I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Socialism Definitions, Socialism and Human Nature, Socialist Values, Social Class, Class Conflict, Socialism vs. Capitalism, Equality, Key Concepts of Socialism, Social Justice, Problems with Social Justice, Class Conflict, Collectivism, State Socialism, Why Utopia Failed, Social History (1640-1740), Social History (1740-1830), Charles and Robert, Karl Marx, Marxism, Marx’s Three Categories, Orthodox Marxism, Modern Marxism, Modern Marxism, Revisionism, Revolution Not Evolution, How Socialism Works, Types of Socialism, Revolutionary Socialism, Evolutionary Revolutionary Socialism, Fabians, Democratic Socialists as well as Capitalism and Socialism.
Comprehensive Presentation that covers: the Process of Devolution in the United Kingdom, how Power has Decentralised from Westminster and Transitioned to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the English Question as well as the Post-Devolutionary Environment such as the Rise of the SNP and the Story of Welsh Nationalism which differs from Scotland.
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Devolution, the House of Commons, House of Lords, the Civil Service, Monarchy and Judiciary, Regionalism and Local Government, Westminster Model, Pressure Groups, The UK Constitution, UK Voting Systems Anti-Politics and Accountability in the UK and the Core Executive.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Post Cold War World, 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’, Rise of BRICs, The Broadening Concept of Security and Role of Globalisation and Focus on Terrorism.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Home Rule Bills for Ireland, the Growth of Unionism, the Growth of Nationalism, Government of Ireland Act, Devolution after 1920, Differing Perspectives on the devolved Unionist Government from 1920, the 1937 Irish Free State Constitution Deal, How Realistic Were Unionist Fears? Excuse or Explanation for Discrimination? to What Extent were Nationalists to Blame? Self-Exclusion from Devolved Government, Possibilities for the Reform of Devolved Government by the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement, Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, the Inability of the Devolved Government to Adequately Reform, a Difficult-to-Reform Polity, the British Response to the Problems of the Unionist Devolved Government in 1969, British Policy Initiatives in Northern Ireland since 1969, the growing intra-unionist challenge to the devolved Unionist Government, the end of the Devolved Unionist government, UK Government Green Paper 1972, Sunningdale Agreement 1973, New Devolution Proposed via the UK Government’s 1973 White Paper that was later agreed at Sunningdale, December 1973, Unionist Mistrust of the SDLP and the Council of Ireland, Implementing Devolved Power Sharing: the Collapse of Support and the Collapse of Devolved Power Sharing, May 1974.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Myth, Identity and the EU, Analysing Regionalism, Early European Integration, ECSC-EC, First Enlargements, Empire by Invitation?, Stagnation to Dynamism (and back), Single European Act, German Reunification and Eastern Enlargement, EU as International Actor and Soft/Hard Power.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Definition, Purpose, Origins, Features: parliamentary sovereignty, uncodified, unitary, fusion of powers and flexible as well as Advantages and Disadvantages of the UK Constitutions.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Marxism: The Backstory, Marxist Assumptions and Propositions, Marx, Lenin, and Gramsci, Case Study and Criticisms of Marxism.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Defining Globalisation, Globalisation in History, Understanding Development, The Bretton Woods Institutions and Orthodox and Alternative Perspectives on Development.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Origins of Conservatism, Theological Conservatives, Paternalism, Traditional Values, All In This Together? Prag-Grenade, Conservatism/Human Nature, Enlightenment, Pessimistic Conservatism, Tory Boy, Edmund Burke - Traditionalism, Robert Peel, Tamworth Manifesto, Revolutionary Industrialism, The Split, Paternal Conservativism – One Nation, Disraeli, After Disraeli's Death, How Successful Was One Nation Conservatism? Progressive Conservatism, New Right, Neo-Conservatism, Neo Conservatism – George Bush, Neo-Economics, Cultural Ignorance, Neo Liberalism, Neo Liberalism – Margaret Thatcher, Combative Conservatism, Christian Democrats and Nationalists, Neo-Nazi Mania, Conservativism Evolution, Society Does Not Exist? Individualism, Property Ownership, No Ideology, The Empiricism Sceptics and Key Quotes.
Comprehensive array of Presentations that includes: Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism. Postmodernism. Nations and Nationalism, The ‘State’, What is Power?, Civil Society and Democracy as well as Globalization and Development.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is Europe? European Political Traditions, Assessing the State of Democracy in Europe Today, Globalization and the Crisis of the Nation State in Europe, the Decline of Political Parties, Power and the Contemporary European State, Democracy and the EU, Regionalism and European integration, Immigration, Europe and the Rise of the Far Right and Europe and the World.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Jewish Traditions of Social Justice, Christianity and Social Justice, Justice, Islam and the Quran, St Thomas Aquinas, Aquinas Three Forms of Justice, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XI, Pope St John XXIII, Pope St John Paul II, Pope Francis, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, John Rawls, John Rawls – The Difference Principle, Robert Nozick and the Challenge.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is regionalism? Motivations for regionalism, A very brief history of the EU, The EU institutions and Theories of European Integration.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the Secret of Modern Britain is there is no Power Anywhere, Definitions: The State, Why is the State Important? Power and the State: Max Weber, Authority-Legitimate Power, the British State, the Triumph of Parliamentary over Royal Power, 18th Century, Urbanisation: 19th Century, Role of the State, Post WWII - State intervention, the British Political Tradition Greenleaf (1983), Westminster Model, Sovereignty, Core Executive, Executive – Legislature Relations, Electoral System, Party System, Judiciary, Territorial Politics, Model of Democracy? Challenges to the Westminster Model, New Labour Constitutional Reform, From Government to Governance and Models of Distribution of Power.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Historical background: The Franco Dictatorship and Europe, 1976-1986: Spain’s Transition to Democracy and EC Membership, The Impact of Spain’s Membership on the European Community and The Positions of Spain’s Three Most Influential Political Parties on Europe.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: France’s Role in the Process of European Integration,
Positions of France’s Three Most Influential Political Parties on Europe, Franco-German Relations in Europe, France and the European Defence Community, France and the Common Agricultural Policy and France and the Treaty for a European Constitution.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Historical Context after WWII: Dividing Germany - Integrating Europe, Germany’s Main Political Parties on Europe Today, Political and Public Support for the Project of European Integration in Germany, The Franco-German Élysée Treaty of 1963, German Unification of 1990 and European Integration and Present-day Germany in Europe: a ‘reluctant hegemon’?
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The European Council, The European Parliament in Strasbourg, The European Parliament, Number of MEPs per member state since 2014, Representation of groups/factions in the European Parliament since the 2014 election, European Parliament Responsibilities, European Parliament Democratic Deficit, The Council of Ministers, The Council of the EU, Votes per country in the Council of Ministers and The European Commission.