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KS4 preparation for A-level maths
Recommended by TES. This is a set of questions I give to my year 11’s who are planning to do A-level which consists of topics they have met at GCSE and will need for A-level. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

Optimisation - real examples
Featured in the TES Newsletter. Two optimisation examples, both involving eliminating one variable. One example with positive indices, the other with negative. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

KS4 Probability-Rescue the princess-adventure game
Featured in the TES Newsletter. Adventure game in which students answer probability questions in order to rescue a princess. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. There are 5 sections, each with 2 topics. They have 4 attempts at each topic, if they get all 4 wrong, the game ends and they will have to start again. The 5 sections are: OR and AND questions, complementary events, combined events (inc. 'exactly' questions and 'at least' questions), conditional probability. Go to my profile page and check out my other games.

Vedic square
A fun worksheet activity involving patterns in the digital roots of a multiplication grid. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Print off 'Vedic square - blank', cut into three, so that each student has two squares, one to complete as a multiplication grid and one to complete as a Vedic square (by finding the digital root of each number in the multiplication grid). When they have completed these, hand out either version of 'Vedic square - completed' (better on A3) for them to draw the patterns.

Angles group activity
A collective memory starter and then an activity to revise angle facts and build teamwork skills. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

RMS Titanic (15th April)
A range of questions based around the sinking of the Titanic. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. If you have any ideas for additional questions please message me.

Mixed triangle revision questions (higher tier)
This is a set of mixed questions involving angles in a triangle, Pythagoras' theorem, trigonometry, cosine and sine rules, similar triangles, area of a triangle. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. I use it with students who are struggling to work out which bit of maths to use for different questions.

Percentages worksheet and mixed questions
A summary sheet of different types of percentage questions and an activity which involves working out mixed percentage questions. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

Islamic art patterns
Multicultural activity which involves copying patterns and colouring them in to make nice wall displays. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. If you find any other interesting Islamic art patterns please message me so that I can add them in.

GCSE statistics - real examples
Some examples of real statistics to add interest and variety to the topic. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Examples on normal distribution, equation of a line of best fit, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, and choropleth maps. Other ideas or examples welcome, please feel free to contact me to add them in. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.

Four colour map problem
An investigation activity looking at the number of different colours needed to colour a map. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

Fill in the missing numbers
Learners work out the rules in order to find the missing numbers (each column of numbers undergoes the same operation to get the next column of numbers). PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Notebook file to be displayed on SmartBoard. Students can work in their books or be given worksheets to use. As an extension activity, they can try finding the algebraic expressions.

Koch snowflake worksheet
An extension activity for sum to infinity of a geometric series. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.

The calendar and leap years
Gives a brief history of the calendar and the introduction of leap years and looks at some maths related to this. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.

M2 energy, work, power - world's strongest man
Energy, work, power questions based on world's strongest man competition. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.

Representing inequalities graphically
Lesson plan for representing inequalities graphically. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. NB: Notebook file was created on version 10 and does not display properly on the new version 11.

Plans and elevations 3-D visualisation activity
Brilliant extension activity for looking at plans and elevations and 3-D visualisation skills. Build up a shape so that it matches the plan and elevations and the light turns yellow, then remove uneccessary blocks to find the optimum solution using the least number of blocks to turn the light green. The Notebook file contains a possible solution for each one (there is more than one way to solve each one).

Finding pi by method of exhaustion
Extension activity to find an approximation for pi. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT. Use the measuring version when introducing circles and pi and then use the calculating version when introducing trigonometry.

Posters - Greek and Latin in mathematics
Posters looking at the influence of ancient Greek and Latin on mathematical words. PLEASE REVIEW / COMMENT.