I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Various handwriting sheets that take extracts from books and model how to use the cursive script for children for them to then replicate on the lined guides on the second page.
Also useful for exposing children to different extracts from stories and experience language.
A fact file and three differentiated reading comprehension activities related to it that focus on Christmas around the world, looking at different traditions whilst testing children's comprehension skills.
A presentation that includes 195 past questions that can be used as a revision tool for Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling or that can be used to pick and choose from for starter questions in English sessions. Questions are taken from the sample paper as well as the 2016, 2017 and 2018 paper.
Easily usable as talking points with children practising a question at a time before then discussing the answer and why that is the case.
A fully planned and resourced set of 11 lessons for being able to write a diary. The planning is based on Lila's journey in The Firework-Maker's Daughter but most of the resources are easily adaptable to use for other diary writing units. Included are all the lesson presentations, resources and planning required as well as a fact file that children can stick in their book at the start of the unit.
Reading comprehensions related to Pokemon to try and engage children whilst also developing their comprehension skills. Included is a fact file about Pikachu with three differentiated sets of 10 questions with the answers included.
All of the guided reading activities/ reading comprehensions that I have shared for free in one place rather than finding them individually.
Included are a range of different texts and fact files that will help develop children's knowledge and comprehension.
A fact file about Nelson Mandela that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 16 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Nelson Mandela at the same time.
A set of simple worksheets that gets children to work on aspects of grammar in various ways. Included are verbs, nouns, modal verbs, adverbs, adjectives and abstract nouns.
Included are a number of resources that can be used ahead of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.
Included are:
A PowerPoint that looks at how Remembrance Day began and why we 'celebrate' it. It also looks at Remembrance Sunday and why we have the poppy as our symbol.
A PowerPoint that introduces World War One, looking at why it started, who was involved and how many people died as a result
A reading comprehension based on 'In Flanders Field' with three sets of differentiated questions and answers included
A definition activity that gets children to practise using dictionaries whilst defining words from 'In Flanders Field'
Instructions and templates for making a poppy
A look at the controversy regarding England and Scotland being told by FIFA that they can't wear poppy armbands and three different activity ideas following an introduction to the story - Write a letter to FIFA, class debate or newspaper article regarding the story
A sample of a reading comprehension that includes a fact file about Remembrance Day and questions related to this.
Reading comprehensions related to football to try and engage children whilst also developing their comprehension skills. Included is a fact file about Cristiano Ronaldo with three differentiated sets of 11 questions with the answers included.
A lesson that focuses on active and passive. Included is the PowerPoint with some key recap elements before working on active and passive. This will include identifying the difference, identifying subject, object and verb and changing sentences into active or passive. Also included are green challenge bubbles for children who finish the tasks whilst others are working on them. There is then an activity for children to work through and an exit question taken from a KS2 GPS test.
Created for 5/6 but could be used for Year 4. The aim is to correctly punctuate celebrities tweets, pre-dominantly looking at capital letters and full stops as well as then looking at commas and semi-colons. Builds in to spelling as well by editing the spellings of certain words for children to then spot.
First two pages are aimed at LA, pages 3 and 4 and for MA with pages 5 and 6 aimed at HA.
A set of lesson slides and differentiated worksheets that focus on abstract nouns as well as recapping other nouns. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable for other year groups.
A word mat/ poster of generalisers and how they can be used in sentences to help with writing in information texts to help children who may struggle for ideas.
A spelling test based on words from the Year 5/6 statutory spelling list. There are 20 spellings used in sentences to try and replicate the Year 6 spelling test, with the answer page being used by the adult to read out the spelling.
Two worksheets on relative clauses that get children to think more deeply about relative pronouns and clauses rather than just identifying them or creating sentences using them. A good mastery tool for those children who are working comfortably within the Year 5 and 6 curriculum.