
English Language Paper 2: Boybands Forever
A three-lesson resource exploring questions 1, 2 and 5 of English Language Paper 2. This uses episode 3 of the documentary ‘Boybands Forever’ on BBC iplayer. Students are requites to read an article, respond to exam-style questions and complete a piece of functional writing at the end.

English Language Paper 2: UNIT USING PAST PAPERS
A unit of work using AQA Language Paper 2 past papers. Includes self-assessment, tasks and papers.

GCSE Functional Writing Skills - Documentary-based lesson. Conspiracy
A lesson working towards an AQA Language Paper Q5 looking at the Netflix documentary Cowspiracy.

I Am Thunder and I Won't Keep Quiet FULL SCHEME & WORKBOOK
A full scheme of 20 lessons for I Am Thunder and I Won’t Keep Quiet by Muhammad Khan All lessons also included in the workbook to go alongside the PowerPoints. Self assessment grids and an end of unit assessment is also included.

Power & Conflict Poetry Scheme AQA GCSE
A lesson on each of the poems in the AQA Power and Conflict GCSE anthology. Each lesson contains key notes, contextual information and the annotations for students to make. Some content taken from the various revision guides (CGP and Snap Revision) to ensure it is accurate to what examiners are looking for and what students need to know.

Much Ado About Nothing - FULL SCHEME
A full scheme of work for Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing aimed at a mid-high KS3 group. Can easily be scaffolded for groups who need it.

A Christmas Carol - FULL GCSE SCHEME including page numbers for reading
A full scheme of work that studies A Christmas Carol as per the AQA GCSE spec. Each stave is split into 1 hour lessons.

English Language: The Lovely Bones
A short unit of work (4-8 lessons) on The Lovely Bones.
Combines the film in order to inspire creative and narrative writing along with an English Language GCSE style sheet for Q1 - 4.

Spoken Language Endorsement (AQA GCSE)
Lessons guiding students through how to write and present their SLE component of the AQA English GCSE.

A KS4 intro to GCSE scheme looking at Thomas’ The Hate U Give.
Detailed powerpoints, guiding students towards the ideal GCSE skills needed to attain grades 4 and upward.