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REGGAE - KS3 Music Scheme of work

REGGAE - KS3 Music Scheme of work

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work with resources covering Reggae music and primarily aimed at developing performance skills. The resource comes with a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt with and theory activities; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW based on UB40 – Red red wine and Despacito. This scheme of work consists of 6 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE performance skills. Although 6 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school. FONT USED: Phosphate
Fusion (world pop music) - KS3 music Scheme of work

Fusion (world pop music) - KS3 music Scheme of work

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work with resources covering Fusion styles and primarily aimed at developing performance skills (solo and ensemble) whilst learning about Bossa Nova, Bollywood and K-Pop music, their influences and fingerprints. The resource comes with bespoke backing track (for Agua de Beber) and a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt with listening activities; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW. This scheme of work consists of 6 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE performance skills. Although 6 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school. FONT USED: Baloo
AFRICA - TOTO - Eduqas set work from 2020 PowerPoint and workbook

AFRICA - TOTO - Eduqas set work from 2020 PowerPoint and workbook

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready-to-teach scheme of work and activity pack for TOTO - Africa, one of the set work for Eduqas GCSE Music. Need-to-know context to discover the fingerprints of the genre, group and style of the set work with listening tasks to build a firm foundation for learning. Student-friendly analysis fully supported by good visuals, annotated score extracts and bespoke tracks. All keywords and musical terms are fully explained in context. Regular consolidation tasks in the workbook created to encourage students to apply their knowledge more independently and to check on their learning at different key points of their learning. Three sets of exam papers to put students’ knowledge to the test and to familiarise them to the real exam! The full pack includes: • PowerPoint • Study Guide - 36 pages of musical activities (lots of listening, score analysis exercises, test yourself tasks and 3 listening tests on Africa) • Knowledge organiser • All tracks used for the workbook/slides embedded • Markscheme for the listening tests + other tasks included Content of the workbook: ACTIVITY 1: DISCOVERING ROCK MUSIC ACTIVITY 2: IDENTIFYING RIFFS ACTIVITY 3: TOTO – ROSANNA listening activity ACTIVITY 4: HOLD THE LINE listening activity ACTIVITY 5: AFRICA (first listening) STRUCTURE ACTIVITY 6: AFRICA – THE MUSIC ACTIVITY 7: COMPARE AND CONTRAST ACTIVITY 8: FOLLOWING THE SCORE ACTIVITY 9: LABELING THE STRUCTURE ACTIVITY 10: THE INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY 11: THE RIFFS ACTIVITY 12: VERSE 2 VS VERSE 1 ACTIVITY 13: CHORUS ACTIVITY 14: AFRICA – INFLUENCE OF AFRICAN MUSIC ACTIVITY 15: SCORE ANALYSIS TO SUM UP GLOSSARY SET WORK AOS 4 TEST YOURSELF – AFRICA – #1 TEST YOURSELF – AFRICA – #2 TEST YOURSELF – AFRICA – #3 TEST YOURSELF – AFRICA – #4 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #1 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #2 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #3 Content of the PowerPoint: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT (Rock music, riffs/hooks + TOTO) INTRODUCTION TO AFRICA (with Boomwhackers activity) MUSICAL ANALYSIS (based on board releases) *** Please, contact me if the tracks do not work so I can rectify the issue for you ***
BADINERIE - J.S BACH - Eduqas set work from 2020 - PowerPoint and workbook

BADINERIE - J.S BACH - Eduqas set work from 2020 - PowerPoint and workbook

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready-to-teach scheme of work and activity pack for Badinie - JS BACH, one of the set work for Eduqas GCSE Music. Need-to-know context to discover the fingerprints of the period, composer and style of the set work with listening tasks to build a firm foundation for learning. Student-friendly analysis fully supported by good visuals, annotated score extracts and bespoke tracks. All keywords and musical terms are fully explained in context. Regular consolidation tasks in the workbook created to encourage students to apply their knowledge more independently and to check on their learning at different key points of their learning. Three sets of exam papers to put students’ knowledge to the test and to familiarise them to the real exam! The full pack includes: PowerPoint Study Guide - 33 pages of musical activities (lots of listening, score analysis exercises, test yourself tasks and 3 listening test on Badinerie) ‘Play along’ video with analysis. Knowledge organiser Markscheme for the listening tests + other tasks now included Content of the workbook: ACTIVITY 1: DISCOVERING BAROQUE MUSIC (listening) ACTIVITY 2: WHAT IS BAROQUE MUSIC (cheat sheet) ACTIVITY 3: BAROQUE, KEY FEATURES IDENTIFIED . ACTIVITY 4: RESEARCH AND LISTENING TO BAROQUE MUSIC ACTIVITY 5: BAROQUE ON OR OFF . BAROQUE MUSIC – TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ACTIVITY6: Johann Sebastian BACH - comprehension ACTIVITY 7: LISTENING TO BADINERIE ACTIVITY 8: BADINERIE SCORE - annotation ACTIVITY 9: SCORE ANALYSIS . ACTIVITY 10A+B: HARMONY AND TONALITY (theory). GLOSSARY SET WORK AOS 1 . TEST YOURSELF – BADINERIE – #1 TEST YOURSELF – BADINERIE – #2 TEST YOURSELF – BADINERIE – #3 TEST YOURSELF – BADINERIE – #4 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #1 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #2 PREPARED EXTRACT LISTENING TEST #3 . Content of the PowerPoint: THE BAROQUE ERA Baroque era and instruments used during the Baroque period. The main features and characteristics of Baroque music Learn about baroque composers Aurally train yourself to identify all these elements INTRODUCTION TO BADINERIE Learn about the life of J.S Bach Discover the background of Badinerie and instrumental suites Apply your knowledge of Baroque music in context. MUSICAL ANALYSIS (based on board releases) Develop your score analysis skills Understand the use of motifs Revise chords and inversions Revise cadences Learn about Neapolitan sixth chord Learn about suspensions. 6, Revise textures Wrap up all your knowledge.
UKULELE - KS3 music scheme of work

