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Year One; Place Value within 10
Planning for the first four weeks of term based on the White Rose Mathematics document.

Two weeks planning on Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Two weeks planning for teaching 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. Most suitable for year 1. Includes powerpoint of the story .

Mog's Christmas Planning and Resources
1 week’s planning and resources for Mog’s Christmas by Judith Kerr. Most suited for a year 1 or 2 class. Includes; weekly plan, worksheets and powerpoint.Happy Christmas!

The Worrysaurus Planning and Resources
Planning and resources for two weeks based on the Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright. Most suited to a Year 1 or 2 class. Links really well to PSHE topics.

Writing a news report script
This weekly plan is for a week's lessons on producing a Newsround report script on a particular topic. This really engaged the pupils, especially the 'letter 'from Newsround! We focused the news report on the Stockton to Darlington Railway as this was our history topic, however, you could do a report on whatever your children feel relevent!

Oliver's Vegetables Planning and Resources
Planning and resources for Oliver’s Vegetables. Including one week plan, comprehension questions, powerpoint of the book and sentence stems.

Greater than, Less than Reasoning lesson
Reasoning lesson sorting statements involving the greater and less than signs into true and false. Includes activity, plan and presentation.

Phase 5 Week 1 Planning and resources
Planning and resources for phase 5 week 1. Includes the sounds ay, ie, ea, ou.

Little Red Riding Hood
Two week plan and resources for Little Red Riding Hood. Includes; two week plan, powerpoint and activities.

Year 1 Arithmetic - Number bonds to 10
Number bonds to ten fluency arithmetic worksheets. We use these for ten minute arithmetic sessions. Worksheets have a Scooby Doo theme!

Chocolate spread biscuit sandwich instruction lesson
A great lesson for teaching the writing of instructions for years 1-4. Contains lesson plan, powerpoints and writing guides.

Year Four Money Resources
Activities to cover the money elements of the year four maths curriculum. Includes,
- a money quiz used to assess children's prior knowledge of money
-word problems regarding adding decimals and finding a change
- activities to complete when taking children to the shops
- finding prices half price, quarter off and 10% off from Tesco
- mastery challenges relating to money.

Changes over time planning - Royal Family
Changes over time planning focusing on changes in time between the time of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second. Includes; transport, clothes, toys and writing letters to the Queen and celebrating the royal wedding. Planned for a year 1 class.

Year 1 Summer Block 1 Multiplication and Division Planning and resources for Week 1
Year 1 Summer Block 1 Multiplication and Division Planning and resources for Week 1 .

Flotsam by David Weisner (Powerpoint, weekly plan and interview lesson plan)
This is my resources for using the picture book Flotsam with a class of lower key stage 2 pupils, however, it could be adapted for older or younger children. It includes a power-point of the book, a lesson plan, a weekly plan as well as word mats.

Writing a non-chronological report about Chocolate
A week’s planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about chocolate. Written for a year 1 class. Includes; weekly plan, smart notebook. learning objectives, a simple text about chocolate and sentence starters.

2 Weeks Planning on the Chocolate Monster
Two weeks planning on the Chocolate Monster by Pip Jones.
Includes; two weeks planning, differentiated resources, smart notebook, powerpoint of the book and word mat. Covers grammar of using 'un' and making words plural.

Chicken in the kitchen by Nnedi Okorafaror Planning
Full two weeks on the amazing book Chicken in the kitchen by Nnedi Okorafaror Planning. Book suitable for reception to year 3. Book set in Nigeria and will be good for a topic on the country.

Phase Phonics 5 Worksheets
18 Phase 5 worksheets to match each sound. Children to spell the words to match the images for phase 5 digraphs and split digraphs.