This is a quick 5 minute activity where children need to answer as many questions as possible. There are a range of times tables, related facts, decimals, squares, square root, etc questions aimed at Y5 and Y6. We are currently using these for our Battle of the Blues times tables challenge, where children initially get 5 minutes to complete the sheet and they then need to do it in 3 minutes, 2 minutes, and so on.
Created from scratch by me. Fingers crossed the answers are correct - please let me know in the reviews if not :)
This bundle contains 2 of my most popular resources - 2 lessons on Addition and Subtraction, using a Varied Fluency, Reasoning & Problem-Solving approach (including the use of bar models) and 2 lessons on multi-step Addition and Subtraction word problems, which are very relevant to the new SATs Reasoning papers. These resources contain worksheets and flipcharts.
As an added extra, I have also included a mixed bundle of 16 resources, including worksheets created by me for Place Value, Roman Numerals, Calculations, etc.
This resource is 2 lessons on Addition and Subtraction Multi-Step problems.
Some of the problems are 2 and 3-step, some are even more!
The answers are in the files with the resources. They can be written on the backs of the cards as a form of self-assessment.
Lesson 1 - focus on using the Steps to Success to figure out the calculations needed.
Lesson 2 - using the Steps to Success to represent the problems as Bar Models and writing their own word problems using given calculations. Also a small focus on Perimeter (this was a gap in our assessment) and answering a multi-step problem using perimeter skills.
TWO SHEETS ARE NOT INCLUDED - these are detailed below.
Lesson 1 -
Lower Ability (Emerging) - Year 4 Two-Step addition and subtraction problems. (Not included - used a pre-made resource from Twinkl.)
Middle Ability (Developing) - Multi-Step Problems Developing Lesson 1.doc (Included)
Higher Ability (Secure) - Multi-Step Problems Secure Lesson 1.doc (Included)
Lesson 2 -
Lower Ability (Emerging) - Some Two-Step problems, some simpler multi-step problems to work towards Year 5 Curriculum - Emerging Word Problems Lesson 2.doc (Included)
Middle Ability (Developing) - Not included - use a pre-made resource from Twinkl.
Higher Ability (Secure) - Multi-Step Problems Addition and Subtraction Secure Lesson 2 - Included.
A flipchart containing Starters and Modelled Questions for both lessons is also included. This is on ActivInspire.
Final lesson in a Mixed Numbers and Improper fractions unit. Combination of converting and calculating. Includes Fluency (Practise) questions, Use & Apply questions and Reasoning questions. Range of different questions includes calculations, word problems, missing number questions and problem solving.
This is a whole introduction lesson to finding fractions of amounts using bar models.
Activity is differentiated, with some Reasoning questions for each group.
Flipchart contains an Addition Reasoning starter, as well as clear models and images, questions to deepen understanding, a chance to check children’s learning and a plenary.
Includes numerators of 1 and more.
NB: We use a school font so I have had to change it for TES. Apologies if there are any that I have missed.
Differentiated Arithmetic Sessions.
Most of the flip charts contain a teaching input for Arithmetic (often with models and images) and then questions that are differentiated 3 ways. There are also answers on most of the flip charts.
Apologies if the font doesn’t come out right - we use a school-wide font!
This is a first introductory lesson to percentages for children who have very little prior knowledge. It contains an ActivInspire notebook, which makes use of visual models and images, questions to deepen understanding, and contains an activity page with activities for the higher and middle ability groups.
Higher group = using numicon to make a hundred square and recording the FDP equivalence.
Middle group = using hundred squares to colour in assorted percentages.
Lower group = using hundred squares to cut up and show assorted percentages. Clear speaking & listening link between fractions and decimals.
Included is a guidance sheet for the lower group and some small, blank hundred squares.
This was planned for a Y5 class and has a Reasoning Focus.
The flipchart goes through different hundred squares and which FDP are shown. Children have to explain whether they are correct or incorrect and explain why.
The independent activity starts with a Fluency question (Draw a hundred square into your books and colour 50% in blue, 1/10 in red, etc), then moves onto Reasoning. There is a Problem Solving question for the Secure (S) group.
S = Secure = HA
D = Developing = MA
E = Emerging = LA
Differentiation by task.
The flipchart also contains Reasoning Sentence Starters and some slides specifically for the Secure groups (called Teal table in my class), as these move away from just 'hundred' squares onto squares of different sizes. (60cm squared, 80 cm squared).
Good for Maths talking and discussion and to show what children know about percentages and about equivalent FDP.
You could change the names on the worksheets to teachers/students in your class.
Closed questions = basic 'calculation-style' questions.
Open questions = mastery, fluency, reasoning, problem-solving.
A mixed resource filled with resources for Place Value, Decimals, Roman Numerals and Calculations. 16 resources!
