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Demand and the Demand Curve

Demand and the Demand Curve

A PowerPoint presentation on demand includes: Catchphrase starter activity Demand activity (graph paper required) Detailed explanations of demand, reasons for shape of demand curve, movements, shifts, ceteris paribus This lesson took me 60 minutes to go through
Market Research

Market Research

Colourful and interactive lesson on market research (primary and secondary). The lesson is split into 3 parts. 2 lessons were spent on primary research, the third spent on secondary research. Each part of the lesson contains a different starter activity (3 starter activities in total, with answers), including fill the blanks< Catchphrase and editable key term challenge. PowerPoint contains videos, animations and a Mentimeter activity (you will have to have your own account to access this activity) All activities are optional and most are editable. 77 slides in total and took me two hours to go through with my students.
Cash Flow Forecast Full Worksheet

Cash Flow Forecast Full Worksheet

This worksheet tests students understanding of the importance of cash, cash flow forecasts and how to solve cash flow problems. There are five activities included in this resource: Activity 1 - A fill the blanks activity testing students’ understanding of key cash flow terminology Activity 2 - A cash flow forecast with missing values that students will need to calculate Activity 3 - A true or false activity that tests students’ ability to interpret the information from the cash flow forecast they completed for activity 2 Activity 4 - An anagram activity where students have to solve five anagrams of ways businesses can solve cash flow problems. Once solved, they need to briefly explain how each method helps with poor cash flow Activity 5 - A picture round where students look at 9 good and services, and have to decide which four of the nine are likely to experience short-term cash-flow problems. A brief answer is required underneath explaining their reasons for each answer All answers have been provided in depth This can be completed in class / for homework / as a peer marked activity to save you marking! This worksheet took students around 25 minutes to complete
Types of Costs WORKSHEET (Fixed, Variable, Total, Average, Marginal, Direct, Indirect)

Types of Costs WORKSHEET (Fixed, Variable, Total, Average, Marginal, Direct, Indirect)

This worksheet contains revision notes and activities on how to calculate fixed costs, variable costs, total costs, average costs, marginal costs, direct costs and indirect costs) All answers are included The worksheet is colourful and creative throughout This worksheet contains 7 pages of activities and took my students between 30 - 45 minutes to complete Can be given as classwork / homework / revision
Indirect Taxation WORKSHEET

Indirect Taxation WORKSHEET

A worksheet that tests understanding of directly and indirect taxation. There are 4 activities in this worksheet: A fill the blanks activity that tests students understanding of types of direct and indirect taxation and the correct terminology used depending on the tax being discussed An activity where students need to calculate tax per unit, incidence on producers, consumers and government revenue An activity where students need to explain why the incidence on the producer / consumer changes depending on the price elasticity of demand An extension of activity 2 where students are given 4 additional diagrams where they need to complete additional calculations and label the incidence / tax revenue 3 multiple-choice questions on indirect taxation Detailed answers of all* activities are provided in this worksheet This activity took between 20 and 30 minutes for my students to complete
Market Share

Market Share

This presentation includes: A colourful title slide with learning objectives and clickable timer to give students a minute and a half to get down the title Detailed notes providing explanations of markets, market growth, calculation of market share, how market share increases as well as the benefits of high market share 3 mini activities; 1 - Calculating market share, 2 - Which markets are growing and shrinking in size 3 - Which business is the market leader in 4 different industries This lesson took me 30 minutes to go through with my students
Business Location

Business Location

A 20 slide PowerPoint presentation outlining the qualitative and quantitative factors businesses consider when choosing a business location. The PowerPoint is colouful, informative and includes a ‘Tenable’ game show PowerPoint where students have to identify 10 common reasons why businesses fail
Consumption (Aggregate Demand)

Consumption (Aggregate Demand)

