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I have been a maths teacher in the UK since 2007 and I am still teaching and learning every day.

I have been a maths teacher in the UK since 2007 and I am still teaching and learning every day.
Inspirational women in mathematics

Inspirational women in mathematics

This document contains information about inspirational female mathematicians through time. It was created to demonstrate to my pupils that maths isn’t just for boys. Its a publisher document with pictures and a brief introduction to each person. Could be used for display.
BTEC Level 3 Forensics and criminal investigation

BTEC Level 3 Forensics and criminal investigation

This power-point has all of the UNIT 4 Forensics module assignment briefs. There are 3 assignments and this document has details of all 3 and was used as a hand out to give to the pupils in order to help them achieve a distinction grade.
Negative number starter activity worksheet

Negative number starter activity worksheet

Negative number starter activity worksheet designed for use with year 7/8 mid to low ability classes. The pupils are challenged to start at 12 o clock and go around the circle clockwise answering the questions and filling in the gaps. The questions get progressively more challenging as they go around.
BINGO GAME - Area and perimeter

BINGO GAME - Area and perimeter

Used as an effective starter or plenary for a KS3 maths lesson. Includes a grid for the pupils to select 9 numbers then area and perimeter questions. Shapes include: Rectangles Triangles Square Compound shapes
Maths revision worksheet, includes solving equations and circle calculations

Maths revision worksheet, includes solving equations and circle calculations

Maths revision worksheet/power point, includes solving equations and circle calculations. Used as part of a lesson to help pupils revise these 2 topics solving equations (including unknowns on both sides) area and circumference of circles (calculator needed) Can be printed as a worksheet straight from the presentation or just projected onto the board. Answers are included
Females in Maths and science Displays

Females in Maths and science Displays

A document with pictures and information about inspirational females in STEM. Designed to be used as part of a display about the importance of diversity in STEM subjects. Can be printed in colour or black and white. Also includes quotes which can be used as part of the display. Thank you for looking
Percentages in real life lesson

Percentages in real life lesson

A lesson focused on a calculating percentage problems, all based around the price of cars. Lesson objective : To apply percentage problems to the real world. This lesson was designed for use with either year 7/8 pupils as a consolidation task when they have completed a few lessons on working with percentages. Lesson includes: Starter - finding simple percentages Full explanation of percentage task Pupil worksheet Fully animated answers given Extension question
Calculator worded problems

Calculator worded problems

A power-point presentation with 8 calculator worded questions, includes fully animated answers also. Could be used as an assessment of learning using mini white-boards or done in exercise books. The questions include: Multiplying adding subtracting percentages Using brackets
Converting metric units worksheet

Converting metric units worksheet

Worksheet for converting between metric units. Pupils must place the unit for length, mass and capacity in the correct box in the conversion diagram. Could be used as a cut and stick activity or not. Designed for use with year 7 pupils in the calculating space units of measurement topic, however, could be used for year 8 or 9 dependent on ability. Answers are included. If downloaded please leave a review (hopefully positive) Thank you
30 Maths Starters

30 Maths Starters

A powerpoint file containing 30 fully animated starters with answers. Could be used as Do Nows/starters or plenaries. Aimed at KS3 but could also be used with high ability KS2 pupils. Topics Include: Number puzzles Angles Fibonacci sequence and more.
Mathematical movement - Axis and graphs

Mathematical movement - Axis and graphs

This lesson includes; starter with behaviour expectation routines, worksheets at the start of the presentation, slides with questions and answers and plenary The lesson covers coordinates and plotting on axis. Discussion of gradient. Plotting horizontal and vertical line graphs. Designed for use with year 7 (100 minute lesson), however, could be adapted for any KS3 group dependent on ability. If downloaded please leave a review (hopefully a positive one). Thank you
Simplifying ratio lesson

Simplifying ratio lesson

This is a full first lesson on simplifying ratio with year 7 or year 8. The lesson includes worksheets, answers starter, exit ticket plenary, bingo activity and mini white board show me activity. The lesson should last 100 minute double lesson.
Calculating space - Area and Perimeter

Calculating space - Area and Perimeter

This lesson includes; starter, worksheet, slides with questions and answers optional maths practical activity and plenary The lesson covers explanations and definitions of area and perimeter to provide pupils with the basic skills needed for this topic. The formulas for area of rectangles, triangles , parallelogram and trapezium with a worksheet (answers included) to consolidate learning. Also an optional maths field trip where the pupils can measure the size of the school field them calculate perimeter and area (to be used if appropriate). Designed for use with year 7 (100 minute lesson), however, could be adapted for any KS3 group dependent on ability. If downloaded please leave a review (hopefully a positive one). Thank you