What’s included?
10 complete comprehension resources themed on great Britons, both modern and historical.
Each resource includes a short biography, a series of questions and a mark scheme.
Who’s included?
-C.S Lewis (author)
-Doreen Lawrence (modern-day racial equality activist)
-Emmeline Pankhurst (historical gender equality activist)
-Isambard Kingdom-Brunel (historical engineer)
-J.K Rowling (author)
-J.R.R Tolkien (author)
-Princess Diana (philanthropist and ex-Royal)
-Roald Dahl (author)
-Shami Chakrabarti (politician, political activist)
-Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web)
Great for:
-Year groups 4-8
-links with PSCHE and British Values
-Booster groups
This resource is designed for Year 6s preparing for their SATs.
Both the revision sheet (2-sided) and the flashcards contain the entire KS2 Grammar / Punctuation curriculum (except capital letters and full stops.)
Perfect for:
-giving out at parents evening, to help Mum and Dad help with their child’s learning
-sticking in pupils’ Grammar / Literacy / Writing books
-giving to children to revise from
-using as an intervention (my Y6s enjoy using the flashcards as a match-up game)
What’s included?
-2 sided revision document
-14 pages of flashcards / playing cards / sorting cards
-30 multi-page word documents
-Past paper questions
-Organised into areas of learning linked to Y5/6 National Curriculum
-Answers included
-Excellent for pre-SATs revision
-Great for Homework
-Tried and Tested in my own classroom - used every year to help my pupils prepare for SATs
Also Available: KS2 SATs Revision Booklets - SPAG (Visit my Shop for more details)
What’s included?
Arithmetic Set:
Arithmetic: Subtracting fractions
Arithmetic: BODMAS
Arithmetic: FDP (Fractions, Decimals, Percentage)
Arithmetic: Multiply and Divide by 10 100 1000
Arithmetic: Mutliply and Divide fractions
Arithmetic: Rounding
Data Handling Set
Multistep problems: Algebra
Multistep problems: Angles, Area, Perimeter, Volume
Multistep problems: Measurement, Scales, Conversion
Multistep problems: Number and Money
Multistep problems: Percentages
Multistep problems: Ratio
Geometry Set
Geometry: Coordinates
Geometry: Missing Angles
Geometry: Nets
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
Geometry: Reflection and Symmetry
Geometry: Translation
Number Set
Number: Doubling and Halving
Number: Explain why correct / wrong
Number: FDP (reasoning)
Number: Inverse Operations
Number: Number Sequences
Number: Roman Numerals
Reasoning ( Multistep problems) Set
Multistep Problems: Algebra
Multistep Problems: Angles, Area, Perimeter, Volume
Multistep Problems: Measurement, Scales, Conversion
Multistep Problems: Number and Money
Multistep Problems: Percentages
Multistep Problems: Ratio
-25 multi-page word documents
-Past paper questions
-Organised into areas of learning
-National Curriclum, Year 5/6
-Answers included
-Excellent for SATs revision
-Great for homework
-This resource is used annually to support Y6 SAT prep in my own classroom!
Also Available: KS2 SATs Revision Booklets: Maths (Visit my Shop for more details)
What’s Included?
Punctuation Set
Colons and Semi Colons
Commas for Clarity
Commas in lists
Full Stops, Capitals, Exclamation Marks and Question Marks
Inverted Commas
Prefixes and Suffixes
Synonyms and Antonyms
Sentences Set
Active and Passive Voice
Sentence Types
Standard English and Formality
Verb Forms
Word Classes Set
Subject and Object
Word Classes, Mixed
11 Fully resourced maths lessons, including a variety of investigations, tasks and games.
-Can be one-off lessons, or stretched over multiple lessons
-11 lessons
-Ideal for Years 5, 6 and 7
-(Used by creator for Y6 post-SATs - very useful)
What’s included?
Missing Angles (masking tape on tables to create unknown angles for the children to investigate - a personal favourite!)
Figure Me Out
Gem Challenge - Nets (another favourite - using pre-printed nets to create gems. Children have to manage a budget, buy resources, sell their product and earn a profit)
Tesselation: Design a kitchen floor
Pie Charts (data collection, class surveys, using Microsoft Excel to create pie charts)
Perimeter, Area and Volume around School and grounds
Algebraic brain teasers (much better than it sounds!)
