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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Negative Numbers Slides

Negative Numbers Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through negative numbers. Included are a range of questions to help improve/ check children's knowledge and understanding of negative numbers.
Rounding Decimals Slides x2

Rounding Decimals Slides x2

Two sets of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding decimal numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Decimal Rounding Slides (2)

Decimal Rounding Slides (2)

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding decimal numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Decimal Rounding Slides

Decimal Rounding Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding decimal numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Roman Numeral Slides

Roman Numeral Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on Roman Numerals. Included are a range of questions that test children's ability to understand numerals in different ways.
Simple Sentences and Word Classes

Simple Sentences and Word Classes

Three differentiated worksheets that focus on simple sentences and being able to identify different word classes such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. This then moves on to getting children to explain what is wrong with simple sentences before higher attainers check a passage to see if it follows the subject and predicate relationship before explaining why authors and writers wouldn't stick to just that.
Simple Sentence Worksheets

Simple Sentence Worksheets

Three differentiated worksheets that focus on simple sentences, getting children to identify the subject and predicate before moving on to creating their own and finally, for the higher attainers questions that ask them to explain why sentences aren't simple sentences.
KS2 Fraction Assessment Questions

KS2 Fraction Assessment Questions

All of the questions related to fractions from the two previous end of Key Stage Two tests under the new assessment framework and from the original sample test. These questions have been split into arithmetic paper questions and reasoning papers and are also in a combined example. These can be used for a number of reasons including practise of fraction questions or pre and post teaching assessments for fractions
2017-18 KS2 Writing Assessment Grids

2017-18 KS2 Writing Assessment Grids

Writing moderation grids that include all the statements for the three standards from the newly released writing assessment framework for the 2017-18 academic year for Key Stage Two.
Rounding Slides x2

Rounding Slides x2

Two sets of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Rounding Slides (2)

Rounding Slides (2)

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Rounding Slides

Rounding Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers through rounding. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values to try and help round them.
Decimal Place Value Slides x2

Decimal Place Value Slides x2

Two sets of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values.
Decimal Place Value Slides (2)

Decimal Place Value Slides (2)

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of decimal numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values.
Decimal Place Value Slides

Decimal Place Value Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of decimal numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values.
Place Value Slides

Place Value Slides

A set of slides that can be used as a lesson presentation to work on the place value of numbers. Included are a range of questions and a visual representations of how numbers can be broken up into different place values.
The Firework-Maker's Daughter Comprehension Questions (Bundle)

The Firework-Maker's Daughter Comprehension Questions (Bundle)

7 Resources
519 different questions for The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Chapter Seven

The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Chapter Seven

114 different questions for Chapter Seven of The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Chapter Six

The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Chapter Six

50 different questions for Chapter Six of The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.