UKULELE - KS3 music scheme of work

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work with resources covering Ukulele playing and primarily aimed at developing performance skills (solo and ensemble). Students revise how to read and perform chords and develop their playing techniques by learning how to read TAB and playing melodies on the ukulele. Students would have ideally already have the basics of ukulele playing (chords) but this is not essential. The resource comes with bespoke backing tracks, YouTube links, a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt with listening and theory activities; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW based on a range of pieces and repertoire (Counting Stars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mission impossible, James Bond, Uptown Funk, Despacito – extension: Somewhere over the rainbow and Pink Panther) This scheme of work consists of 8 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE performance skills. Although 6 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school. FONT USED: Phosphate


2 Resources
These tested and well-received resources are an entire and ready-to-teach scheme of work and activity packs for BADINERIE - JS BACH & TOTO - AFRICA, the new set works for Eduqas GCSE Music. The full pack includes: • PowerPoints • Workbooks - 33-36 pages of musical activities (lots of listening, score analysis exercises, theory work, test yourself tasks and 3 listening tests on both set works). The workbook also includes lots of listening to unknown music in order to get students ready for the exam. • Knowledge organisers • All tracks used for the workbook/slides • Play along track (for Badinerie)
Africa (Toto) + Badinerie (Bach) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Africa (Toto) + Badinerie (Bach) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

2 Resources
Brand new GCSE Eduqas Music – Set works Virtual Escape Room! Each lasts about 30 mins or over depending on how knowledgeable your learners are! Perfect for distance learning! Students love this style of revision lesson, great as an educational treat for your class especially in the current climate! Resource content for each set work: There are 4 rooms to travel through + a final room for proof of completion Room #1: Background and first glance at the set works. Room #2: Focus on Intro +Verse (Africa) / Find on the score (Badinerie) Room #3: Focus on choruses and instrumental (Africa) / Harmony (Badinerie) Room #4: Listening question on set works + score analysis. Room #5: proof of completion Please note that the harmony questions are based on the set work being in B Major… At the end of each room there are a key to enter the next room. Students enter the answer and see if they can escape! Learners need to read the questions carefully as some wrong answers could take them to the start of the room!! When finished, student will receive a bespoke electric guitar or a joke about Bach! All links you need throughout are listed in the resource should you wish to focus on one particular room only. Students only need the first link to complete the whole activity. Excellent, interactive and fun activity to go over the set work at school or at home!
THE BLUES - KS3 music Scheme of Work

THE BLUES - KS3 music Scheme of Work

This is the classroom version of the Blues (more info here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-blues-music-sow-12490271) This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work with resources covering The Blues and primarily aimed at developing performance skills. The resource comes with a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt with listening and theory activities; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW based on Jackass Blues. This scheme of work consists of 8 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE performance skills. Although 8 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school. FONT USED: Phosphate
BADINERIE - J.S BACH - Eduqas GCSE Music - Ppt with detailed analysis, workbook and activity pack

BADINERIE - J.S BACH - Eduqas GCSE Music - Ppt with detailed analysis, workbook and activity pack

