
The Colour Monster Substitution Table
The Colour Monster Substitution Table to help, especially EAL children write a simple story about the colour monster.

Capital letter and full stops worksheets
Capital letter and full stops worksheets to help children struggling to use capital letters and full stops based on a topic of the Three Little Pigs.

Year 1 Weather and Seasons Assembly Script
A script for a year 1 assembly on weather and the seasons and the book 'After the Storm' featuring Percy the Park Keeper. Has 30 lines and link to a free song to sing.

Amazing Grace 2 weeks Plan and Resources
2 Week Plan and resources for Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman. Most suited for a Year 1 Class.

Worrysaurus Planning
Two weeks planning using the book the Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright most suited to a year 1 class. Links really well to PSHE work to thinking about our thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as any topic on dinosaurs.

Queen's Hat and Queen's Handbag Planning
Two week’s planning based on Queen’s Hat and the Queen’s Handbag by Steve Antony. Most suited to a KS1 class especially year 1. Works well when doing a topic on London or the United Kingdom.

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle; One Week Plan
A week’s planning based on the Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. Most suitable for a year one class.

Macavity the Mystery Cat Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension text suitable for KS2/ practise SATs questions based on Macavity the Mystery cat by TS Eliot.

The Jolly Postman
Two week plan using the Jolly Postman as a stimulus. Best suited to a year 1 class.

Jolly Postman Assembly
Jolly Postman assembly script and cast list. Most suited for a year 1, 2 or 3 class.

Dinosaur Assembly Script
Script for a dinosaur assembly. Includes facts about dinosaurs and a drama retelling the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip. This was used with a year 1 class.

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Two week plan using the True Story of the Three Little Pigs as a stimulus. Most suited to a year 1 class.

Reading comprehension about Chocolate
Most suited to practise before year 2 SATs, however, would be good for finding out about chocolate for any year group.

Oliver's Vegetables
One week’s English planning based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French. Most suited to a year one class.

The House That Once Was Planning
Two weeks of planning based on the book ‘The House That Once Was’ by Julie Fogliano most suited to a year one or two class. Focusing on narrative writing, punctuation and comprehension.

Katie and the Waterlilies and Katie and the sunflowers Two Week plan
A two week English plan based on the books Katie and the Waterlilies and Katie and the sunflowers by James Mayhew. Most suited for KS1 pupils.

The Jolly Pocket Postman Two Week Plan
A two week plan based on the book The Jolly Pocket Postman by Janet and Alan Ahlberg. Most suited to KS1.

Elmer and the Rainbow
1 Week’s lesson planning and resources based on the book Elmer and the Rainbow. Most suited for a year 1 class. Includes grammar, presentation and comprehension.

Comprehension text on the Stockton to Darlington railway
A comprehension text with questions about the Stockton to Darlington railway. Suitable for KS2. Good for learning about the history of transport, George Stephenson and the industrial revolution.