Year 3/4 Minecraft rounding numbers activity
An activity I used with a mixed year 3/4 class to encourage use of rounding to the nearest 10 or 100 to estimate
Blank maths resource sheets
Blank bar model templates
Domino Blank
Bead string pictorials to edit
Subtraction blank number lines with space to add calc
Addition numbered numberlines with space to add calc
Dustbin game strips
Basic SATS2022 scaled score converter
Input your raw scores and the converter will go green if the Lit, Math or GPS total scores are above the threshold for passing
Teddies on the bus
suitable for early years and ks1. This is a bus template in publisher with teddies to laminate for additiona and subtraction. Teddies also come in twos for counting in 2's
Number of the day slips
A daily little slip that I put at the top of my maths book pages and get the children to fill in whilst I set up one of the other 2 years I teach. Provides lots of solid evidence and practice with number facts and place value
Number of the day expanded
Quick starter to practice place value skills and collect KS1 evidence
ideas for a primary maths meeting
Just a quick run down of how I run my maths meeting sessions for an r/1/2 class with some examples of sections you could include