Creating a scale-map of the school
Ratio and Proportion (hands-on using manipulatives like denes)
Paper Village - Nets
Important moments in UK History in Roman Numerals
…Plus planning for all lessons.
Extensive Notebook document, introducing the subject of ‘mindfulness’ (aimed at Y5/6/7)
-22 slides
-hyperlinks to two YouTube videos
-highly successful and enjoyable (from personal experience)
-NOT saved as ‘read-only’, to allow you to make changes as necessary. As a TES author and teacher, I have used this lesson as a precursor to making Mindfulness Jars (see photograph) but the outcome can be adapted to suit your children’s needs.
(Mindfulness Jars not included)*
Complete unit for Upper Key Stage 2 Maths lessons
-Equivalent fractions
-COnverting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
-Ordering fractions
-Finding fractions of numbers
-Adding fractions
-Subtracting fractions
-Multiplying fractions
-Dividing fractions
-Additional activity for extending the more able / quick-working children
-Lesson input (introduction / starter / teaching input)
-Non-contextual task (‘Practise’)
-Contextual / word-problem task (‘Apply’)
-Deepening / broadening task (‘Deepen’)
-Full planning for all activities
*-many tasks differentiated 2 or 3 ways
*-tried and tested resources (I have taught fractions using these resources for a number of years)
*-answer sheets provided where appropriate (to encourage self-marking)
*-most tasks in an adaptable format (I.e. you can make changes to most of the documents to, for example, change names in word problems to those of children in your class)
10 Tarsia Puzzles covering a range of Upper KS2 and lower KS3 subject areas.
(As a current upper KS2 teacher myself, I use Tarsia regularly as my pupils really enjoy these puzzles - great for Deepening / Mastery)
-Dividing Fractions (Standard)
-Dividing Fractions (Tricky)
-Equivalent Fractions
-Finding Fractions of Numbers (Standard)
-Finding Fractions of Numbers (Tricky)
-Fraction Conversions
-Multiplying Fractions (Standard)
-Multiplying Fractions (Tricky)
-Roman Numerals (Standard)
-Roman Numerals (Tricky)
-Multiply and divide by 10 100 1000 (Standard)
-Multiply and divide by 10 100 1000 (Tricky)
What is a Tarsia?
Tarsias are puzzles (a bit like dominoes or triominoes) where each piece contains a mix of questions and answers. Questions and answers have to be matched up, creating a finished puzzle.
What file-types are included?
TES doesn’t support Tarsia files, so these can’t be uploaded directly. Instead, you’ll be accessing PNG files (images) of the original puzzles. These are fully printable and playable.
What software is required if I want to make my own Tarsia?
Tarsias are created in a piece of free software by Hermitech Labs (no affiliation.) I’ve been making Tarsia for years - it’s a genuinely fantastic free resource, which you should consider downloading for yourself. It allows you to choose a blank puzzle-type, then input your own questions and answers. It then turns those into a puzzle for you.
(To find the page with the download on, Google ‘Hermitch Labs Tarsia’)
Complete unit for Upper Key Stage 2 Maths lessons
-Ratio and Proportion investigation
-Scaling up / down (shapes)
-Scaling up / down (number)
-Lesson input (introduction / starter / teaching input)
-Non-contextual task (‘Practise’)
-Contextual / word-problem task (‘Apply’)
-Deepening / broadening task (‘Deepen’)
-Full planning for all activities
*-many tasks differentiated 2 or 3 ways
*-tried and tested resources (that I’ve personally used to teach Y5/6 for a number of years)
*-answer sheets provided where appropriate (to encourage self-marking)
*-most tasks in an adaptable format (I.e. you can make changes to most of the documents)
*-Practise / Apply / Deepen can be changed - each full learning outcome could be taught across one, two or three lessons, depending on how you use / adapt the resources.
What’s included?
-Blockbusters (notebook document based on the TV show)
-Code Breakers (adult / child creates a coded message - children to quickly crack the code to reveal message)
-Countdown (notebook document based on the TV show)
-Ultimate Countdown (similar to Countdown, but designed to be more challenging / a bit different)
-If this is the answer, what is the question? (notebook document, open-ended, very popular with creator’s class)
-Wheel of Fortune (notebook document based on the TV show)
-Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Number Edition (PowerPoint presentation based on the TV show)
-Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Fractions Edition (PowerPoint presentation based on the TV show)
-Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Blank version (so you can create your own / allow pupils to create their own)
-Maths Revision card game (I have this set printed in four different-coloured sets - pupils enjoy playing this at wet breaktimes / spare 10 minute slots, and as an activity for those who’ve finished their task in lesson)
4 Complete Comprehension Lessons
(Note: DVD of the film or access to Youtube needed)
What’s included?
