We use this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our dear readers, to the world of amazing ready reference web resources for your exam preparations. At present, JVM Education offer hundreds of study materials and reference aids for different subjects like, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Business Management. What else, we are expanding the world so that we can cater class 1 child to Class XII students worldwide...
We use this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our dear readers, to the world of amazing ready reference web resources for your exam preparations. At present, JVM Education offer hundreds of study materials and reference aids for different subjects like, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Business Management. What else, we are expanding the world so that we can cater class 1 child to Class XII students worldwide...
This is the complete module on the topic of Life of FW Taylor as the father of Scientific Management. It is an exclusive resource where the topics are arranged in a very informative and interesting manner. All the topics are supported by examples and animations. The animated presentation will help you to understand the concept in a very simple and easy way. Each concept is explained with the help of illustrations, images, and outstanding animations. All the concepts are self-explanatory and narrative. This resource will be an added help for your studies nd exam preparations. The presentation is equally important to the students who are studying accountancy and the teachers who instruct the subject.
This the presentation on the life of FW Taylor as the father of scientific management. The same has been presented in the form of a timeline. This required to be opened in powerpoint 2007 with Service Pack 3 or higher versions as it has some high-end video animations.
Did you think of the difference between capital and Revenue? Most of the times this will be a confusing thing to people. Here is the answer.This free Presentation explains the major difference between capital and revenue.
Have you ever Thought of the flow of Accounting information? Who are the parties involved in accounting process? Who are interested in a business process and Why? To whom the business will supply its financial information and why? All these genuine and relevant questions are addressed well here in this animated powerpoint presentation.
This is a high end animated objective type presentation on Financial Markets, where it explain the functioning of financial Markets and helps the user to understand his knowledge level on the same. This is not a simple powerpoint presentation and it's a separate template created for the purpose of objective type answers. This will help you to click on the right answers with reset button and scoring option.
Open the presentation in view mode (F5) only
*All are button based and click on the next button and other reset instructions button as same in the case of a flash or html file.
Financial Statements are the end result of the accounting process. These are the basic and formal annual reports with the help of which the company’s management communicates its financial information to its users like its owners, shareholders, bankers etc.
Balance Sheet as per revised format
Balancing and adjustments
This is a high end animated objective type presentation on Rural Development, where it explain the rural development Process and helps the user to understand their knowledge level on the same. This is not a simple powerpoint presentation and it's a separate template created for the purpose of objective type answers. This will help you to click on the right answers with reset button and scoring option.
Open the presentation in view mode (F5) only
*All are button based and click on the next button and other reset instructions button as same in the case of a flash or html file.
What do you understand about doing business online? Is it as simple as it seems? What are the basics of e-business you want to understand? What is E-Banking? What are the Benefits? Go through this module to understand these.... It's a highly animated module with attractive graphics and animations.
Play the presentation in view mode and follow the button instructions....
Risk is naturally the part of business organizations but the level of the same may vary depends on the persons and organizations who are ready to assume the same.
At the end of this session you will be able to:
Understand the uncertainty & risk in Supply Chain Management
Discuss the key issues in supply chain management
Evaluate the ways and means to overcome the supply chain risk
How to manage risk in supply chain
This is a very well animated and self-explanatory presentation on the topic of Accounting Principles
Accounting Principles;Meaning and definition
Business Entity Concepts
Money Measurement Concept
Going Concern Concept
Accounting Period Concept
Dual Aspect Concept
Realisation Concept
Accrual Concept
Matching Concept
Generations of Vouchers
Meaning and treatment of Vouchers
Marvellous explanation of the concept of depreciation. The concept of depreciation is well explained with the help of animations and examples. Module is self-explanatory and much useful for those who buy this product.
Meaning and definition
Methods of Charging depreciation
Accounting Treatment
Straight line method
Diminishing Balancing Method
This Well prepared presentation explains the different tools for Financial Analysis. There are different tools are used in accounting for financial analysis. Comparative statements are one of the major tool used for the same. This presentation enables the user to understand how to prepare a comparative statement, how to do the comparison between Income statements and Balance sheets and other accounting statements. It is well organised with the help of real examples and high-end animations to understand the concept better.
A must have powerpoint presentation on Private Public and Global Enterprises. This explains the different types of Business entities and the important features. This presentation will be useful for teachers, students as well as the learners who want to learn. The major topic covered here are:
Private sector and public sector
Forms of organising public sector enterprises
Changing role of public sector
Global enterprises
Joint ventures
This Power point Presentation will help you to understand the basics of stock exchange, the functions of stock exchange, how trading is happening etc. If you want to explore more in to share trading and want to become a good trader, then enjoy this presentation.
By the end of this session you will be able to:
Explain the role and functions of logistics
List the different phases (types) of logistics
Order Processing
Inventory Management
Value added Services
This is an outstanding presentation on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The animated presentation will help you to understand the concept in a very simple and easy way. Each concept is explained with the help of illustrations, images, and outstanding animations. All the concepts are self-explanatory and narrative. This resource will be an added help for your studies nd exam preparations. The presentation is equally important to the students who are studying accountancy and the teachers who instruct the subject.
Accounting standards across the globe
Meaning of IFRS
The Goal?
This animated powerpoint presentation will help you to understand the accounting terms and procedure for non profit organizations. How NGOs and such organizations are maintaining there accounts? What are the procedures? The rules pertaining to it etc. are addressed here.
Meaning and Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organisation
Accounting Records of Not-for-Profit Organisations
Receipt and Payment Account
Income and Expenditure Account
Balance Sheet
Some Peculiar Items
Income and Expenditure Account based on Trial Balance
Incidental Trading Activity
Are you a beginer in accounting? Are you a teacher who want to teach the basics of accountancy including debit and credit and its accounting treatment? Are you a student of accounting? Then you must have this presentation. This animated powerpoint will help you to understand the basics of accounting concepts and its importance.
Topics Covered*
Theory base of accounting
Need for theory base of accounting
Generally accepted accounting principles
Basic accounting concepts
Systems of accounting
Basis of accounting
Accounting standards
Analysis of Financial Statements is an animated presentation of explaining the meaning and importance of financial statements, methods of financial statement analysis and much more. The important topic covered are:
***Meaning of Analysis of Financial Statements
Significance of Analysis of Financial Statements
Objectives of Analysis of Financial Statements
Tools of Analysis of Financial Statements
Comparative Statements
Common Size Statement
Trend Analysis
Limitations of Financial Analysis
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
State the meaning of trial balance
Enumerate the objectives of preparing trial balance
Prepare trial balance
Explain the types of errors
State various process of locating errors
Iidentify the errors which affect the agreement of trial balance and those which do not affect the agreement of trial balance
Rectify the errors without preparing suspense account
Rectify the errors with suspence account
A nicely animated powerpoint presentation. This must have teaching resource will help you to understand the concept of cash flows and its accounting treatment in a better and different way.
Number of Slides: 35
Objectives of Cash Flow Statement
Benefits of Cash Flow Statement
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash Flows
Classification of Activities for the Preparation of Cash Flow Statement
Ascertaining Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Ascertainment of Cash Flow from Investing and Financing Activities
Preparation of Cash Flow Statement