This is a set of 2 lessons based on short multiplication, moving from the basics of multiplication to working out more difficult short multiplication questions.
The first lesson focuses mainly on the process and fluency.
The second lesson moves onto Reasoning and Problem-Solving.
There are 4 activities across both lessons.
Children who are less confident should start with Activity 1 in the first lesson, then move to Activity 2.
Children who are working at Greater Depth should start with Activity 3 in the first lesson, then move onto Activity 4.
There is scope for children to skip activities if they make accelerated progress, i.e. start on Activity 1 but then move onto Activity 3.
There are no repeated questions on the sheets.
The lessons are on ActivInspire flip charts (Promethean) and the worksheets are structured as strips in Microsoft Word, so they are editable.
This is 2 lessons based on the White Rose Hub Addition and Subtraction. This is my own work, with my own created questions, using White Rose + other resources for inspiration.
The flip charts are Promethean, ActivInspire. If you do not have this program, I will be adding PDF files on Monday.
The lesson structure is as follows:
Lesson 1 - Starter - Use this to assess where the children are at for addition and subtraction. They can mark their answers themselves. (on next slide).
Go through and model how to answer some of the questions.
Lesson 2 - Reasoning starter, than with some modelled questions that are reasoning/problem solving based.
There are 4 sheets for the 2 days - Sheets 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Sheet 1 = Fluency, moving to Varied Fluency and some Reasoning.
Sheet 2 = A bit of fluency, moving quickly through Varied Fluency and Reasoning.
Sheet 3 = A bit of varied fluency, moving to Reasoning and Problem-solving
Sheet 4 - Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Children begin Lesson 1 on one sheet and then move onto another for Lesson 2. e.g. a child may begin on Sheet 1 for Lesson 1, and move onto Sheet 2 for Lesson 2. A child may begin on Sheet 3 for Lesson 1 and move onto Sheet 4 for Lesson 2.
If children make accelerated progress during Lesson 1, they can move onto a more difficult sheet for Lesson 2. (i.e. Sheet 1 to Sheet 3).
There are a selection of different question types on the sheets, including models and images, bar models, missing numbers, word problems and puzzles.
The worksheets are in strips on Word, so that they are editable. They are on strips so they can be stuck on one side of the page and working out can be shown on the other side.
These Arithmetic papers are set out like KS2 SATs papers and are based on the questions from the 2018 papers.
Each paper has the answers at the end - please leave a review stating if there are any mistakes. These will be edited immediately.
This is a fun and engaging way to introduce mixed numbers and improper fractions.
It involves the use of MINI jammy dodger biscuits (they need to be mini to work with this lesson, as they come in packs of 4... usually £1 a pack and there are 7 mini packs in a big bag. You could do this with just one or two packs!)
My children always enjoy this lesson. It involves finding out the answer to the question "Is it possible to have 5 quarters?"
And of course they get to eat the biscuits at the end :)
This resource includes some activities and a flipchart, focussing on revision of calculations (from previous learning) and then moving onto showing fractions in a visual way, to help children develop their understanding of what a fraction actually is. This links to my Mixed Calculation Revision sheets resource.
This is an ActivInspire flipchart to help children to revise for their Arithmetic SATs test.
It should be taught after children have learnt about fractions and how to add them together.
Includes a teaching activity, independent work and answers.
An ActivInspire flipchart, beginning with a slide of pure Addition and Subtraction skills practise (involving some decimals and some inverse). Differentiated 2 ways. Next slide is the answers for children to self-check.
3rd slide is solving addition and subtraction problems and puzzles in different ways. 4th slide has the answers to these.
Font is a schooled used font, so apologies if it looks a little strange! You will also need to change your table names for differentiation.
Could be used for revision before an assessment, or as a diagnostic assessment to see where children are. Originally intended for Y5 children.
A learning journey (handwritten, apologies!!) showing progression through the unit of Fractions. This includes all of the Year 5 fractions objectives, ideas for lessons and activities, and examples of Reasoning/Problem Solving questions to deepen children's learning.
My second arithmetic test loosely based on the 2018 KS2 Maths tests. (contains a couple of additions based on my predictions for this year). Contains answers.
This is an Arithmetic paper based on the KS2 2018 SATs.
I have tweaked 2 of the (repeated skill) questions based on some key questions that were not on the 2018 test, therefore they might be on the 2019 test.
Let me know if any of the answers are incorrect!
This resource is a set of 2 differentiated Mixed Calculations Revision sheets, including written and mental methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They are split into Fluency (Practise), Problem Solving and Reasoning, to show clear progression through the lesson.
The question with the circles has been left blank for you to fill your own numbers (I handwrote them). The two bottom circles should add to make the top circle.