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State of RC on eve of reformation source work - German and English Ref intro
source work on state of RC which is a good introduction to German and Eng Reformations
A level history Utility Question Book Mark
This is given to students to help them structure their exam question response to Q1 Edexcel paper 2
Low Stakes Quiz- Luther and German reformation
Low stakes quizzes and answers for German Reformation
Low stakes quizzing Education Gender & Class
Low stakes quizzing plus answers for class and gender
Methods in Context Retrieval Game
You need two dice or equivalent to construct the practice questions
A Level Sociology Independent Study - Ethnicity and Education
Independent study work book
Quiz book for Sociology - Education
variety of retrieval quizzes for sociology of education
Utility Structure Strips
to support A level Exam Questions
Luther Blockbusters
Recall of key vocabulary associated with the Reformation
structured reading Luther & German Reformation
Structured reading for Luther Unit- plus answers
Variety of textbooks used
structured reading for A level Sociology
series of questions to supported structured reading at A level
Answers provided
based on variety of textbooks
A Level retrieval Quizzes- Luther and German reformation
A quiz for each week using a variety of techniques
Did the Industrial Revolution put the GREAT in Great Britain?
Unit of work for keystage 3 covering main themes in Industrial Revolution- half terms unit of work with modelled essay
Chronology of the Lutheran Reformation
Cause and consequence of events during the Lutheran reformation
sociology wall display synopsis of key studies
key studies for education synopsis for wall display
Mark Sheets for A Level History Edexcel
Marksheets for unit 2
I do Luther and the Reformation so I have modeled the essay one- you just need to pasted your essay question in over mine
The utility one has been left blank- I screen shot the sources in for feedback and the question- aids whole class feedback
With large A level groups this has speeded up my marking
Edexcel Unit 2b Luther and German Reformation Workbooklet
Workbooklet which you can adapt to use with your course textboook we use Bunce Knaack and Ward Religion and the State in Early Modern Europe
AQA A Level Sociology Education key word recall quiz
recall of key words students either enter definition or work out key concept answers provided
EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan Recall Quizzes
All aspects of the syllabus for recall and revision
students are given the answer and have to work out the question or vice versa
they then rate their need for revision of the topic through the smiley, sad, ok faces
answers also provided for students to annotate own copies
Stationary Bingo
We used this to get our new Y12 properly equipped prizes were pieces of stationary
you just need to press S to start
S to stop for the Bingo
free bingo cards can be generated from a number of sites on line if you wish to change any of the terminology