A poster focused on musical elements with basic definitions for each element (no examples just the core element definitions). This is based around the acronym MAD T-SHIRT and follows this pattern.
When buying this you will get a download of both a high quality PNG file and PDF. This item will print quite large!
A poster focused on musical literacy with key features such as note lengths, standard rests and other basic stave notations.
When buying this you will get a download of both a high quality PNG file and PDF. This item will print quite large!
This is the PowerPoint I use for teaching Andrew Lloyd-Webber to my A-Level students appropriate to Eduqas A-Level. It gives an overview of ALW as well as a look at one of his musicals in slightly more detail before looking at a practice exam question. The exam question worksheet is included with a link for teachers to use and the answers are part of the teaching process anyway. The practical sessions mentioned explore some of his musicals in a practical way however, this sheet music is not supplied as this would be a copyright issue.
This is a circle of fifths poster that I’ve made for my classroom. It’s purple in colour and printed in A0 so can be printed quite large!
Included is a PDF and PNG file of the same thing for different needs.
This is my arrangement of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker which includes March, Sugar Plum Fairy and Trepak for string orchestra. This includes a Sibelius Ultimate file and PDF.
This is my arrangement of Somewhere Only We Know - the Lily Allen version. This is for a voice and string orchestra, included is a Sibelius ultimate file and PDF.
This is my arrangement of Paradise by George Ezra for a Brass Ensemble. The parts currently scored for are 3 trumpets, french horn, two trombones and tuba. Included is a PDF and Sibelius Ultimate file.
This is an arrangement I made for string orchestra of Harry in Winter from HP and the Goblet of Fire.
Included is a Sibelius Ultimate file and a PDF of the score and parts.
This is an arrangement I wrote for SAB + piano accompaniment for choir. It worked beautifully in a concert and does have split soprano at one point but is otherwise three part throughout.
This includes a Sibelius Ultimate file and PDF of the music.
This is the PowerPoint I use for teaching Claude-Michel Schönberg to my A-Level students appropriate to Eduqas A-Level. It gives an overview of CMS as well as a look at one of his musicals in slightly more detail before looking at a practice exam question. The exam question references an Eduqas past paper which is not supplied here. The practical sessions mentioned explore some of his musicals in a practical way however, this sheet music is not supplied as this would be a copyright issue.
This is the PowerPoint I use for teaching Stephen Sondheim to my A-Level students appropriate to Eduqas A-Level. It gives an overview of SS as well as a look at one of his musicals in slightly more detail before looking at a practice exam question. The exam question references an Eduqas past paper which is not supplied here. The practical sessions mentioned explore some of his musicals in a practical way however, this sheet music is not supplied as this would be a copyright issue.
This is the PowerPoint I use for teaching Leonard Bernstein to my A-Level students appropriate to Eduqas A-Level. It gives an overview of LB as well as a look at one of his musicals in slightly more detail before looking at a practice exam question. The exam question references an Eduqas past paper which is not supplied here. The practical sessions mentioned explore some of his musicals in a practical way however, this sheet music is not supplied as this would be a copyright issue.
This is the PowerPoint I use for teaching Richard Rogers to my A-Level students appropriate to Eduqas A-Level. It gives an overview of RR as well as a look at one of his musicals in slightly more detail before looking at a practice exam question. The exam question references an Eduqas past paper which is not supplied here. The practical sessions mentioned explore some of his musicals in a practical way however, this sheet music is not supplied as this would be a copyright issue.
This is a little scheme of work I do at the start of Y10 before students start GCSE music properly. It’s not board specific but does aim to expose students to all non-topic specific vocabulary (based around MAD T-SHIRT) that they might need and use for GCSE music.
This includes a vocabulary sheet in both word and PDF format, the PowerPoints I use, a Sibelius worksheet for melody, a listening (link to playlist in the answers document).
Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clef posters with a green background.
These can be printed as large as A0 and anything smaller!
You get a PNG of each and a PDF of each.
Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clef posters with a blue background.
These can be printed as large as A0 and anything smaller!
You get a PNG of each and a PDF of each.
Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clef posters with a pink background.
These can be printed as large as A0 and anything smaller!
You get a PNG of each and a PDF of each.
Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clef posters with an orange background.
These can be printed as large as A0 and anything smaller!
You get a PNG of each and a PDF of each.