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RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!




RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!
AQA GCSE RE RS - Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment WHOLE UNIT (7 Lessons)

AQA GCSE RE RS - Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment WHOLE UNIT (7 Lessons)

9 Resources
I focus the majority of this unit on Christianity as there is enough diversity to fulfill the exam requirements. However, it does still include Islam when appropriate. This lesson contains lots of information slides, ideal for home learning/revision. Easily adaptable into active learning strategies for your teaching style. There are videos embedded using the web player app. You need to click to activate the plug in on the embed. Sometimes they don’t work but normally reloading the PPT solves the problem! Key words booklet included. Lesson 1: What is Crime? Lesson 2: Reasons for Crime Lesson 3: Attitudes to Criminals Lesson 4: Aims of Punishment Lesson 5: Attitudes to the Treatment of Criminals Lesson 6: Attitudes to Forgiveness Lesson 7: Attitudes to the Death Penalty
AQA GCSE RS Theme A: Relationships and Families Keywords Revision Card Game (New Spec)

AQA GCSE RS Theme A: Relationships and Families Keywords Revision Card Game (New Spec)

This is a game I've created for my year 11's. They've been struggling with keywords so this is a fun activity that can be played multiple times with them. There are differing levels of rules so can allow for differentiation as well. The cards have been created so that you can print them double sided and the tiles will match up (or print and photocopy 1sided - 2 sided and it should work) I recommend laminating and printing each set of different colour paper. There are about 27 words in total. The rules in short are, Spread the cards out across your table with the keyword facing up Each player takes it in turn to select a card and guess the definition of the word. If the player guesses correctly with the reverse of the card they keep the card and add it to their pile. If they are incorrect the leave the card to the table and put back 3 cards from their hand. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. Also available as bundles with Islam, Christianity and Themes Please review! Thanks
AQA GCSE RS - 4 Marriage- Theme A Relationships and Families

AQA GCSE RS - 4 Marriage- Theme A Relationships and Families

This lesson focuses mainly on Christianity and looks at marriage and it’s value for Christians. It thinks about the nature and purpose of marriage for Christians. You can’t teach this without touching on the difficulty of homosexual marriage for Christians, this idea is explored in previous lessons but comes up again here. There are a couple videos, one is a nice one of the recent royal wedding, I found my students went all gushy and it was a nice moment as a class. The activity associated is about spotting the symbolism and understanding what it says about the beliefs.
AQA GCSE RS - 3 Contraception - Theme A Relationships and Families

AQA GCSE RS - 3 Contraception - Theme A Relationships and Families

All about contraception, looking at the different kinds and why some are seen as acceptable and others not. Again the focus is on Christianity because of the diversity of views. Lots of opportunities to make links to prior learning and the idea of God’s intention in creation as a basis for moral decision making.
AQA 9-1 RS GCSE Key Words Booklet Christianity, Islam, ALL Themes.

AQA 9-1 RS GCSE Key Words Booklet Christianity, Islam, ALL Themes.

10 Resources
Here is a keywords booklet for Christianity and Islam and all Themes. These are the actual words and definitions from AQA, organised into a format ready for a booklet. Please note, as this is compiled from separate documents you will need to print each individually then photocopy them into a booklet. This is also available as a bundle
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - Lessons 8-10

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - Lessons 8-10

3 Resources
Lessons 8-10 of the Christian practices unit: L8: Reconciliation L9: Persecution L10: Response to world wide poverty I follow the AQA text book, please see individual lessons for more detail. I tend to put a lot of information on my slides which makes them useful to students when they come to revise from them.
Keywords revision  game GCSE Christianity, Islam, Theme A

Keywords revision game GCSE Christianity, Islam, Theme A

2 Resources
This is a game I've created for my year 11's. They've been struggling with keywords so this is a fun activity that can be played multiple times with them. There are differing levels of rules so can allow for differentiation as well. The cards have been created so that you can print them double sided and the tiles will match up (or print and photocopy 1sided - 2 sided and it should work) I recommend laminating and printing each set of different colour paper. There are about 27 words in total. The rules in short are, Spread the cards out across your table with the keyword facing up Each player takes it in turn to select a card and guess the definition of the word. If the player guesses correctly with the reverse of the card they keep the card and add it to their pile. If they are incorrect the leave the card to the table and put back 3 cards from their hand. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. Three sets: Islam, Christianity, Theme A Please review! Thanks
AQA GCSE RS  Revision Card Game Key Words Christianity, Islam and all Themes

AQA GCSE RS Revision Card Game Key Words Christianity, Islam and all Themes

7 Resources
This bundle includes my keyword revision game for themes B,C,D,E,F AND Christianity and Islam A: Marriage and the Family B: Religion and Life C: The existence of God and revelation D: Peace and conflict E: Religion, Crime and Punishment F: Religion, Human rights and social justice. This is a game I’ve created for my year 11’s. They’ve been struggling with keywords so this is a fun activity that can be played multiple times with them. There are differing levels of rules so can allow for differentiation as well. The cards have been created so that you can print them double sided and the tiles will match up (or print and photocopy 1 sided - 2 sided and it should work) The rules in short are, Spread the cards out across your table with the keyword facing up Each player takes it in turn to select a card and guess the definition of the word. If the player guesses correctly with the reverse of the card they keep the card and add it to their pile. If they are incorrect the leave the card to the table and put back 3 cards from their hand. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. Also available Christianity Islam A: Marriage and the Family B: Religion and Life C: The existence of God and revelation D: Peace and conflict E: Religion, Crime and Punishment F: Religion, Human rights and social justice. Thanks
AQA GCSE RS Theme C: Existence of God and Revelation Keyword Revision Card Game FREE SAMPLE

AQA GCSE RS Theme C: Existence of God and Revelation Keyword Revision Card Game FREE SAMPLE

This is a game I've created for my year 11's. They've been struggling with keywords so this is a fun activity that can be played multiple times with them. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE SET. There are differing levels of rules so can allow for differentiation as well. The cards have been created so that you can print them double sided and the tiles will match up (or print and photocopy 1sided - 2 sided and it should work) I recommend laminating and printing each set of different colour paper. There are about 60 words in total. The rules in short are, Spread the cards out across your table with the keyword facing up Each player takes it in turn to select a card and guess the definition of the word. If the player guesses correctly with the reverse of the card they keep the card and add it to their pile. If they are incorrect the leave the card to the table and put back 3 cards from their hand. Winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game. Also available as bundle Also available Christianity Islam Themes A - F Thanks