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EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan Recall Quizzes

EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan Recall Quizzes

All aspects of the syllabus for recall and revision students are given the answer and have to work out the question or vice versa they then rate their need for revision of the topic through the smiley, sad, ok faces answers also provided for students to annotate own copies
Create a Virtual Tour of Luther country

Create a Virtual Tour of Luther country

January 28th 2021 saw the 500th anniversary of the Diet of Worms, where Luther was declared a heretic. The Edict of Worms was issued on 25 May 1521.All Luther’s works were to be burned and in future all printers had to have the approval of a university faculty of theology before they could print anything even mentioning the Christian faith. Challenge for A level Students to create a commenorative tour of key places and figures