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Football World Cup English Phonics Work Sheet. Primary - KS1
Task: Circle the correct beginning sound of the following pictures.

Put the Football in the Net! World Cup Game. Pin the Football. A3.
An A3 poster and additional sheet with cut-out footballs.
Get your learners to cut out a football each and attach Blu-tack to the back. Get them to close their eyes and see if they can correctly stick the football in the goal!

10X Football Drawing Practice Art Pages - World Cup 2022. England World cup
Learners will use the grid outline as a guide to help them to draw different football associated pictures.

Christmas Bingo 20X Cards 3X3. Lesson Filler. Tutor Time Activity
Instructions: Cut out the words on the grid sheet and place them inside a container. Give each player a bingo card ( cut out each bingo card ). As you draw a word from the container, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 3 in a row, wins!

Careers School Leaver Word Search, Colour in Posters, A-Z Career List, College - Next Steps
4X Career activities for learners.
School Leaver Word Search
A-Z List Careers Activity
Colour in College / Apprenticeship Posters

Entry 3 Functional English Skill Writing Module Guide PPT with Tasks
This is a 38 pages PowerPoint which helps E3 learners to understand what to expect in the writing portion of their assessment. There are examples and short tasks for learners to complete throughout the presentation.
It is based on the City and Guilds assessment, but can be amended for NCFE.
The PowerPoint includes:
Overview of the assessment ( marks, timing, sections)
How the writing assessment is marked
Overview of spelling task with an example
Practice spelling task ( spelling bookmark sheet provided)
Overview of alphabetical order question
How to sort items into alphabetical order
Alphabetical order task ( whiteboards)
Overview of plural question
Plural / irregular plural recap
Plural task ( whiteboards)
Writing assessment overview and marking criteria explanation
Example writing question and how to answer the question (emails)
Writing task ( planning / writing sheet provided)

Entry 3 English Functional Skills Reading Practice Assessment - XL Bully Dog Theme and Answers
A practice booklet which is based on the City and Guilds Entry 3 reading practice assessment.
Ten questions and a source document based around the current issue of the XL Bully dog’s ban.

EYFS Seven Areas of Learning Colouring In Page / Poster College Course Lesson Filler
A colouring page based on the 7 areas of learning of the EYFS.
A great lesson filler for students

Functional Skills Mathematics Posters Level 1 - A3 Assessment Overview, BODMAS, Multiplication...
This resource consists of nine posters.
Overview of L1 Assessment which is based on the City and Guilds criteria
BODMAS poster
BIDMAS poster ( identical to the first one but replaces ‘order’ with ‘indices’
Multiplication chart poster
Fractions, Percentages and Decimals poster
Mean, median, mode and range poster
Measurements poster
3D shapes poster
Poster reading: Functional Maths Skills Level 1

LGBTQIA+ Themed Pride Bingo Game ( 3X3) Pride Month Activity X 18 Cards
LGBTQIA+ Themed Bingo Game ( 3X3)
Instructions: Cut out the words on the grid sheet and place them inside a container. Give each player a bingo card ( cut out each bingo card ). As you draw a word from the container, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 3 in a row, wins!

Childcare EYFS : 18 Debate Topics: Breast feeding, Funding, Working Mothers, EYFS Settings etc...
A great resource. Debate topics can be used as lesson starters or this resource can be used as a lesson.
A 34 page PowerPoint and 2 X word documents.
This pack includes includes:
18 debate topics
1 debate planning form
4 X four corner debate posters
The PPT gives detailed ideas of four different ways to implement your debate.

