Four pages of templates for creating and writing about Super Heroes and Villains. Each page has a watermark figure (1 each female hero and villain and male hero and villain) that students can drawn over and colour to create their own comic book character. There is also a section for the student to name and describe their character (hints given) and to write a short story with that character in it. Suitable for upper primary and middle school classes as an exercise in character development for story writing in English or an Art lesson that engages students in writing as an aid to visualization of ideas. Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
This collection of twelve, full color, original digital artworks on two A3 pages is designed to inspire students to write creatively in the Fantasy/Science fiction genres. The pages can be printed as wall posters or projected on a screen for whole class viewing. Individual images can also be used as a resource in developing student skills in interpreting visual texts (Australian Curriculum) Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 5 and 6 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by producing a persuasive writing piece that relates to the text.
Topic - Drone Bombers.
This 50 page book of poetry in pdf format titled 'Slow Dancing in the Space Between' is licensed for 1 entire printing and/or the printing of individual poems as class sets for reading and analysis. See also 'Reading and Understanding Poetry' lessons by the same author.
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 5 and 6 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by producing a persuasive writing piece that relates to the text.
Topic - Recreational Bicycle Riders
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 4 and 5 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and identifying the poetry techniques that are used.
Topic - Relaxing in the water
5 complete lessons in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 4 , 5 and 6 English students. Each of these resources engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and identifying the poetry techniques used. Some also have practical creative activities included.
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 4 and 5 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by producing their own piece of poetry.
Topic - Fishing unsuccessfully.
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 5 and 6 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by drawing an illustration for the poem. It is provided in both pdf and editable docx formats.
Topic - Natural World - Coast and Surfing.
Two pages of practice sheets and answers for students completing the Year 7 and 9 Naplan testing in English. This resource focuses on Language Conventions - Spelling (Find Mistakes)
This resource focuses on Language Convention practice for the years 7 and 9 NAPLAN in English and covers contractions, homophones, past and present tense and spelling. The spelling resources include respelling of identified misspellings and identify spelling mistakes and making corrections.
Two pages of practice sheets and answers for students completing the Year 7 and 9 Naplan testing in English. This resource focuses on Language Conventions - Spelling.
Suitable for stages upper stage 4 and stages 5 and 6 English classes, this comprehension resource includes a black comedy science fiction short story and a set of comprehension questions for group discussion and interpretation. It is provided in both pdf and editable docx formats. The resource author's original short story is about a call centre operator who encounters a client well beyond the job description's ability to deal with.
Frustrated with the purely linear format of standard Powerpoint presentations? Want to create some truly interactive multimedia? This simple guide shows you how to turn off the automatic navigation defaults in Powerpoint and give the power of where and when to go back to the end user where it belongs. Use this information to create your own interactive picture books for younger students that allow the child to click on a object to play a sound (example: a picture of a pig oinks when clicked on) or to go to any page in the book at any time. Or get your middle school students to create their own interactive picture books, yearbooks or digital portfolios. (Just some of the already tried and tested possibilities) Have fun! And please do a review.
Simple instructions for creating your own comics using the drawing tools in Microsoft Word. This is a fun and imaginative way to teach English language essentials such as visual literacy, story writing and dialogue (both external and internal) to middle school students. It may also prove useful as a means of story boarding drama and multimedia projects or exploring social interactions. This resource can be used by teachers as an aid for guided instruction or distributed directly to students as a printed worksheet. If you find it useful please provide a review.
This collection of twelve, full color, original digital artworks on two A4 pages is designed to inspire students to write creatively in the Fantasy/Science fiction genres. The pages can be printed as handouts for individual students or projected on a screen for whole class viewing. Individual images can also be used as a resource in developing student skills in interpreting visual texts (Australian Curriculum) Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
This original short play (approximately 20 minutes) is a parody of the popular Lord of the Rings books and films. It has 12 speaking parts and roles in sound effects, sound mixing and lighting. As the title suggests it is designed as a radio play in the style of the Goon Shows. This allows students to practice voice production, characterisation comedic timing and live performance without the need for learning lines or creating costumes or stage settings. It is suitable for use with Elective Drama classes (NSW BOSTES Syllabus) or the Drama component of Junior High School English. If you find this resource useful please complete a review.
This full colour, fun resource for beginning readers has been created in A3 poster and A4 handout sizes. There is also a template version for students to fill in. Please complete a review of this resource if you find it useful or have any suggestions for improvement.