Lesson 1: What’s This?
+Lesson plan
+Blank lyric page
+Annotated lyric page (handy for showing children, so they know what is expected)
Lesson 2: Town Meeting
+Lesson plan
+Blank lyric page
+Annotated lyric page
Lesson 3: Kidnap the Sandy Claws
+Lesson plan
+Blank lyric page
+Annotated lyric page
Lesson 4: Oogie-Boogie Song
+Lesson plan
+Blank lyric page
+Annotated lyric page
*(I’ve personally taught these four lessons to Y5/6 for a number of years, and they absolutely love them - boys with usually poor engagement respond particularly well to them)
24 documents created from actual Y6 SAT questions, to aid preparation for KS2 SATs.
Ideal for:
-homework (answers provided at bottom of 2nd page, however answers can be removed from document)
-booster groups
-after-school revision clubs
Tried and tested in my own classroom - 2 pages is just right for sending home as homework, or for TA interventions
9 Word documents linked to Year 5/6 Shape NC.
Questions are taken from past SATs papers, but ‘dressed up’ to be used in normal lessons. I’ve found them particularly useful, as they prepare Y6 for SAT questions gradually without them realising!
-2D Features
-3D Shapes
-Unknown Angles
-Measurement Conversions
-(answers to all questions are at the end of each document)
(photo included is of these tasks used by my own class)
-27 slides for the whole-class teaching of reading and comprehension
-every slide contains an extract / image / poem etc
-every slide contains a Retrieval, Interpret and Author’s Choice question
-every slide contains a mastery option for quick finishers
-these slides were made to link with the style of teaching shared by the Mrs P Blog
Reading / Observation materials including:
-story extracts
-fact text extracts
-book covers
-book illustrations
-comic book front covers
-27 slides for the whole-class teaching of reading and comprehension
-every slide contains an extract / image / poem etc
-every slide contains a Retrieval, Interpret and Author’s Choice question
-every slide contains a mastery option for quick finishers
-these slides were made to link with the style of teaching shared by the Mrs P Blog
Reading / Observation materials including:
-story extracts
-fact text extracts
-book covers
-A collection of highly useful learning aids, prompts and supports for the teaching and learning of maths
-All items regularly used by creator (particularly for struggling Y4, Y5 and Y6 pupils)
-‘Four Operations Vocabulary’ card
-Number lines (3 different scales)
-Filled-in times table grid
-Blank times table grid
-Digit cards (units, tens, hundreds, thousands)
-Place Value Grid A
-Place Value Grid B
-Traffic lights (used for quiet / reluctant learners who don’t like to raise their hand for help)
-Times Table Rainbow (full set included, x2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
-8 ‘Genre Towers’ (Word banks to be printed and turned into a stand-up ‘tower’)
-A4 size
-Ideal for supporting KS2 and KS3 pupils in genre-specific writing
-1 x play script
-1 x newspaper article
-1 x narrative
-1 x instructions
-1 x formal letter
-1 x discussions / debate
-1 x diary entry
-1 x biography and autobiography
Set of images linked to Pokemon, which I’ve used in various years to support the teaching of Maths.
This resource has proved particularly useful with:
-reluctant Year 3/4 boys
-children with learning difficulties (in particular, a group of Y5 boys with Autism used this resource for all manner of work, particularly Number. It engaged them on an unexpectedly high level in comparison to their previous engagement with Maths)
(Photo shows how this resource has been prepared and organised in my own classroom)
’Question Clues’ Set
What’s included?
-Microsoft Word Document (All clues on one card)
-PDF File (All clues on one card)
-Microsoft Word Document (Clues on individual flash cards)
-Notebook Document (All clues on one slide, for displaying on an interactive board)
Particularly useful for:
-KS1 (early comprehension skills)
-KS2 (children with difficulties around reading and comprehension)
-TA use, supporting children with additional needs