2 Resources
This is the only available resource including an entire and ready-to-teach scheme of work with workbook and activity pack for Badinie - JS BACH, one of the set work for Eduqas GCSE Music. Versatile resources with lots of activities that can be used in class, for homework, great for cover or remote learning! The full bundle includes: • PowerPoint with detailed analysis of the set work. • Workbook to be used in conjunction with ppt - 33 pages of musical activities (lots of listening, score analysis exercises, test yourself tasks and 3 listening tests on Badinerie) • ‘Play along’ video with analysis. • The 20 pages excellent looking activity pack comes with a fully completed knowledge organiser which is revisited through a series of engaging activities including: Crosswords, Find on the score (x2), quiz (linked to MADTSHIRT) x4, True or False (with extensions) x2 and 4 full practice papers following Eduqas’ format – great for revision, consolidation in or out of lessons. A ‘giant’ crossword is also included to revise essential key term from the specs. Comprehensive markscheme included for easy marking on all activities – an invaluable revision tool!
Badinerie (Bach) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Badinerie (Bach) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Brand new GCSE Eduqas Music – Badinerie – Bach Virtual Escape Room! This lasts about 30 mins or over depending on how knowledgeable your learners are! Perfect for distance learning! Students love this style of revision lesson, great as an educational treat for your class especially in the current climate! Resource content: There are 4 rooms to travel through + a final room for proof of completion a. The Church – background of the piece (Bach, baroque, key information, dates) and first glance. b. Lübeck – Find on the score, theory (score analysis questions) c. Prison cell – Focus on the harmony (score analysis questions) d. The orchestra pit – listening question EKN + score analysis. e. Bach’s jokes room – proof of completion At the end of each room there are a key to enter the next room. Students enter the answer and see if they can escape! Learners need to read the questions carefully as some wrong answers could take them to the start of the room!! When finished, student will receive a joke on Bach! All links you need throughout are listed in the resource should you wish to focus on one particular room only. Students only need the first link to complete the whole activity. Excellent, interactive and fun activity to go over the set work!
Musicals - KS3 music Scheme of Work

Musicals - KS3 music Scheme of Work

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work for Musicals with resources. The resource comes with a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW based on the Phantom of the Opera and Let it go. Students have loved working on it. This scheme of work consists of 6 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE solo skills. Although 6 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school.
Africa (Toto) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Africa (Toto) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Brand new GCSE Eduqas Music – Africa – Toto Virtual Escape Room! This lasts about 30 mins or over depending on how knowledgeable your learners are! Perfect for distance learning! Students love this style of revision lesson, great as an educational treat for your class especially in the current climate! Resource content: There are 4 rooms to travel through + a final room for proof of completion Airport – background of Africa and first glance. Recording studio – Focus on Intro + Verses Paich’s study– Focus on choruses and instrumental section Music shop – listening question Africa + score analysis. Electric guitars – proof of completion Please note that the harmony questions are based on the set work being in B Major… At the end of each room there are a key to enter the next room. Students enter the answer and see if they can escape! Learners need to read the questions carefully as some wrong answers could take them to the start of the room!! When finished, student will receive a bespoke electric guitar! All links you need throughout are listed in the resource should you wish to focus on one particular room only. Students only need the first link to complete the whole activity. Excellent, interactive and fun activity to go over the set work!


2 Resources
These exiting activity packs ensure that students get to grips with essential musical terminology and theoretical knowledge for the new set works (Toto - Africa & Badinerie - Bach). The perfect addition to your teaching for listening and appraising. The stylish activity packs for each set work comes with a fully completed knowledge organiser which is revisited through a series of engaging activities including: Crosswords, Find on the score (x2), quiz (linked to MADTSHIRT) x4, True or False (with extensions) x2 and 4 full practice papers following Eduqas’ format – great for revision, consolidation in or out of lessons. A ‘giant’ crossword is also included to revise essential key term from the specs. Comprehensive markschemes included for easy marking on all activities – an invaluable revision tool! Versatile resource that can be used in class as support to teach the set works or for revision purposes once the set work has been covered. It can also be used for homework and is useful for cover or distance learning!
Classical music - KS3 music scheme of work

Classical music - KS3 music scheme of work

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work with resources covering Classical music and primarily aimed at developing solo playing. The resource comes with a student’s booklet accompanying the Ppt with class and listening activities; it also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This is a highly practical SOW based on Marche Slave (Tchaikovsky (classical music broad sense of the term)) and Symphony No 40 (Mozart). This scheme of work consists of 6 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE solo skills. Although 6 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school. FONT USED: Phosphate


This exiting activity pack ensures that students get to grips with essential musical terminology and theoretical knowledge for the new set work (Toto - Africa). The perfect addition to your teaching for listening and appraising. The 17 pages excellent looking activity pack comes with a fully completed knowledge organiser which is revisited through a series of engaging activities including: Crosswords, Find on the score (x2), quiz (linked to MADTSHIRT) x4, True or False (with extensions) x2 and 4 full practice papers following Eduqas’ format with tracks – great for revision, consolidation in or out of lessons. A ‘giant’ crossword is also included to revise essential key term from the specs. Comprehensive markscheme included for easy marking on all activities – an invaluable revision tool! Versatile resource that can be used in class, for homework, great for cover or distance learning!
The Blues - Music SOW

