
Getting to Know Your Class: All Are Welcome
This resource is a first week back worth of activities to do with your learners to get to know them. This is created around the book All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold. This is referenced in the book and links are inserted to videos of the book etc. This is a helpful way of structuring your first week to get to know your learners.

Food Hygeine Assessment
This is an example of a high quality assessment to use with learners to allow them to apply a number of skills from different curricular areas within one assessment.
Assessed areas: HWB, Literacy, Art& Design

Imaginative Writing Unit
This booklet includes a full resource of planning each section of writing a story, examples, word banks and picture prompts to support this. Can be printed for each individual pupil to work through or dispalyed on the board as a prompt.

Forbidden forest setting description
This was used in a topic of setting descriptions for literacy. The children watch a video and brainstorm ideas and then use the planning format to plan a description of a setting. The sheets are differentiated and a flipchart is attached to support teaching.

Setting Description
This was used in a topic of setting for literacy. The children look at the picture and use the 4 senses and similes to describe it. Attached are the worksheets to support this and a flipchart to support teaching.