MUST + verb form base
(es necesario hacer algo)
MUSTN’T + verb form base
(es necesario NO hacer algo)
NEEDN’T + verb base form
(no necesitas hacerlo, pero puedes hacerlo si quieres)
You needn’t call her.
(needn’t + verb base form)
We needn’t hurry.
She needn’t call her mom.
You don’t need to call her.
(don’t need + to +verb base form)
We don’t need to hurry.
She doesn’t need to call her mom.
We needn’t hurry. We have a lot of time.
(no es necesario)
We needn’t have hurried. We had a lot of time.
(nos apresuramos aunque no era necesario)
didn’t need to do something
= no era necesario que lo hiciera y lo sabía en ese momento
(es posible usar didn’t have to)
needn’t have done something
= lo hice, pero se que no fue necesario
A very important particularity of Spanish language that requires memorising in order to be fluent and sound fluent.
Different situations you use tener in conversation:
TENER as to be idioms
TENER description
TENER personal details
TENER animals/pets
TENER familia
TENER caracter
TENER QUE obligation
A selection of expressive terms used in certain speech situations that differ considerably from the literal (word for word) translation of the English expressions.
Raise your expressiveness with a touch of high level of language command
Follow the path and say the different expressions one after the other or use a die to move along it.
No hay problema
no problem
Que va
No way
Para nada (not at
Claro (sure , yes)
Hablo en serio
I mean it, I am not kidding… Are you kidding? hablas en serio?
Como no! of course, naturally
No importa! Never mind.
This resource is to support speaking as a guess game . Two players choose the type of family environment and type of family they live in . They teak it in turns to guess each other’s type of family and environment each other lives in.
A selection of expressive terms used in certain speech situations that differ considerably from the literal (word for word) translation of the English expressions.
Raise your expressiveness with a touch of high level of language command
Follow the path and say the different expressions one after the other or use a die to move along it.
A solas!
(in private)
( slowly)
( quickly)
follow me
introduce yourself
Get it done
Por casualidad!
by chance
A selection of expressive terms used in certain speech situations that differ considerably from the literal (word for word) translation of the English expressions.
Raise your expressiveness with a touch of high level of language command
Follow the path and say the different expressions one after the other or use a die to move along it.
Watch out!
de nuevo
Try again! proper expression … vuelve a intentarlo…
Tú primero! (Pase!)
After you
Estoy lleno
I’m full
Estoy de vuelta
I’m back
Cuando quieras
Por aquí!
This way… por allí … that way
Practicar deletrear o como se escribe
con spelling bee en español
con canción MP4 con mucha marcha
Buenas tardes. Vengo a recoger un paquete.
Good afternoon. I’m here to pick up a package.
Muy bien. ¿Cuál es su nombre?
Very good. What’s your name?
Me llamo Víctor Hugo.
My name is Victor Hugo.
No lo encuentro. ¿Cómo se deletrea su apellido?
I can’t find it. How do you spell your last name?
Ah, sí. Aquí está su paquete.
Ah, yes. Here’s your package.
The aim of the game is to guess your partner’s chosen greeting, farewell , feelings or the need to introduce yourself or asking questions.
Choose a shape and a colour , off you go.
SALUDOS y DESPEDIDAS memorise guess game Spanish greetings goodbyes
In pairs , you ask your partner one of these questions:
¿Te despides? - Is this your farewell ?
¿Saludas?- Are you greeting?
¿Preguntas?- Are you asking?
¿Estás bien?- are you OK?
¿Estás mal? are you not well?
¿Eres conocid@? - Do I know you?
The aim of the game is to guess your partner’s chosen greeting, farewell , feelings or the need to introduce yourself or asking questions.
the use of ser and estar is not introduced but it is used
estar means to be not forever or to be for a while.
ser means to be forever or for a long time
This game could be used as a dialogue composition game using this questions;
Saludo: hola , Buenos días,…
Pregunta 1: ¿Qué tal?
Respuesta 1: muy mal,… , muy bien
Pregunta 2 : ¿Por qué?
Respuesta2: estoy enfermo, … , estoy feliz
Pregunta 3:¿ y tú?
This game could be used as a colour and shape guess game using this questions
¿Es verde? and the other colours. azul, morado, naranja, amarillo, rojo
¿Es un cuadrado? and the other rectángulo, círculo, triángulo
Measuring Energy Stores with examples and calculations
visual explanation when is work done
Examples for the understanding of Potential to Kinetic energy transfers and vice versa
Examples for the Chemical food and Chemical respiration stores whilst at rest and from Chemical respiration to kinetic and back to rest .
