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I have been teaching for 10 years now and the vast majority of those years have been in KS1 and LKS2. These are some of the resources that I have created to support children and other teachers alongside day to day teaching. I hope some of these resources help and free up some of your time for that extra cup of tea.

I have been teaching for 10 years now and the vast majority of those years have been in KS1 and LKS2. These are some of the resources that I have created to support children and other teachers alongside day to day teaching. I hope some of these resources help and free up some of your time for that extra cup of tea.
Partitioning Tens and ones (2-digit number, Place Value)

Partitioning Tens and ones (2-digit number, Place Value)

Differentiated worksheets for HA/MA/LA to support children finding tens and ones using part part whole models and bar models. HA- to find tens and ones, or add the tens and ones to find the whole number using part part whole models and bar models to 50. MA-to find tens and ones, or add the tens and ones to find the whole number using part part whole models and 2 bar models to 40. LA- to find tens and ones using part part whole within 20. To add tens and ones to find whole numbers.
Subtraction by crossing out (Mathematics)

Subtraction by crossing out (Mathematics)

What you get: Children have tens frames with counters to help them cross out and subtract. They write the number sentence below once they have decided how many they will cross out (HA). Children have tens frames with subtraction sentences. They will draw the counters in themselves and then cross out and find the answer. Children then use that method to answer reasoning questions. HA then have an explore question where they use their crossing out method to find multiple answers to a word problem. Based on White Rose
Subtraction on a number line (Mathematics)

Subtraction on a number line (Mathematics)

What this includes: Questions based on White Rose for fluency, reasoning and explore questions. Children complete fluency tasks by taking away on a number line and then use the method taught to answer a reasoning question. They then go onto using the same method to explore how they could find multiple questions to the same answer.
Properties of 2d Shapes (Year 1)

Properties of 2d Shapes (Year 1)

Differentiated HA/MA.LA worksheets identifying the properties of 2D shapes. Children write down the name, sides and vertices of various 2D shapes. Then children guess the shape by reading the properties.
Adding more (Mathematics)

Adding more (Mathematics)

What you get: A range of fluency questions where children are adding more circles to ten frames to answer addition questions (HA/MA/LA). A range of reasoning questions to answer by adding more (HA/MA). An explore question where children are asked to add 0 more to see if the answer changes (HA).