EYFS- Summer term 3.2, Bundle of fun with a Seaside topic theme!
A pack containing the planning you will need for Summer term 3.2! Planning and resources for phonics, weekly planning for the foundation subjects, CCL, PSRN and handwriting! These 4 folders provide you with creative planning, resources, websites, activity ideas, powerpoints, songs and more to use with your EYFS class! Your children will love singing songs, meeting 'Lucy and Tom at the Seaside', playing games, designing and making their own light houses, making their own healthy smoothies and having a seaside party to celebrate at the end!
EYFS Summer 3.2 handwriting planning
Handwriting lesson plans for the final Summer term 3.2.
Key Stage 1- Let's Write stimulus.
54 task sheets with stimulus to challenge your pupils to write in a variety of genres independently. All task sheets include instructions, steps to success and self evaluation sections and most include a visual image.
Lower Key Stage 2 Homework Bundle.
A range of homework for Lower Key Stage, year 3/4 in Maths, SPAG, the Romans and Judaism, with an editable class homework tick chart.
SPAG Detectives Homework!
Can you find an example of each of these? Challenge yourself! How many can you find of each?
Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Similes Metaphors Alliteration Onomatopoeia Personification
Double Consonant Investigation - Editable homework sheet.
Double Consonant Investigation - Editable homework sheet.
How many words can you find which exist with both a single and double consonant in the middle?