Describing thermal stores as a lost energy to the surroundings and unrecoverable but useful to the body to keep warm.
Summary notes.
Speaking activity : ESTAR + Furniture and which location relative to it.
Writing activities: More phrases to express relative location in the writing.
ESTAR con situaciones en partes de muebles.
PRACTICE: del y de la after place prepositions such as :
in front of, behind, next to , on top of, under, somewhere on/by
delante de , detrás de , al lado de, encima de, debajo de, por
GUESS WHERE IT IS relatively to furniture
The speaking game is played by choosing an item of furniture and a relative location to it. So, you can say: is it( located) in the wardrobe? or
the other type of question, Is it next to a piece of furniture?
This way you are eliminating possibilities until you guess correctly.
GUESS The type of object ADIVINA el tipo de objetos
¿SON+ objetos ? Are they + objects ?
Sí, son….+objetos
No , no son + objetos
GUESS The number of objects ADIVINA el número de objetos de 2 a 5
¿SON+ número de objetos? Are they + number of objects ?
Sí, son….+número de objetos
No , no son + número de objetos
Pronunciation of objects:
3 …MUCHOS o MUCHAS a lot
=3 …BASTANTES ……… enough
< … POCOS o POCAS …. a few
This resource is used to explain the equivalent expressions of ser / estar + adjectives to the tener + noun expressions
Whenerver a genderless adjective is used the article : un or una is used.
el or la could have been used instead.
SPANISH basic learningfor tutoring start pack
VERBS and adjectives
SALUDOS helpmy first nouns in Spanish
Personal pronouns and farewell expressions on hand fingers
ADJETCIVE speaking prompts
Parallel TENER y SER/ESTAR adjetives
Learn to spell in Spanish
Datos personales TOP TRUMPS
SON colores , formas y números
ES colores y formas
JUGAR o PRACTICAR deportessu ropa es azul, juega al, practica el/la
ADIVINA mi número , mi edad
Different ways to ask either age or name
Shortest Spanish Verb … IR
GO + means of transport game
Solicitudes (Requests)
Pedir cosas (Asking for things). Verbos modales de permiso
Pedir hacer cosas (Asking to do things)
Ofrecer hacer cosas (Offering to do things)
Ofrecer e invitar (Offering and Inviting)
Choose a shape and a colour. Guess by asking questions? Est-ce que c’est un problème, ou une solution
Est-ce que c’est quelque chose qu’il faut éviter…
Choose a shape and a colour. Guess by asking questions? Est-ce que c’est du bénévolat, c’est une solution sociale,
Est-ce que c’est un aspect négatif ou positif ?
Choose a shape and a colour. Guess by asking questions? Est-ce que c’est une option après l’année en seconde, c’est une vie d’études ou sans études, c’est un objectif de devenir professionnel ?
Est-ce que c’est un aspect négatif ou positif des études?
To divide a thin strip of paper into a given number of equal parts (say into 8 equal parts)
extra fractions challenges for the early finishers.
Materials Required
A sheet of ruled paper in which all the lines are parallel and equidistant
Given rectangular strip of paper
A geometry box
Fractions with denominators as powers of 2 are easily made out of folding strips in half several times.
Consider the series 1 fold in 2 1 folding line 2 equal parts
2 folds in 2 3 folding lines 4 equal parts
3 folds in 2 7 folding lines 8 equal parts
All the other fractions are harder to make and here we use the method of grating or intercept method.
The same way as you grate cheese, that’s it, you can scar the cheese with lines separated at same intervals ; we will use a grid of evenly separated lines on an A4 paper, to position our strip so the corner of the strip is touching one line on the grid and tilt at an angle the strip so the length of the strip is being pierced by the lines on the grid.
I LEARN SPANISH SONG LYRICS from Spanish folklore from famous RTVE archive
Best way to learn new vocabulary and consolidate tenses.
SPECIALLY pronunciation.
Each song is from a different year in Spain’s historical context.
Bilingual Spanish/ English lyrics to help in the understanding and memory of verses.
I LEARN SPANISH SONG LYRICS from Spanish folklore from famous RTVE archive
Best way to learn new vocabulary and consolidate tenses.
SPECIALLY pronunciation.
Each song is from a different year in Spain’s historical context.
Bilingual Spanish/ English lyrics to help in the understanding and memory of verses.