A poster to help pupils remember to bring their kit on the correct day. This can also be used as a letter to parents. Change MONDAY to suit the day your class have P.E.
Shared reading - a report. Information about Joseph Wilson Swan and Thomas Edison. Great to read while learning about electricity. Suitable from year 4 onwards.
A three-page long PowerPoint to act as a prompt for pupils to ask, answer and write about where they have been and/or want to go at the weekend and in holidays. Suitable from year 4 onwards.
A single-page PowerPoint with images of breakfast foods and drinks to act as a prompt for pupils to ask, answer and write about what they like and don't like to eat for breakfast. Suitable from year 3 onwards.
A single-page PowerPoint featuring animals in a pet shop. Use this as a prompt for pupils to ask, answer and write about what pet they would want or not want at the pet shop. Suitable from year 3 onwards.
Single-page PowerPoint with pictures of activities that could be carried out at home. Use as a prompt for pupils to ask, answer and write about what they like and don't like doing at home. Suitable from year 4 onwards.
PowerPoint slides to prompt pupils to ask, answer and write about what well-known people can do, e.g. Mae Jamie Oliver yn gallu coginio. Suitable from year 4 onwards.
PowerPoint slide prompt sheet to display while pupils practise asking and answering 'Wyt ti'n gallu ________?' They can ask if someone can play tennis, climb, do karate, swim etc. Suitable from year 4 onwards.
PowerPoint slide with information about Katherine Jenkins to serve as a prompt to write about a female friend. Questionnaire included. Suitable from year 4 onwards.