LEsson on teaching the first scene of the final act of Romeo and JUliet. Based around the ideas that Romeo’s actions are to blame for the tragic ending of the play
21 lessons and two assessments for teaching Romeo and Juliet. Designed for Year 9 but easily usable for GCSE level (or bright KS3). Each lesson title is a quote for students to make note of and record in their books.
Two powerpoints which will take at least three lessons for teaching Act4 scene 3 of Julius Caesar-focusing on Brutus and Cassius’ relationship and then Brutus’ introspection and feelings
LEsson and worksheet focusing on the first three scenes of the final act of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Main focus is on Cassius’ responsibility andhow Shakespeare makes us feel for him at his death.
12 lesson powerpoints for teaching Julius Caesar. Realistically it will take more like 15-20 as some of the scenes are long and may require more time devoted to them. Each lesson title is a quote from the scene being studied.