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Jools86's Shop

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(based on 22 reviews)

I am an experienced EYFS and KS1 teacher and all of the resources I have included in my shop have been successfully used by myself. Most of my resources have a literacy focus due to that being my area of specialism. I love teaching and I enjoy producing good quality planning and resources to support teaching to be enjoyable and effective. If you are looking for something in particular and you can't find it in my shop please feel free to contact me. My latest love is whole class reading.




I am an experienced EYFS and KS1 teacher and all of the resources I have included in my shop have been successfully used by myself. Most of my resources have a literacy focus due to that being my area of specialism. I love teaching and I enjoy producing good quality planning and resources to support teaching to be enjoyable and effective. If you are looking for something in particular and you can't find it in my shop please feel free to contact me. My latest love is whole class reading.
EYFS Profile Point Tracking

EYFS Profile Point Tracking

A summary of EYFS profile points which can be used to track the progress of individual child. One summary sheet for nursery (from 22-36 months +) and one for Reception (30-50 months +)
Whole Class Reading Year 2 Meerkat Mail

Whole Class Reading Year 2 Meerkat Mail

Planning for whole class reading based on the book Meerkat Mail. Planning and resources for one week using the VIPERS model. A copy of the book will be needed and a visualiser would also be useful to display the text to the children.
Whole Class Reading Year 2 The Tear Thief

Whole Class Reading Year 2 The Tear Thief

A two week whole class reading plan and resources for year 2 based on the book The Tear Thief. Plan is split into four days per week but could equally be used during one longer session. Teaching uses the vipers model for WCR. Some pictures from the book are included but copies of the book are needed.
KS1 SPAG Activity - Babble Gabble

KS1 SPAG Activity - Babble Gabble

Babble Gabble is a speaking and listening based game. Child takes a card and has 30 seconds to describe the item to the rest of the class without using the words on the card. Children listening to the description have to work out the item from the description. Resource contains 10 sheets with 4 items per sheet of a range of items (animals, food, household etc)
The Slightly Annoying Elephant - Year 2 Literacy

The Slightly Annoying Elephant - Year 2 Literacy

When a big, blue, bossy elephant turns up uninvited at Sam's house his world is turned upside down! David Walliam's hilarious story about a slightly annoying elephant will interest and engage children of all ages. This resource is a three week literacy plan for Year 2 using Curriculum 2014 objectives. A copy of ‘The Slightly Annoying Elephant’ is needed to teach alongside these planning materials: literacy plan, power point, publisher resources, word resources. Over the three weeks the following areas are covered: week 1 – prediction of story, characters descriptions, setting description. Week 2 – speech, letter, diary writing. Week 3 – report, planning and writing own version of the story. An Independent writing opportunity is planned for each week. NOTE: Due to copyright restrictions I have not included pictures from the text in the resources. However I have noted in the planning when this would be necessary.
The Snorgh and the Sailor - curriculum 2014

The Snorgh and the Sailor - curriculum 2014

A fantastic book I used with my year 2 class over a half term using new objectives from curriculum 2014. Planning has been amended as I have taken out other stand alone lessons (news writing etc) that I do weekly. Amended planning will hopefully still be of some use. Please leave your comments.
EYFS data tracking

EYFS data tracking

A data tracking system for EYFS which details and tracks children’s level of development typical of their age. A child is placed into the term of their birth (Autumn, Spring, Summer) and progress is recorded in accordance with this. This ensures progress is detailed and precise. This system is recognised by ofsted as shows clear detailed progress. On the individual tracking sheet I have created three examples for illustration and to help with understanding how it works. The second sheet records the whole class as a percentage. Hope these are useful in tracking your children's progress.
Whole Class Reading Avocado Baby Planning and Resources Year 2

Whole Class Reading Avocado Baby Planning and Resources Year 2

Planning and resources to use for teaching whole class reading based on the book Avocado Baby by John Burningham. I have used this book with whole classs reading with my year 2 and the children loved reading one book together and working in mixed pairs to read and explore the story. In addition to these files you will need CEW words as highlighted on the plan and a copy of the book. Planning is for four sessions with each session lasting between 20-30 minutes. Resources are differentiated: Group 1 WTS, Group 2 EXS/GDS. If you are teaching guided reading in the carousel format I would encourage you to give whole class reading a go. Feel free to ask any questions.
Bingo game - Getting to Know you

Bingo game - Getting to Know you

A fun game based on Bingo which can be used as a getting to know your new class activity. Each player has a card with statements. Four different colour cards with same statements in different orders. Use the powerpoint to display statements and players cross off if they are true of them. Statements also have a number to make it easier for children to locate them on their card. A fun game to get to know your new class :)
Whole Class Reading Year 2 George's Marvellous Medicine

Whole Class Reading Year 2 George's Marvellous Medicine

A whole class reading planning and resource based on the popular book George’s Marvellous Medicine. I planned this to teach alongside English using the same text but it could be used as a stand alone reading unit. Planning uses the VIPERS model of WCR. Copies of the text will be needed plus a visualiser would also be useful to share the text with children.