This resource explores the consumption component of aggregate demand. Included in this resource: Colourful and engaging title slide with learning objectives, autodate, bell, timer and animations A fun catchphrase starter activity (guess the business or product just from the pictures) Fill the blanks starter activity that recaps what aggregate demand is Detailed notes on what consumption is and the factors that affect it Video contextualising factors affecting consumption Examples of AD components in other countries 5 marker practice activity, with structure and model answers Answers included for every activity. This resource took me 1 hour to go through with my students
Poverty, Lorenz Curve, Gini Coefficient

Poverty, Lorenz Curve, Gini Coefficient

This presentation contains: Colourful, detailed and engaging slides throughout A ‘random name selector’ key term starter activity 7 timed past MCQs on a range of Economic concepts (interactive timer included) All answers included. Activities throughout Detailed notes throughout Explanations of Lorenz Curve and Gini-coeffient A comprehensive presentation. There are 65 slides in total and this lesson took me an hour and a half to go through with students
Cross Elasticity of Demand

Cross Elasticity of Demand

This PowerPoint includes: An activity that introduces students to the concept of complements, substitutes and unrelated goods A activity where students have to match pairs of complement and substitutes goods An activity where students have to calculate the XED of a pair of goods Detailed notes on how to calculate XED and what the data means This presentation contains 21 slides and took me 45minutes to complete
Cross Elasticity of Demand

Cross Elasticity of Demand

This PowerPoint includes: An activity that introduces students to the concept of complements, substitutes and unrelated goods A activity where students have to match pairs of complement and substitutes goods An activity where students have to calculate the XED of a pair of goods Detailed notes on how to calculate XED and what the data means This presentation contains 21 slides and took me 45minutes to complete
Types of Taxation (Direct and Indirect)

Types of Taxation (Direct and Indirect)

A colourful and detailed presentation that explores types of taxation. Included in this presentation: A fun Catchphrase starter activity where students have to look at images to guess the name of a product or service (my students love this!) An initial true or false quiz about types of taxes (England specific) 4 slides illustrating how much tax revenue the UK generates in comparison to other countries and how that tax revenue is spent. A sample payslip is also shown to illustrate some of the deducations are taken from income tax Colourful and detailed examples of the main forms of tax students need to know about (income, corporation, VAT, National insurance, business rates) A ‘how much income tax does Boris pay!’ activity that students love. It illustrates that income tax brackets are different at different thresholds of income Disadvantages of taxation Useful tips and notes as to how to evaluate a question that refers to taxation This lesson took me an hour to complete


Full lesson on capacity / capacity utilisation. The resource includes: A colourful title slide with animations, timer, detailed lesson objectives Depreciation recap starter activity with answers Contextualised examples of capacity Capacity utilisation calculation activity with answers Detailed notes on excess, full and over-capacity Explanation of rationalisation
Purchasing Power Parity (Economics)

Purchasing Power Parity (Economics)

Colourful, engaging and informative lesson on PPP. Resource includes: Colourful title slide with timer, learning objectives, animations and auto date Editable recap starter activity on GDP / Economics growth Step by step guidance as to what PPP through a range of activities relating to currency and exchange rates A number of games and activities included, with answers Sample PPP questions There is a simple worksheet included
Business Objectives (Economics)

Business Objectives (Economics)

Activity on Business Objectives (Economics). I sometimes use this resource during the teaching of this topic or as a revision and retrieval activity much later in the specification to see how much students remember. Students need to fill in the boxes on page 1 using the boxes on page 2. All answers included. We often have a discussion as to why each answer is correct.
Comparative and Absolute Advantage

Comparative and Absolute Advantage

This is a complete lesson on comparative and absolute advantage. The presentation explains both step by step and includes a range of games, activities and questions throughout. There are also a couple of past paper questions with answers at the back. A key term editable starter activity is included at the start. Engaging and colourful throughout. This presentation contains 45 slides and took me an hour and a half to go through with my students
Index Numbers

Index Numbers

Complete lesson with additional worksheet on index numbers. Included in this resource: Activity on why quantitative skills are important in economics Explanation of what index numbers are and why they are used Step by step instructions are to how index numbers are calculated 8 activities on index numbers (all answers included) This lesson took me an hour and a half to go through with my students