Creative Writing Placemat
A help sheet to guide students in their creative writing. Links to structure and language are on the placemat.
Poetry - Refugees
2 lessons linking to a poem about refugees.
The lesson includes; facts, sparking class discussion and promoting oracy, a chance for students to evaluate the purpose of a poem as well as the effect.
Gothic Writing Placemat
Gothic Writing Placemat complete with sentence starters.
Structure Placemat
A visual resource to help guide students when analysing structure or forming creative writing.
Zoo Task Boards
3 task boards, each with 4 tasks (used for 3 weeks work during lock down) .
Students are asked to design a zoo, research and promote their zoo using a variety of interactive resources and improving their reading and writing skills.
KS3 Lock down Task Board
A task board aimed at KS3. Links to interactive learning as well as written tasks with extensions to stretch and challenge more able students.
A short online lesson linking to homophones.
Text Types
A PowerPoint with 4 timed tasks. Students are asked to write for different purposes to help distinguish different features, formats and audiences.