Attached are 3 GCSE interactivce Revision Powerpoint Presentations to revise the topics and structures required for the exam. You can spend between 30 and 45 mn on each PPT.
The first one focuses on key vocab and is aimed at Foundation students. The second one focuses on exams skills and provides some Reading tasks to extend vocab. The third one focuses on Key vocabulary and structures for theOral exam ( Role Play Photocard and General Conversation).
This Word doc provides Tutorials and worksheets with answers on 15 A Level Grammar points. Answers are provided on separate doc: The points are:
_Tenses: Present, Future, Perfect, Imperfect, Plue Perfect, Past Conditional, Subjunctive
_Adjectival agreement
_ Indirect Speech present & Past
_ 3 types of Si Clauses
_Gerund & Present Participle
_ Direct & Indirect pronouns
_ Double pronouns
_Indefinite Adjectives
Attached is a 20 pages Revision booklet with more than 50 activities. It is divided into 2 sections: Practice exercises on Year 7 topics +a General Test. Topics covered are:
Les nombres
Les saisons
Les sports
Les passe-temps
L’école : la trousse et Les matières
Les vêtements
Je me présente
La famille
Où j’habite
La nourriture
Every topic in Section 1 include 3 to 6 fun activities. The test includes 15 activities. Booklet can be used in class or at home for independent practice. It is also suitable for Year 6 .
Attached are 3 self-study booklets:
_ 1st one is to revise Verb, Grammar, and Culture - We came up with the idea of this booklet being used as a resource for students during lockdown. Students will take notes in it as it is in Word format.29 pages
_ 2nd one is a 22 pages Grammar booklet aimed more at GCSE students going through the major grammar points & tenses. For each GCSE grammar point, you have the rules and some practice exercices.
_ A 47 slide PPT presentation to practice all the basic topics for GCSE
Attached are 3 long sample essays in French on the novel No et Moi suitable for the new French A Level exam AQA or EDEXCEL on the following titles
_No et Moi est un roman sur une ado pour un public ado
_On dit qu’un vrai héros n’est ni tout à fait bon ni tout à fait mauvais. Examinez dans quelle mesure cette affirmation est vraie en ce qui concerne le personnage de Lou.*
_ Evaluer dans quelle mesure ce livre est avant tout une étude sérieuse de la vie des sans-abris.
Each essay includes quotes and is made of 700 words minimum.
My students found these essays very useful to write their own essays on the novel.
Essays are in a editable Word doc
Attached is a comprehensive PPT presentations, 51 slides on Paris that can be used as part of the Unit Patrimoine for A Level.
It includes:
_20 slides of the main landmarks of the city with facts for the most notorious ones,
_a 10 slides quiz, A short history,3 different maps of the City, 5 slides with pictures of some treasures of Paris, Instructions about a project.
Attached is a comprehensive PPT présentation (38slides) to revise the basics (bonjour, ça va, chiffres et nombres, jours, mois) in a fun and interactive way with lots of exercices, a good way to start the French course for Year 6 and 7 students.
Activity lasts around 45mn.
Attached are 3 Extensive Model essays on No et Moi, one on character, one on style, one on a theme:
On dit qu’un vrai héros n’est ni tout à fait bon ni tout à fait mauvais. Examinez dans quelle mesure cette affirmation est vraie en ce qui concerne le personnage de Lou.
Evaluez dans quelle mesure le roman No et Moi est avant tout une étude sérieuse de la vie des sans-abris.
Décrivez et commentez le style dans No et Moi.
Attached is a comprehensive 70 pages Revision booklet that cover all the topics and subtopics for GCSE/ IGCSE syllabus. It includes a wide range of stimulating Vocab and Reading activities for every single topic for Higher Level students. t
A revision of the main tenses is also provided at the end of the booklet and on the PPT attached.
The booklet can be used for self-study or in class.
Attached is a comprehensive booklet on famous French movie Au revoir là-haut , (See you up there). It is made of 16 slides with 8 interactive activities about describe the historical context, the trailer, the story and the movie maker. Answers are provided. This booklet can be done prior to watching the movie.
