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Posters - beauty in mathematics
A couple of posters I have at the front of my classroom to inspire my learners.
Four colour map problem
An investigation activity looking at the number of different colours needed to colour a map. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Representing inequalities graphically
Lesson plan for representing inequalities graphically. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.
Sequence activities and investigations
Lots and lots of activities and investigations based around number sequences. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. They are not fully worked lesson plans, but rather some ideas for activities.
Posters - literacy in mathematics
A few posters I have on my wall to add literacy into mathematics. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Egyptian fractions
Fractions investigation which involves learners applying a greedy algorithm. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Percentages - real examples
Some compound interest and reverse percentage examples to add a bit of interest to the topic. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Other ideas or examples welcome, please feel free to contact me to add them in.
Uses of constructions & loci - triangulation & GPS
Practical uses of constructions and loci - triangulation and GPS. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Also see Uses of sine & cosine rules - triangulation é GPS.
Write a mathematical nursery rhyme or poem
Cross curricular activity in which learners write a mathematical nursery rhyme or poem. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. If you have any improvements to make to my rhymes or poem or if you or your learners come up with any good ones, please message me. You may also consider using some of the nursery rhymes or poems in your lesson plans for the relevant topics to add a bit of fun to the lessons.
Krypton Factor mental skills activity
Questions involving different colours and numbers (and different sizes thrown in for good luck) to use both sides of the brain at the same time. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Notebook file is displayed on SmartBoard. Students use mini-whiteboards. Uncover the first question, students work out the answer and hold up mini-whiteboards, uncover the answer and then repeat with next question. Topics included: arithmetic, factors, multiples, mean and median.
M2 energy, work, power - world's strongest man
Energy, work, power questions based on world's strongest man competition. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.
Your school bank notes
Bank notes which you can put your school name and pictures of your teachers on to use in activities involving purchasing. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. See also my 'Cash for questions revision activity' which uses these bank notes.
Start with a number
Series of mental arithmetic questions which follow on from the previous answer. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Notebook file is displayed on SmartBoard. Students use mini-whiteboards. Practice questions are given on the left in green. Once ready, uncover each question in turn. When the final instruction is uncovered, students hold up their mini-whiteboards to show their answers. Uncover the bottom answer to check. Each page is progressively more difficult.
Finding pi by method of exhaustion
Extension activity to find an approximation for pi. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Use the measuring version when introducing circles and pi and then use the calculating version when introducing trigonometry.
The calendar and leap years
Gives a brief history of the calendar and the introduction of leap years and looks at some maths related to this. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.
Rules for solving inequalities
A simple powerpoint I produced to demonstrate the rules regarding solving inequalities. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Posters - teaching and learning
Some teaching and learning posters I have at the front of my classroom.
A poem I have written which I use to introduce BIDMAS to help learners to avoid the common misconceptions of thinking that D is done before M and A is done before S. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT
Mathematical story - Möbius strip
Cross curricular activity in which learners read a story about a conveyor belt made like a Möbius strip and investigate the properties of the Möbius strip. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.
Topology activities
Topology is not covered on the curriculum, but there are a few activities which are good as interest-builders and enrichment activities. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.