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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Primary History and Geography Assessment Grids

Primary History and Geography Assessment Grids

Both assessments are uploaded separately but have been uploaded together for ease where people want both. History and Geography assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement. I created these as there appears to be a gap in both history and geography assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress.
Maya Unit of Work

Maya Unit of Work

A comprehensive pack that includes planning for 10/11 lessons working on the Maya. Planning includes cross-curricular links with writing, art and researching using I.C.T about Maya. In addition to differentiated planning, attached are the resources required for this topic as well as all the IWB slides required for the topic. This should save any teacher planning to teach this topic a huge amount of time, whilst providing the opportunity to make slight adjustments where required/ add any extra information you may wish to.
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

A presentation that introduces Ancient Egyptian pyramids to children, looking at why they were built, how they were built and how they were used. Also included are three potential activities that could be used with children, with all potential answers being found within the PowerPoint.
History Source Analysis Prompts

History Source Analysis Prompts

A range of questions that children can be thinking about when they are analysing historical sources. These are differentiated and have been created with Year 5/6 in mind but can just as easily be used higher or lower.
Reading Comprehension Bundle 2

Reading Comprehension Bundle 2

13 Resources
A mixed reading comprehension bundle that has a range of reading comprehensions that work on building understanding/ improving knowledge about particular facts.
Industrial Revolution - Living Conditions

Industrial Revolution - Living Conditions

A lesson for 5/6 that looks at living conditions for ordinary Victorians. Included is the presentation used as Notebook and PowerPoint and differentiated activities for children to complete in their books.
KS2 Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas - History Based Topics

KS2 Cross-Curricular Planning Ideas - History Based Topics

A list of ideas for planning cross-curricular lessons based around a history topic. Included are ideas of how this could be linked to English, D.T, Art, Science, History, Geography, Music and Computer Science. Areas included so far: Battle of Britain Nottingham - A local history study
Mini History Skill Sessions

Mini History Skill Sessions

Attached are mini-skill sessions for History. These are 30 minute sessions planned for mixed Year 5/6 children but are easily adaptable to Year 7. Each week a new session will be added that looks at a particular skill or area of knowledge that is then followed up by a differentiated mini-activity/ assessment activity for children to complete. 1st session - Time - Look at the different ways of judging time, ordering these before then looking at a timeline. Finish by looking at the years that make each Century. 2nd session - Sources - Looking at the difference between primary and secondary sources as well as then briefly looking at bias and getting children to look at example sources. 3rd session - Sources - Analysing sources for validity and also what they literally show us and what we can infer from them. 4th session - Sources - Analysing sources with prompt sheets to help children. 5th session - Chronology - Being able to place events in chronological order on a timeline/ consider when events may have happened.
Key Stage 2 History Fact Files/ Knowledge Organisers

Key Stage 2 History Fact Files/ Knowledge Organisers

Fact files for different aspects of Key Stage 2 History. Included within these are a timeline for the period as well as a key vocabulary section for some of the words children may come across during the topic. These are useful for either sticking in books at the start of the topic to refer back to or to enlarge and have on display. Topics will continue to be added.
Roman Colosseum Fact File

Roman Colosseum Fact File

A PDF that looks at the famous Roman Colosseum, introducing key facts to children. Included within this is: The origins of the Colosseum Construction time Structure Opening Uses Gladiators Animal hunts Sea battles Keeping cool Different uses of the Colosseum Modern day Personal pictures from the Colosseum taken in 2015
Roman Colosseum Reading Comprehension

Roman Colosseum Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension that includes a fact file about The Colosseum and is then followed up with three differentiated worksheets that check their comprehension skills (answers included).
Mount Vesuvius Reading Comprehension

Mount Vesuvius Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension that includes a fact file about Mount Vesuvius and is then followed up with three differentiated worksheets that check their comprehension skills (answers included).
Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Industrial Revolution Geography Scheme of Work

Attached are 5 lessons based on using map skills and linking them to the Industrial Revolution. These have been written with Year 5/6 in mind but are easily adaptable. Included are the slides, resources and differentiated lesson plans. Lesson 1 - Identifying UK cities on a map Lesson 2 - Identifying rivers in the UK Lesson 3 - Identifying how the UK changed during the Industrial Revolution Lesson 4 - Identifying the Luddites area of operations Lesson 5 - British Empire during the period and identifying countries around the world N.B. You will need atlases for the general atlas activities.
GCSE History Rise of the Nazi's timeline

GCSE History Rise of the Nazi's timeline

Timeline of the rise of the Nazi party from 1921 when Hitler took control to 1933 when he became German Chancellor. Also included are election results between 1924 and 1933, showing the rise and fall in voters and seats as well as showing a comparison against other parties. Useful for revision and asking questions based around the events outlined.
GCSE History Weimar Republic Timeline 1918-1929

GCSE History Weimar Republic Timeline 1918-1929

Timeline of key events in the Weimar Republic from the end of the First World War up to the Wall Street Crash in 1929. Also included is a map of Germany with the territories taken from them as a result of the Treaty of Versailles for a visual context and election results between 1924 and 1929. Useful for revision and asking questions based around the events outlined.
Remembrance Day activities

Remembrance Day activities

Included are a number of resources that can be used ahead of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Included are: A PowerPoint that looks at how Remembrance Day began and why we 'celebrate' it. It also looks at Remembrance Sunday and why we have the poppy as our symbol. A PowerPoint that introduces World War One, looking at why it started, who was involved and how many people died as a result A reading comprehension based on 'In Flanders Field' with three sets of differentiated questions and answers included A definition activity that gets children to practise using dictionaries whilst defining words from 'In Flanders Field' Instructions and templates for making a poppy A look at the controversy regarding England and Scotland being told by FIFA that they can't wear poppy armbands and three different activity ideas following an introduction to the story - Write a letter to FIFA, class debate or newspaper article regarding the story A sample of a reading comprehension that includes a fact file about Remembrance Day and questions related to this.
Primary History Assessment Grids

Primary History Assessment Grids

History assessment grids from Year 1 to 6 that can be used to check children's understanding and use as a progress measure if wished. These are to be used as best fit as there may be some areas they are weaker/ more confident in with the aim being a best fit judgement. I created these as there appears to be a gap in history assessment at the minute in primary schools since the move to assessment without levels. This enables schools to have something in place for a foundation subject that links well to other curricular areas, as well as showing an assessment system should visitors wish to know how you monitor progress. These were created using the statements from the curriculum, with a particular focus on what they should be able to do at the end of each Key Stage and then working up/ back from that/ making sure children are 'Year 7 ready' at the end of Key Stage Two. There is some overlap in the way grids may be worded but this is because the content they are learning is different and they are beginning to increase knowledge across a range of topics/ apply skills to different topics. I have attached PDF and Word documents as they can then be edited if you wish.