I teach young people with social communication difficulties, including autism.
I have worked in both primary and secondary mainstream ARCs and also specialist provision and I love my job!
I am slowly uploading resources that have worked well so check back every now and again.
If there are any resources or activities that you would like to see in my shop, feel free to message me. I love making resources!
I teach young people with social communication difficulties, including autism.
I have worked in both primary and secondary mainstream ARCs and also specialist provision and I love my job!
I am slowly uploading resources that have worked well so check back every now and again.
If there are any resources or activities that you would like to see in my shop, feel free to message me. I love making resources!
I use these for workstation TEACCH tasks in my autism classroom. I laminate the baseboard and cards and add velcro so activities are reusable but they are also appropriate for use as a stick and paste worksheet task.
Set 1 categories are hot / cold
Set 2 categories are less than 4 / 4 - 7 / greater than 7
Set 3 categories are bathroom / bedroom / kitchen
2 CVC activities I have used in my mixed age autism / social communication ARC. These would also be suitable for mainstream learners.
CVC words- word shape:10 A4 sheets, with 6 CVC cards on each page. Each card has a picture of the CVC word and, underneath, the shape of the letters that make up the word. I laminated these and used them in a variety of ways but they could also be used as worksheets.
CVC Write the Room - my class love these! I chop up the numbered cards and blue tac them around the classroom. The class go around with a clip board and the answer sheet (included). I usually do 2 different write the rooms at the same time so more able children do a different version. There are 12 numbered cards to complete and an answer sheet. These too have the word shape underneath to act as a visual cue. 4 A4 sheets in total.
Most of my learners have ADHD as well as their autism so moving around the classroom allowed for physical movement and was more engaging.
The words are: rat, wet, hot, cup, cap, jam, bed, car, net, lid, saw, bus.
This is an activity for children or young people with autism, or other special needs, including learning disabilities. Children use the PECS to request the items they need to make the craft, then follow symbol supported instructions to make the item.
Included are the instructions and PECS to make a paper plate spaceship and a puffy paint moon. I’ve made these to send out to my parents in home learning packs but they are equally suitable for use in school.
I made these as a re-useable task while we were learning about pattern. I chopped and laminated the strips, put those of the same colour together and made a hole with a holepunch in the end with the larger amount of white. I used a keyring ring to keep the strips together.
There are 3 different degrees of differentiation and the strips are colour coded.
Children use teddy shaped counters to finish the pattern.
Children read the word and attach clothes peg onto the appropriate picture. To reduce the possibility of guess work, many of the pictures are of items which are similar to the word if read incorrectly, for example ‘scare’ shows pictures for ‘scar’, ‘scare’ and ‘share’.
Three sets of cards are in pack, 15 cards in each set, so 45 cards in total. Cards need trimmed and ideally laminated.
I designed these for my learners with autism / ADHD as a more interactive way to practice reading, but they are also suitable for KS1 / SEN.
This resource has 2 sets of 8 community themed images. I laminated these separately and added velcro. One set of answers is text, the other is symbol supported. I use this as a reuseable matching task for children and young people with ASD / Learning Disability.
Also suitable to be used as a worksheet or TEACCH task.
Human Body introduction, leading to an investigation for children to investigate the impact of exercise on the heart rate.
Table for children to complete to record their heart rates. Sheet to record the investigation process.
Sorting task for seaside theme. Learners cut and stick seaside related items, sorting natural items from manmade. Used with KS1 / KS2 learners with autism and SEN.
Book review template designed to support KS1 narrative intervention work (who, where, when, what happened). Used with a small group of KS1/KS2 learners with autism but also useful for mainstream learners who are beginning to learn the key elements of a story.
8 A4 pages with differentiation.
Meters and centimeters - converting each way, comparing.
Centimeters and millimeters - converting between, comparing, ordering
Table: measure classroom items and record results in millimeters and centimeters / millimeters.
Subtract length from meters
Subtract length from meters (bar models)
Activity 1:
Children need to count the items (1 - 5) on a baseboard and place the corresponding number digit card and dice card appropriately. Designed to reinforce familiarity with numbers 1 to 5 and their matching digit and dice face. Best laminated with velcro to attach cards to baseboard but also suitable for use as a cut and paste worksheet.
Activity 2:
4 worksheets of varying difficulty. Children need to complete 10 squares to make specific numbers. This could be made more fun by using bingo dabbers or an ear bud dipped in paint.
