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Functional Skills English Entry 3 Reading Dictionary Skills / Assessment Questions PPT Lesson

Functional Skills English Entry 3 Reading Dictionary Skills / Assessment Questions PPT Lesson

This resource consists of a PowerPoint and worksheet. It will help learners learn how to use a dictionary and also how to answer the three questions, that require a dictionary, in their reading assessment. 28 slides There are tasks throughout for learners to complete on their whiteboards, as well as a worksheet ( with answers) for them to complete at the end of the lesson. This resource is base of the C&G assessment, but is also applicable for the NCFE assessment. Overview of Lesson: How to use a dictionary to locate words and their meanings Sample assessment question: how to find the meaning of specific words in the text Sample assessment question: how to identify words that mean the same as words in the text Sample assessment question: how to replace a specific word within the text with one of similar meaning Practice your learnt techniques by completing a task
Functional skills English Revision Guide for Level 1 and Level 2  - Writing

Functional skills English Revision Guide for Level 1 and Level 2 - Writing

A ten page revision guide that helps learners to understand how to pass their test. P2 Explains the marking criteria and what learners need to include in their writing in order to pass the assessment There is a guide on how to correctly format the following: letters, emails, articles, reviews and reports. I have also provided picture examples on how each text should be formatted. Learners are then given tips on how to ‘bulk out’ their writing by using word association. A practice exam question ‘scenario’ is given. It also includes a visual step by step guide on how to use word association to generate ideas.
Functional Skills English Writing Module  Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPAG) - 131 PPT slides

Functional Skills English Writing Module Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (SPAG) - 131 PPT slides

This 131 page Powerpoint is aimed at Entry 3 - Level 1 learners. I call this lesson ‘back to basics’ and usually teach all of its content on day one of my course. I call it ‘primary and secondary’ school English rolled into three hours. It goes over the basic SPAG that they will need to know before they start writing for the writing module. It is a refreshers guide on the following: How to use syllables as a strategy to spell difficult words How to use a dictionary quickly and correctly What is a plural What is a prefix and what is a suffix What is verb tense How to use punctuation correctly Homophones and how to tell the difference between them Each section is a step by step guide that will help your learners to re-learn all the basic English skills that they need. There are different quizzes in the Powerpoint including: what punctuation marks are missing from these song words/song titles and spell the following word by breaking the word down into syllables…plus many more… I have designed the Powerpoint so that all learners can get involved. Just give them a white board and they can answer the questions as you read them out - great for differentiation. I have also attached three activities that I have made myself: Grammar activity - a house for sale advert that needs to be changed to the present tense A punctuation exercise Homophone exercise - using the story of Red Riding Hood to find all the misspelled homophones ( there are twenty in total and it is a great proofreading exercise). I hope you find this resource useful!
Structural Features/ Techniques - English Language Revision Sheet / Visual Mind Map. Paper 1 Q3

Structural Features/ Techniques - English Language Revision Sheet / Visual Mind Map. Paper 1 Q3

This sheet can be used as a guide to help students answer Paper 1: Question 3. It gives them a guide to what structural techniques they can identify in the part of the text they are being asked to read. They can choose a few of the techniques on the guide to help them with their response to the question. *To ensure this document prints correctly with the black border select ‘print to printable area’ option in print settings.
Punctuation Matching Game// Activity: Lesson Starter Primary / E3 Functional English Skills Cards

Punctuation Matching Game// Activity: Lesson Starter Primary / E3 Functional English Skills Cards

**Instructions ** Cut out the five punctuation cards and place them in front of you. On the next page, you will be given a range of phrases and sentences. Each is missing a particular punctuation mark. Place each sentence / phrase underneath the correct punctuation card. Example: If the sentence reads: ‘Andys car had a flat tyre,’ then this sentence should be placed under the ‘apostrophe mark’ card.
Functional Skills English Reading Powerpoint Pack Entry 3 - Level 1

Functional Skills English Reading Powerpoint Pack Entry 3 - Level 1

A PowerPoint that can be used in the delivery of Functional Skills Reading. This PowerPoint contains 94 slides and contains all the information needed to pass the Reading Functional Skills Assessment at Entry Level 3 to Level 1 (based on the NCFE awarding body criteria). PowerPoint overview: Understanding different types of text How to find information quickly - skimming and scanning The use of presentational devices and the layout of a text Distinguishing facts and opinions Finding the main point of a text Summarising a text Functional Skills reading assessment practice questions
Children in Need English Reading Comprehension & Design a Bear Mascot Task Primary KS2

Children in Need English Reading Comprehension & Design a Bear Mascot Task Primary KS2

An English Reading Comprehension Activity plus a Design a Bear Mascot and Logo task. This resource gives the learner an overview of this UK charity. Learners will read the text and then answer a number of skimming and scanning questions based on this document. There is also two extra activities for learners to complete. Answers are provided so that learners can self mark. This would suit KS2 learners.
Structure - GCSE English Language - Answering Q3, Paper 1 Structural Techniques & Template

Structure - GCSE English Language - Answering Q3, Paper 1 Structural Techniques & Template

This is a three page PDF document designed to help students to answer Q3 in their English language paper. The first page gives an overview of the following: What is structure What to expect to see in Q3 How to answer the question List of structural techniques Page 2 contains other relevant information about Q3 and what to look for when examining each section of the text. Page 3 gives learners a template that they can use to answer the question, which is based on the PEE paragraph structure. This is ideal for those struggling with answering this question.