The Blues - Music SOW

This resource has been designed to be used during lockdown in order to allow students to keep on developing their understanding of the Blues, musical skills, developing their aural skills whilst having fun! It is interactive all the way! This resource is however very versatile and can be used in the classroom as it comes with bespoke backing tracks, tutorials and notes linked to Chrome Lab which is excellent for homework too. **Please, watch the video to fully understand the content and functionality of this resource. ** The on-screen keyboard works and looped chords and improvisation work a wonder and students really enjoyed completing these performance activities. It is worth noting that the slides do not work as intended on Safari but work amazingly well on Chrome. Oh, and remember to always play all the notes so that they can load for the best experience! Once perfected, students could upload their work on GoogleClassroom or any online platform by creating a ‘voice recording’ of their performances or by simply copying and pasting a link to Chrome Lab with their performance. CONTENT: Background of the Blues Chords Structure Walking bass Improvisation Quiz This resource has been well-received in the ‘virtual classroom’ and really did help to keep the momentum going and continue to captivate students’ interest in the subject.
BADINERIE BACH GCSE Eduqas -  Activity pack

BADINERIE BACH GCSE Eduqas - Activity pack

This exiting activity pack ensures that students get to grips with essential musical terminology and theoretical knowledge for the new set work (Badinerie). The perfect addition to your teaching for listening and appraising. The 20 pages excellent looking activity pack comes with a fully completed knowledge organiser which is revisited through a series of engaging activities including: Crosswords, Find on the score (x2), quiz (linked to MADTSHIRT) x4, True or False (with extensions) x2 and 4 full practice papers following Eduqas’ format – great for revision, consolidation in or out of lessons. A ‘giant’ crossword is also included to revise essential key term from the specs. Comprehensive markscheme included for easy marking on all activities – an invaluable revision tool! Versatile resource that can be used in class, for homework, great for cover or distance learning!
Blinding Lights  - Full Scheme of work - Ensemble project

Blinding Lights - Full Scheme of work - Ensemble project

This tested and well-received resource is an entire and ready to teach scheme of work for glockenspiel or keyboard and ukulele ensemble project based on ‘Blinding lights’ by the Weeknd. The resource comes with bespoke backing tracks and a workbook for students covering many theoretical, listening and vocabulary activities as well as score analysis geared to equip students for GCSE music. It also includes self-assessments and teacher’s assessment to track students’ progress. This scheme of work consists of 7 lessons designed to teach students at KS3 level or as an introduction to GCSE ensemble skills. Although 7 lessons are planned, the unit may be easily expanded or shortened to suit the needs of your individual school.
AFRICA - TOTO  - Eduqas GCSE Music - Ppt with detailed analysis, workbook and activity pack

AFRICA - TOTO - Eduqas GCSE Music - Ppt with detailed analysis, workbook and activity pack

2 Resources
This is the only available resource including an entire and ready-to-teach scheme of work with workbook and activity pack for TOTO - Africa, one of the set work for Eduqas GCSE Music. The full bundle includes: • PowerPoint with detailed analysis of the set work. (All tracks used for the workbook/slides embedded) • Workbook to be used in conjunction with ppt - 36 pages of musical activities (lots of listening, score analysis exercises, test yourself tasks and 3 listening tests on Africa) • The 17 pages excellent looking activity pack comes with a fully completed knowledge organiser which is revisited through a series of engaging activities including: Crosswords, Find on the score (x2), quiz (linked to MADTSHIRT) x4, True or False (with extensions) x2 and 4 full practice papers following Eduqas’ format with tracks – great for revision, consolidation in or out of lessons. A ‘giant’ crossword is also included to revise essential key term from the specs. Comprehensive markscheme included for easy marking on all activities – an invaluable teaching and revision tool!
Since you been gone (Rainbow) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Since you been gone (Rainbow) - Escape room GCSE Music Eduqas Revision activity

Brand new GCSE Eduqas Music – Since You Been Gone (SYBG) Virtual Escape Room! This lasts about 30 mins or over depending on how knowledgeable your learners are! Perfect for distance learning! Students love this style of revision lesson, great as an educational treat for your class especially in the current climate! Resource content: There are 4 rooms to travel through + a final room for proof of completion a. Concert set –background of SYBG and first glance. b. Recording studio – Focus on Intro + Verses c. Russ’ study– Focus on Pre-chorus, choruses and bridge d. Music shop – listening question SYBG + score analysis. e. Electric guitars –* proof of completion* At the end of each room there are a key to enter the next room. Students enter the answer and see if they can escape! Learners need to read the questions carefully as some wrong answers could take them to the start of the room!! When finished, student will receive a bespoke electric guitar! All links you need throughout are listed in the resource should you wish to focus on one particular room only. Students only need the first link to complete the whole activity. Excellent, interactive and fun activity to go over the set work!