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Edexcel A Level History British Empire Key Knowledge

Edexcel A Level History British Empire Key Knowledge

This (40+ page!) document includes key information in all areas of the third A Level History paper for Edexcel, British Empire. It is divided as follows: America, Australia, Canada, India, Egypt, Navy & Trade, Role of the Navy It could be used quite well as a starting point for making flashcards, since most of the key facts are there. The later subjects are divided more into “Essay-type” notes, since for some topics there are only 2-3 essay questions which can be asked (e.g. Egypt), but don’t let this fool you! Make sure you revise EVERY topic! For my exams, India came up for a THIRD year in a row, and you can imagine how everyone felt after saying “It won’t come up again” and didn’t revise it.
Edexcel A Level History Source Question Essay (Canada)

Edexcel A Level History Source Question Essay (Canada)

This example essay shows a possible structure you might want to use when answering a source question in the British Empire paper. It answers both aspects of the question, tackling them in Context/Content order. It does not include an introduction, though some teachers find this unusual.
Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #4: Weimar Opposition

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #4: Weimar Opposition

An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question: “How accurate is it to say that political opposition from the extreme right was the most significant threat to the stability of the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-29?”
Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #13: Living Standards

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #13: Living Standards

An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question: “Between 1924 and 1929 living standards across Germany improved in comparison to the early years of the Weimar Republic. How far do you agree with this statement?”
Edexcel A Level History British Empire Partial Timeline

Edexcel A Level History British Empire Partial Timeline

This (7+ page) timeline is for the British Empire section of the Edexcel A Level History exam. However, it is rather limited in terms of information. It should only be used as a final resource for testing yourself on dates once you know everything. It could also do with a lot more information in the columns. Perhaps you can do something better with it than I did! PS: The thumbnail is only the first page!
Edexcel A Level History Example Essay #1

Edexcel A Level History Example Essay #1

An example essay written in timed conditions for Edexcel A Level History Paper 3 (British Empire). It answers the following question: “How far do you agree that the lack of effective military leadership by the British in 1776 to 1783 was the primary cause of the loss of the American colonies?”
Edexcel A Level History Empire Essay

Edexcel A Level History Empire Essay

An example essay plan written in timed conditions for Edexcel A Level History Paper 3 (British Empire). It answers the following question: “How far do you agree that the lack of effective military leadership by the British in 1776 to 1783 was the primary cause of the loss of the American colonies?”