Attached is a range of 10 resources on the PACS. It includes 3 PPT with some activities such as gap-fill, 5 reading comprehension with answers provided and a couple of article on the subject. All the activities are pitched for As/A2 students.
This bundle contains a collection of 16 Cultural and linguistic PPT quizzes on France and French language for KS 3 and 4 students, depending on the resource.
Most of them are in French but a few for KS3 are in English. The length of each quiz varies between 15 and 45mn . The
Most of theses Quizzes are interactive PPT and can be displayed on whiteboard and are fully editable. The other ones are Word docs. The title indicates the targeted audience.
These quizzes are best used either at the end of term or for starters/plenaries.
These quizzes are covering grammar and vocab but also a very wide range of cultural topics about France : medias, geography, history, famous people.
Fun way to revise and consolidate your French knowledge
I noticed that students are often confused with the grammatical terminology in French and make mistakes such as useing adjectives instead of adverbs. Hence this interactive PPT presentation on Prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs in French will clarify the function of each category and will help them with sentence building . Some gap-filling exercises provide students with practice.
This is suitable for intermediate and advanced learners of French.
Interactive PPT with Tutorial and Activities on Places and Directions with more than 100 slides.
It is divided into 3 parts:
_ a comprehensive list of public places and shops. Students guess the name of the place on the picture on each slide and answer is then provided with the appropriate article gender.
_ How to use the verbe Aller in present tense + preposition
_ How to ask and give Directions with lots of practice in group or in pairs
It is suitable for KS3 and 4 students. You can spend the whole lesson on this. 3 useful worksheets on places and a game in Word docs are also provided.
Attached is a series of 10 Assessments suitable for the New GCSE/ IGCSE candidates providing relevant practice on Listening Grammar and Reading Skills. They cover a wide range GCSE/ IGCSE topics.
Each test, around 1h long, covers a different GCSE/ IGCSE topic, lasts , and consists in:
_3 Listening activities
_3 Grammar Gap-Fill Exercises, suitable to practise the new IGCSE Grammar Section
_ 3 Multi-Choice Reading activities, based on authentic French material
These tests can be used for independent practice at home or in class, and provide 10h of exam practice.
This is a Reading, Grammar, Translation & Writing Assesment on Food, lasting around 1h.
It includes 12 activities overall. Instructions are given in French.
This fully editable resource is suitable for KS3 students and KS4 Foundation students.
Attached is a series of 4 GCSE tests on the topic Education and Future Plans.
Each test is made of a Reading Comprehension, a writing teask and a few grammar points such as present tense, prepositions, adjectives and pronouns. Each test lasts between 45mn and 1 hour.
All the docs are in Word Format and fully editable. They can be done in class or set for independent work at home for GCSE revision.
Attached is a series of 4 Foundation GCSE tests on the topics Fashion, Hobbies, Going out and Descriptions.
Each test is made of a Reading Comprehension with 2 activities , a writing task and a few grammar points such as present tense, prepositions, adjectives, negatives and pronouns. Each test lasts between 1 hour and 90mn
All the docs are in Word Format and fully editable. They can be done in class or set for independent work at home for GCSE revision. It is also suitable for Year 9/10 classes.
This is a Reading, Vocab, Grammar & Writing Assesment on School, lasting 45 mn to 1h.
It includes a long reading activity with 3 exercises, 9 short vocab and grammar tasks ( question words, demonstrative, negatives, etre, avoir verbs, Time, schoolequipment) and a Writing tasks on School.
This fully editable resource is suitable for the new GCSE Higher exam and can be adapted for Foundation.
Attached is a series of 3 GCSE tests on the topic Fashions and Shopping for Young People.
Each test is made of a long Reading Comprehension, some vocab exercises, a writing task and a few grammar points such as present tense, prepositions, adjectives and pronouns. Each test lasts between 45mn and 1 hour. This is a Reading, Vocab, Grammar & Writing Assesment on School, lasting 45 mn to 1h.
This fully editable resource is suitable for the new GCSE Higher exam and can be adapted for Foundation.