I'm James from Fancy Pantos, and I write pantomime scripts that aren't pants!
These have been performed in over 20 schools, my shows are usually aimed at teenagers with plenty of cheeky humour and fun (Oh, yes they are!) Please take a look at my samples to see if I could be the writer you are looking for!
I'm James from Fancy Pantos, and I write pantomime scripts that aren't pants!
These have been performed in over 20 schools, my shows are usually aimed at teenagers with plenty of cheeky humour and fun (Oh, yes they are!) Please take a look at my samples to see if I could be the writer you are looking for!
A series of tutorials aimed at beginners to Ableton, without a lot of complicated music terminology. These videos show you how to create, step by step, music in the genres of House, Reggae, Ambient, Film or Video Game music.
An original comedy pantomime of “Jack and the Beanstalk”, with humour designed for secondary school age students (but nothing too cheeky!) It includes speaking parts for at least 13 actors, with suggested but optional songs. Feel free to adapt any way you like!
Oh, no cheers for me then? I scrub my fingers to the bone, 34 hours a day, 8 days week and yet who gets top billing on all the posters, my useless layabout son, Jack!
Did somebody call? Hello boys and girls! Cmon, you can do better than that, we’ve got 3 hours of this to get through and if you carry on like that it’s going to be a long night. I’ll go off stage and when I return, I want you to shout “Hi Jack!”
(leaves – everyone shouts Hi Jack!)
That was brilliant, boys and girls! Just don’t shout that when you’re on a plane, will you?
When you have quite finished!!! What are you doing here anyway?, You interrupted my opening speech, I was just telling the boys and girls what a useless disappointment of a son you are.
Mum, I keep telling you, Jack is short for Jaqueline! I’m not your son, I’m your daughter! I’m a girl!
WIDOW TWANKY (to audience)
Sadly, I must admit it’s true. My only child, and it’s a girl. All I wanted was a strong son, a 6 foot tall, hard working son who could look after me in my old age, and look what I got. Typical, everything I get always has something missing. She was a disappointment in every way. Even as a baby, she was hideous. I mean, think hard, have you ever seen an ugly baby, really? They are always so cute and beautiful. Not her. She was so ugly I had to buy shutters for the pram. I had to have “This Way Up” on her bib to save confusion. My poor mother told me to just put a paper bag over her head. In the end I put 3 on it , just in case the other 2 fell off. She was so ugly when she played in her sandpit, the cat kept on trying to bury her!
A comedy pantomime which is mainly “Snow White" but with a slight hint of “Labyrinth”, designed for secondary school age students. It includes speaking parts for 20, with suggested but optional songs. Feel free to adapt any way you like!
Oh don’t send me away, now I’m here, I’m happy to help, your goblins told me there was a reward of 1000 pieces of gold.
Yes that’s right… if you kill Snow White.
BUTTONS (horrified)
What? The Princess? No! I love all the royal family! In fact it is my ambition to be royal myself. Ever since I was a small child watching the Royal Wedding on the telly, oh, I was so disappointed when Prince Harry married Meghan Markle…
Because I dreamed that one day I would marry Prince Harry!
But I got over him and now I’m madly in love with Snow White, I could never harm that sweet girl, in fact, one day, it is my dream to marry her. (coax a “aaaah” from audience)
Don’t Aaaah him! Have you seen yourself? How could a Princess ever love a disgusting idiot like you?
BUTTONS (upset)
Now you look here… no one calls me a disgusting idiot and gets away with it.
QUEEN (yells)
She got away with it!!! Listen to me, I’m telling you straight, that I will not kill Snow White.
Tread carefully! Do you know what happens to those who disobey me? I cut off their head and stick it on a spike for a year.
Will you put it back on when the year is over?
No! You will take Snow White deep into the black Forest!
Snow White would never let me lead her into such a dark place!
Then take this blindfold.
But how will I see where I’m going?
Its for Snow White, fool!
This is a handy animated 3D backdrop for use in school productions, ideal for pantomimes featuring scary woods. Includes sound effects. 30 Seconds in Length.
This pantomime has been designed for 10 speaking parts with ensemble parts for dancers. It has also been designed for 2 acts of roughly 35 minutes each, however it could be performed in just above an hour without an interval.
Contact me for free resources such as backing tracks, sound effects and other projections that may help your production!
Don’t lie to us, peasant! We have heard stories that you are an all powerful sorceress who can spin straw into gold!
What idiot told you that?
WIDOW TWANKEY (clearing throat, coughing)
Look, I might have told one or two fibs about you to this guy I met…?
What fibs? What guy?
Let me tell you a tale… I remember it like it was yesterday… because it was yesterday…
Romantic tango music. GAVIN THE SOLIDER sits down at a table with a candle and wine bottles. Everyone else in the Queens court stays in freezeframe. GAVIN is really PRINCE CHARMING in disguise, with a bad moustache.
I met this guy on tinder… I’m not normally one for computer dating, last time I tried it I caught a virus! But then I swiped right on Gavin… Oh dreamy, Gavin. Big strong, musclebound Gavin, a soldier in the queens army. How could I resist? He swept me off my feet… which was hard because I’m a size 23. He wined and dined me, but then he started asking all kinds of questions, and I don’t know why, but I just kept on lying and lying to impress him!
WIDOW TWANKEY sits down at the table as we go into a flashback.
You are so beautiful, my love…
I bet you say that to all of the girls!
Well it’s no good me saying it to all of the boys! So tell me, my love, what do you do for a living?
I’m a… best selling author… super rich! Rolling in cash!
Oh really? What books have you written?
Er… lots… I’ve written… Macbeth… Oliver Twist… Harry Potter…
What about J.K Rowling?
Yes I wrote that one too! I really am fabulously rich and famous, and my daughter is super intelligent too. And talented! So talented! She can hold her breath for 3 days! She goes scuba diving in volcanoes. And she can spin straw into gold…
MUM! Why did you tell him that?
What was I supposed to tell him? You failed all your GCSEs, you can’t spell cat and we’re so poor when we go to KFC we lick other peoples fingers? I was trying to bag me a good husband!
May I suggest trial by ordeal, your majesty? We must conduct a witch test to discover the truth.
The accused should be taken to a prison cell, and made to spin straw into gold! If she does this, then she is a witch! And she shall be burned at the stake!
No! You can’t burn me at the steak… I’m a vegan!