A bundle of 4 resources created for my ASD class to support understanding of basic time. Suitable for KS1 or any aged SEN learner. These activities could be used as part of a narrative / colourful semantics approach to develop understanding of ‘when’ or in maths to support basic time awareness.
Months: Table of the months of the year and a selection of 24 symbols. Teacher to choose which symbols are relevant and will be recognised by your particular group of learners. Students stick the symbols onto the correct month (e.g. Halloween next to October).
When I did this with my class I also included pictures of the children in the class and learners stuck pictures of their classmates in the birthdays section of the table. I have left this version of the table in, as it might be of use for some, but I’ve also included a copy of the table without the birthday column.
Day / Night Sorting: Instructions included. This could be used as a worksheet task or it could be laminated / velcroed and used as a re-useable workstation task.
Days of the Week homework: Worksheet to support learning and reinforce understanding about the days of the week.
Days of the Week School: Instructions included. Learners stick the days of the week into the correct order, they then stick symbols on to indicate what happens in school on particular days.
I made this book as a weekly starter for a weekly RE lesson with a term theme of ‘Creation’. The books were laminated (whole page) and bound. I printed the last page twice and cut out the 2nd version so pupils had cards to match with each page in the book. I used the 1st version as a base board to store the cards when not in use.
Used with children with ASD / learning disability.
A selection of Little Red Riding Hood activities I used in literacy with my ASD class.
There is quite a lot here, all at quite a simple level - my learners were all at P Level to Reception / early Y1.
The activities are also suitable for mainstream children working at the above level, or older learners with SEN.
Selection of 2D and 3D sheets which I have used as reuseable velcro tasks in my ASD classroom. Also suitable for use as cut and paste worksheets.
‘I can name shapes’ - 2 tasks, one matching shape to shadow, other is a shape labelling task. I laminated the main sheets whole, then cut out the shapes / shape names and added velcro. Learners match the name / shape to the baseboard. I have also left space on the baseboard for a strip of velcro to be added to keep the pieces together and ensure they don’t get lost when not in use.
‘real life shapes’ - picture cards of items which can be used in a range of ways, including sorting.
‘shape sorting - straight_curved’ - Another velcro task, laminate base board and pieces, pupils sort shapes by whether they have a curved edge or not. Also suitable to be used as a worksheet.
‘Shape colour and size’ - 2 x A4 pages. Page one has shapes which differ by colour, page 2 has shapes which differ by size and colour. I used these with SEN pupils in a range of ways, including as an attention and listening activity. E.g. “give me the red circle” (set 1) or “give me the big pink triangle”(set 2)
All activities also suitable to be made up for home learning, especially when repetition is helpful for learners with SEN.
2 worksheets to support understanding of pronouns (he / she / they). Created for KS1 / KS2 autism class but also appropriate for KS1 mainstream learners or intervention groups
Created for mixed age SEN class of children with autism, roughly following Y3 white rose scheme of work.
Children begin to explore grouping in 3, repeated addition, bar models, simple word problems (as my children particularly struggle with any form of worded question!) and drawing their own representations.
Base cards showing a food item and a price up to 20p. Learners need to find the matching card (showing British coins) to attach to the base card. Best laminated and with velcro attached.
14 cards to match (photo only shows 6 of them)
A hotchpotch of various resources I used with my ASD specialist provision class during a recent Under the Sea topic. My class were mixed ages and varied widely in ability (P4 to approx Y1/Y2 ability) so the resources reflect this. These resources are suitable for any age group who are working at this level, and also suitable for mainstream.
There are 10 files included:
L is for lighthouse - simple level, tracing ‘l’ and colouring items that start with ‘l’
S is for starfish - as above but ‘s’
Sea Creatures - match photo to image (simple reasoning / develop generalising)
Lighthouse Facts - 2 A4 worksheets for basic lighthouse facts. 1 page is words only, 2nd sheet is supported by symbols.
Lighthouse Factsheet - very similar to above but slightly prettier - used in a previous year with a group who were more able and could manage with more visual distraction.
Lighthouse intro - basic powerpoint
Draw and label a lighthouse - simple A4 sheet
Starfish ‘eat’ or ‘live’ sorting sheet
Starfish fact sheet - A4 sheet for learners to complete
Under the sea describing words - topic related pictures, learners needed to find a describing word for each picture (e.g. ______ boat ) 2 copies per A4 page
12 peg cards, to reinforce science learning / use as a TEACCH_workstation task.
Laminate as individual cards, pupil places a peg onto the card to indicate ‘float’ or ‘sink’. Could also work as a worksheet style activity, with pupil circling the answer.