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CSI Forensic Investigation (Full Lesson)
I did this lesson with a class of 32 primary 6 pupils (10/11 year olds) and it would also be appropriate for older children and I’m sure some adults would also enjoy it!
This lesson would be used at the end of a topic after all of the forensic techniques have been studied. It requires a lot of time, resourcing and preparation but it definitely pays off!
If you look through the powerpoint/lesson plan first it will help to put this lesson into a context and it will make more sense but you will need to spend sometime figuring out all of the resouces and documents.
Files included:
Forensic Report to be used for pupils to record results and information from forensic tests conducted with a mock crime scene.
Powerpoint to be used as introduction to lesson.
Lesson Plan
Teacher information/ instructions
Suspect Fingerprints
At each station you will also need to include information on the different forensic tests, you will be able to find this online.

Police Report Writing
Report Writing for a made up Police Report. Film scene examples are included in the PPT for pupils to analyse. Lots of discussion on the importance of giving accurate descriptions and that descriptions or narratives should not be exaggerated.
Film Scene:
Children should watch the clip without taking notes.
After they have watched it distract them (I started asking questions in French ca va, tu t’appelle comment etc) to throw them off.
Then task them in their groups to answer the questions on the PPT.
Ask the groups to share their info/descriptions and see if groups agree or disagree.
Watch it again and have the children take notes. TP: Note taking is an important skill for Police Officers, Journalists, Reporters etc.
Edit the example to make it specific to your location.
Ask the children to highlight parts which meet the Success Criteria, on iPads or printed out copies.

Get to know me jenga questions
Get to know me question grid which corresponds with jenga blocks.
Could be used in small groups or as a whole class, with pupils taking a turn to remove a block each.

Key words for Maths Operations
Multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. Key associated words and terms. Natural themed display.

Famous Failures Library Information Cards
Library Resource cards. Small fact files about famous people that have experienced failure in their life career. I have also added blank cards to the document in case you would like pupils to create their own information cards about a celebrity of their choice/someone they know/themselves.

Jenga Bingo
Jenga Bingo instructions, blank grid and times table grid.
Image attached of jenga blocks.