match each black tile with its correct 8 white tile. (total number of tiles in game = 27)
Lipid - jigsaw

Lipid - jigsaw

a 12 piece jigsaw for Lipids properties and function including phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol and water Print out, chop up and play!
Transport Across Membranes - Dominoes

Transport Across Membranes - Dominoes

a set of 26 dominoes cards covering membranes and transport across them. Simply, print, cut once (down the middle), then chop left to right. The question is on the right and the answer is on the left of the next corresponding domino. The set forms a loop once completed correctly
Transcription and Translation - Dominoes

Transcription and Translation - Dominoes

A set of 24 dominoes that cover the topics of Transcription and Translation. Can be played in different ways, but I prefer to print, chop down the middle (once) , then chop left to right. The question on the right will match to an answer on the left of another domino. When completed correctly, the whole set forms a complete loop.
Forensic Entomology & Time of Death - dominoes game

Forensic Entomology & Time of Death - dominoes game

26 Dominoes that cover Forensic Entomology and Time of Death in SNAB topic 6. Different ways to play, but I print, cut down the middle (once), then cut left to right. The question is on the right, and the corrosponding answer on the left - when completed sucessfully all 26 dominoes will form a complete loop
Taboo Topic 5 & 6 (SNAB)

Taboo Topic 5 & 6 (SNAB)

75 Keyword cards for “taboo” covering all of Topic 5 & 6 SNAB Play however you want, but I play this just like the game taboo (I put the students in groups of 3, each member gets 2 mins to win cards for their team - they pick a card off the top, then (through description) have to get their team mates to say the keyword that’s on the card. After 2 mins the next team mate continues).
Microscopy comparison matching game (x27 cards)

Microscopy comparison matching game (x27 cards)

27 matching cards that compare 3 types of microscope (Light, SEM, TEM) Black card goes in the middle, with 8 matching white cards Print, chop, play! (note - I’ve included an ‘for chopping’ version for this game. Sames paper and time when cutting! [top tip - print a class set on different coloured paper and laminate (or on card) It will last for years
Mitosis & Meiosis Dominoes x 25

Mitosis & Meiosis Dominoes x 25

25 Dominoes of Meiosis and Mitosis. The completed game shows the stages in order and forms a complete loop. Questions (on the right hand side of a card) matches to it’s description (on the left side of the card) Print, chop once down the middle, then left to right to create the dominoes. [top tip - print a class set on different coloured paper and laminate (or on card) It will last for years
Immunology Jigsaw -  24 pieces - OCR/AQA specific

Immunology Jigsaw - 24 pieces - OCR/AQA specific

An OCR/AQA specific 24 piece jigsaw puzzle on immunology. Covers barriers, non-specific, specific and antibodies Game can be opened with tarsia (free software) or I have included a pdf version. Print, chop, complete! [top tip - print off a class set on different colour card (or paper & laminate) - it will last for years!
Keyword Flashcards - Topic 1

Keyword Flashcards - Topic 1

a set of 70 revision Flash cards that cover all of Topic 1 ALTHOUGH I MADE THESE FOR SNAB THE VAST MAJORITY OF THESE FLASHCARDS ARE APPLICABLE TO EVERY SPECIFICATION!!! exapmple content includes: cardiac cycle, Atherscloresis, Carbohydrates, Lipids, CVD, Blood Vessels, Accuracy & precission, Circulatory systems Can be played individually or also as a game in pairs/groups. Keyword is on once side, definition/explanation is on the other
Keyword Flashcards - Topic 6

Keyword Flashcards - Topic 6

a set of 65 revision Flash cards that cover all of Topic 6 ALTHOUGH I MADE THESE FOR SNAB THE VAST MAJORITY OF THESE FLASHCARDS ARE APPLICABLE TO EVERY SPECIFICATION example content includes: Immunology, virus structure, PCR, Gel electrophoresis, DNA profiling, Forensics, Entomology, Vaccination, TB/HIV Can be played individually or also as a game in pairs/groups. Keyword is on once side, definition/explanation is on the other
Keyword Flashcards - Topic 4

Keyword Flashcards - Topic 4

a set of 64 revision Flash cards that cover all of Topic 4 **ALTHOUGH I MADE THESE FOR SNAB THE VAST MAJORITY OF THESE FLASHCARDS ARE APPLICABLE TO EVERY SPECIFICATION - example content includes: Biodiversity, Cellulose, adaptations, kingdoms & domains, xylem & phloem, clinical trials, translocation ** Can be played individually or also as a game in pairs/groups. Keyword is on once side, definition/explanation is on the other