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Should our history be erased?

Should our history be erased?

impact of the slave trade on Britain’s Industrial Revolution and attitudes towards destruction of statutes of slave traders introducing concept of iconoclasm
Create a flip book of sociologists- Education topic

Create a flip book of sociologists- Education topic

students cut these out and create a flip book for revision each sociologists key findings they summarise to 3 words colour code them with a dot in the for topics they relate to ethnicity gender class or where they cross over into other topics crime families media
Litter & The Law

Litter & The Law

Assembly on litter related to fast food and actions being taken to address the 35% of litter which is fast food related
Mark Sheets for A Level History Edexcel

Mark Sheets for A Level History Edexcel

Marksheets for unit 2 I do Luther and the Reformation so I have modeled the essay one- you just need to pasted your essay question in over mine The utility one has been left blank- I screen shot the sources in for feedback and the question- aids whole class feedback With large A level groups this has speeded up my marking
Romanian Dual Coded Glossaries

Romanian Dual Coded Glossaries

Glossaries of key words for PE/Vocational Education/Art and Design Common Words Science/Maths/Geography Common Words English/History/RE Common Words
Urdu Dual Coded Glossaries

Urdu Dual Coded Glossaries

Glossaries of key words for PE/Vocational Education/Art and Design Common Words Science/Maths/Geography Common Words English/History/RE Common Words