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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Viking Activities

Viking Activities

Three different activities based on learning about the Vikings. These include: An activity that gives children the opportunity to create their own Viking shield. Included is a design template that includes the iron boss on already and two pages of design ideas that might help children decide what they want to do. A blank map activity that can be used to get children to show where Vikings originate from as well as where they settled. Children can then map out the potential journey the Vikings took to get to the various places through the use of arrows. Included is a map of Europe showing where the Vikings settled and raided to support children. Activities that can be used when teaching the Vikings in KS2. Included is a map activity that requires children to colour the map based on Danelaw and a set of questions that then finishes with a mini-essay style question where children have to apply their knowledge to respond to a statement.
Information (Non-chronological report) Fact File/ Knowledge Organiser

Information (Non-chronological report) Fact File/ Knowledge Organiser

A fact file/ knowledge organiser that can be stuck in children's books when doing the information genre in writing or for a help sheet if they are writing a non-chronological report in a foundation subject. Included on the sheet is a list of key vocabulary, an example of an information text and a diagram that shows the sequenced structure from the example text.
Shang Dynasty Knowledge Organiser KS2

Shang Dynasty Knowledge Organiser KS2

A knowledge organiser for the Shang Dynasty. Included within this is a timeline for the period as well as a key vocabulary section for some of the words children may come across during the topic. These are useful for either sticking in books at the start of the topic to refer back to or to enlarge and have on display.
Stone Age Knowledge Organiser KS2

Stone Age Knowledge Organiser KS2

A knowledge organiser for the Stone Age. Included within this is a timeline for the period as well as a key vocabulary section for some of the words children may come across during the topic. These are useful for either sticking in books at the start of the topic to refer back to or to enlarge and have on display.
Addition and Subtraction Activities

Addition and Subtraction Activities

Eight pages of activities that get children to identify links between calculations when adding and subtracting before then working through 1 more or less and 10 more or less and written addition and subtraction. A answer sheet is also provided.
Semi-colons Lesson

Semi-colons Lesson

A fully resourced lesson on semi-colons that has been written for Year 5 but is easily adaptable. Included is the lesson presentation and three differentiated worksheets that focus on being able to use semi-colons, particularly between two independent clauses. These then move on to checking children's understanding through questions before the HA activity gets children to write their own sentences with semi-colons.
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

A presentation that introduces Ancient Egyptian pyramids to children, looking at why they were built, how they were built and how they were used. Also included are three potential activities that could be used with children, with all potential answers being found within the PowerPoint.
Finding the Whole - Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

Finding the Whole - Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

A worksheet that requires children to practise being able to find the whole based on fractions of amounts. As well as a number of practise questions there are then also reasoning/ problem solving style questions with the answers also included.
Geography, History and Science Planning Overviews

Geography, History and Science Planning Overviews

A planning overview resource to support the teaching of Science, History and Geography across KS2. Every KS2 topic is included with each planning overview following the same structure: Knowledge children must know - This provides a minimum level of what is expected for children to know by the end of the unit and provides consistency across classes. This also helps ensure progression and cohesion between topics. Ways of knowing they know - Ideas for checking understanding and knowing that children have learnt the minimum level of knowledge. Vocabulary - Key vocabulary across the unit that children will need to understand Other links - Links to other subjects and ideas for investigations (science) for each topic The geography then runs slightly differently in that instead of cross-curricular links, it highlights which areas of the curriculum you are meeting. These sheets help start the planning process by making it clear what children should know by the end for staff to then use and link together in a sequence of learning. This then feeds through KS2 as it ensures a minimum level of knowledge that supports progression and cohesion across the curriculum. There are missing elements such as local fieldwork for geography which needs teaching and some match local needs for our context so these would need changing to match your local area. Because of mixed classes, the Geography and History work over two years though with an additional history of choice added each year though this could be changed to fit single year groups.
Missing Numbers Times Table Challenge

Missing Numbers Times Table Challenge

A mixed up grid that provides clues to what the missing numbers may be with children having to find the missing original numbers before working out all the answers. Answer sheet is also included.
Algebra - Function machines (Year 6 WRM)

Algebra - Function machines (Year 6 WRM)

Two PowerPoint lessons that focus on the objective of one step and two step functions from the Year 6 WRM planning. There is an arithmetic starter included as well as a number of questions to work through (including pink and green bubbles for support and challenge) where answers can then be discussed. Finally, reasoning and problem solving tasks from WRM are included.
Algebra - Satisfying Variables Lesson

Algebra - Satisfying Variables Lesson

A complete lesson for Year 6 that focuses on the algebra objective of enumerating possibilities of combinations of two variables. Included is a lesson presentation that includes a variety of teaching points and practise questions before children choose their activity, based on confidence levels. There is then a final challenge question at the end of the presentation that children can try to tackle before discussing as a group.
Year 6 Reflection

Year 6 Reflection

A lesson that focuses on being able to reflect shapes. Included is a PowerPoint for the lesson that includes an arithmetic starter as well as an activity with answers and four challenge activities for those that are confident.
6 Times Table Mastery Check

6 Times Table Mastery Check

Two sets of 10 questions that check children's understanding of the 6 times table through more complex methods than just giving them a 6 times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers.
11 Times Table Mastery Check

11 Times Table Mastery Check

10 questions that check children's understanding of the 11 times table through more complex methods than just giving them a 11 times table test. Included are word problems, reasoning questions and showing the relationship between numbers.