Equality and Diversity AIM Level 2 Lesson / Workbook - Equality, Inequality and Social Inequality
This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity.
It is an hour lesson that Covers the assessment criteria 1.1: Define the term Equality
The lesson consists of the following:
An overview of the lesson’s objectives
Group question: What do you think of when you think of the term ‘equality?’
Understanding the Term ‘Equality’ definition
Understanding the Term ‘Inequality’ definition
Group Question: look at the images on the right side of the slide: what do you think each image represents?
Overview and examples of the following inequalities: age, gender and race
Task: Create either a poster, leaflet or fact file that gives information about one type of social inequality that you have learnt about today. You will need to need to provide an overview of your topic, as well as providing your audience with relevant information that can include facts and statistics.
A booklet is provided for the students to work through which will meet this criteria.

Valentine's Day Themed Bingo Game (3X3) February 14th Activity X 18 Cards
Valentine’s Day Themed Bingo Game ( 3X3)
Instructions: Cut out the words on the grid sheet and place them inside a container. Give each player a bingo card ( cut out each bingo card ). As you draw a word from the container, ask the players to cross them out on their grid sheet. The first player who gets 3 in a row, wins!

Stereotyping Equality and Diversity Lesson / Workbook AIM Level 2 PPT. PSHE
This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity.
It is 1.5 hour lesson that covers the assessment criteria 4.4 and 4.5:
To understand the impact of stereotyping on equality and diversity
To understand ways in which stereotyping can be challenged
The lesson consists of the following:
An overview of the lesson’s objectives
Overview and class input on the following:
What is a stereotype?
Common Types of Stereotypes
Negative Stereotypes
How do we challenge stereotypes?
Stereotyping in the media
Examples of stereotypes
Age Stereotypes: Representation of Teenagers in the Media
Students to watch five British TV / movie clips, looking at the portrayal of teenagers in the media. The aim is to recognise how teenagers are depicted in the British media
PLEASE NOTE: These clips may not be suitable for students under the age of fifteen years old, as they contain swear words / sexual references ( The Inbetweeners, Little Britain, Skins, Kidulthood and Kevin and Perry).
Group Task: write a short essay on how you feel teenagers are represented in the media. You can use examples from TV shows, newspapers or other forms of media. You need to give your opinion on how you feel teenagers are represented and whether this is a positive or negative representation.
Workbook provided which meets the assessment criteria.

Equality and Diversity Lesson / Workbook - Discrimination / Inequality - AIM Level 2
This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity.
A 45 minute lesson that covers the assessment criteria 4.3 and 4.4:
To understand the difference between inequality and discrimination
To understand how to assess the possible effects of discrimination on individuals, organisations and communities
The lesson consists of the following:
An overview of the lesson’s objectives
Understanding the term ‘Inequality’
Understanding the term ‘diversity’ with examples of protected characteristics
Examples of discrimination and a question that asks the group for examples of discrimination
An explanation of the difference between inequality and discrimination with a detailed example
An overview of the effects of discrimination on a person’s mental health?
Overview of the effects of discrimination on individuals
Overview of the effect of discriminations on organisations
Overview of the effect of discriminations on society
Group task: Watch the following videos and write down ways in which the following groups of people were discriminated against:
Why were these groups discriminated against?
In what ways were these groups discriminated against?
(video links are in the notes section on the PPT)
A booklet is provided for the students to work through which help them meet the assessment criteria and follows the PowerPoint.

Functional Skills English Entry Level 3 - Writing Practice Assessment Questions C&G
Based on the City and Guilds criteria. This booklet has a four activities to help E3 students prepare for their writing assessment. This is not a copy of the assessment and is structured slightly differently.
Activity 1: Place the following words in alphabetical order (list of four words).
Activity 2: Write the plural of the words in bold (list of four words).
Activity 3: Write the correct spellings for the following words (six incorrect spellings taken from the spelling criteria booklet).
Activity 4: Writing Activity - write an email to your local food bank to express your interest in volunteering (planning space and writing template included).

England Footballers Image Euros 2020 Quiz. Name That Footballer Quiz
Quiz and answer sheet provided. Students will try to guess the names of each footballer who is currently playing for the England team in the UEFA European Football Championships 2020.