Waves revision mat
A3 revision mat on light and sound waves. Includes longitudinal and transverse waves, infrasound and ultrasound as well as wave speed equations.
Numeracy booklet introduction powerpoint
This is a powerpoint to introduce the booklet I designed for Year 10 and 11 that helps pupils revise the maths skills that are required in the new 9-1 specification. It discusses the numeracy skills required for each topic in biology, chemistry and physics. I have given written examples of how to use the booklet and also examples of questions being answered.
Edexcel 9-1 Physics recall and apply equations
Cards containing one individual equation that pupils have to learn to recall for their exams. Each card contains an equation on one side and an example of how to use apply it on the other. Good for cutting into cards and attaching to treasury tags for revision. The equations also indicate which equations are for higher tier and separate physics only.
Edexcel 9-1 Science maths skills booklet
This is a booklet I have made for Year 11 to help pupils revise the maths skills that are required in the new 9-1 specification. It contains numeracy skills across each topic required in biology, chemistry and physics. After each set of questions I have included the mark scheme so that pupils can look at where they may have gone wrong or what they have achieved. I have also included the exam command word definition pages and unit conversion. This book is also available for Year 10.
Edexcel 9-1 Science Maths skills booklet
This is a booklet I have made for Year 10 to help pupils revise the maths skills that are required in the new 9-1 specification. It contains numeracy skills across each topic required in biology, chemistry and physics. After each set of questions I have included the mark scheme so that pupils can look at where they may have gone wrong or what they have achieved. I have also included the exam command word definition pages and unit conversion. This book is also available for Year 11.