jowebb66Creation(0)KS3 lesson looking at the creation story in Christianity as part of the existence of God unit looking at arguments for and against. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Miracles(0)KS3 lesson looking at miracles in Christianity as part of the existence of God unit looking at arguments for and against. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Careers introduction(0)KS3 lesson looking at hard and soft skills, how subjects are connected to career choices and requires students to create a visual life journey of their future plans.
jowebb66Existence of God(0)KS3 lesson looking at the beliefs about the existence of God through art work. Creative lesson which all students have enjoyed.
jowebb66Holocaust - introduction(0)KS3 lesson looking at the Jewish holocaust. This lesson includes personal stories, video clips and links to today’s anti semitism.
jowebb66Preparing for interviews(0)KS3 lesson looking at how to prepare for interviews - making a good first impression. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Children of the holocaust(0)KS3 lesson looking at the experiences of children during the Jewish holocaust.
jowebb66Nuremberg laws(0)KS3 lesson looking at the Nuremberg Laws during the Nazi leadership. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Hitler Youth(0)KS3 lesson looking at how the Hitler youth were trained to become the future of Germany. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Refugees(0)KS3 lesson looking at refugees using the poem by Bilston. Includes facts about refugees and famous refugees. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Social media(0)KS3 lesson looking at the positives and negatives of social media. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Sugar and fats(0)KS3 lesson looking at the importance of cutting out sugar and fats as part of a healthy balanced diet. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Selfies(0)KS3 lesson looking at the importance of the negatives of taking selfies. Complete lesson.