This is a template, so you can use your own choice of words, in any language.
Students choose a number on the screen and have to make a sentence with the word that appears after clicking. Depending upon ability, they could make new sentences with the words chosen, or they could try to make a story with the following words.
Use this PowerPoint to introduce a few famous French people in history.
There is brief information about all in French, which can then be translated by students into English.
This PowerPoint introduces quantities of food and drink in French.
It starts with an example conversation at a market and pupils have 2 minutes (timed) to find the quantities.
The vocabulary is then introduced and it ends with a Os and Xs game to practise the vocabulary.
Pupils use the visual clues in this PowerPoint to work out the English meaning of these frequency phrases in German.
To teach word order with frequency phrases, click on the following slides and the frequency phrases will move into their rightful place in the sentences.
Introduce the paradigms of the vital French verbs, 'avoir' and 'être' using this PowerPoint.
The presentation also includes 'avoir' expressions (e.g. 'j'ai chaud').
This PowerPoint introduces quantities of food and drink in German.
The PowerPoint starts with an example conversation at the market, introduces the vocabulary and then finishes with Os and Xs to practise the vocabulary.
This is a starter activity, following work on tenses and time phrases. Pupils point forwards, etc. to show they know the tense/time phrase shown. In later examples, the clues are highlighted ('dernier', the accent on the last 'e', etc.). Instructions are in the PowerPoint.
Use this template to create a plenary pairwork resource. Fill the gaps in as you wish, pupils roll the dice and translate or carry out the specified activity. Could also be used as a starter activity.
This PowerPoint introduces the time in German, starting with a recap of the analogue time in English! At the end of the PowerPoint, pupils say the time out loud when they see it on the board.
Use this PowerPoint to introduce the all-important concept of -er verbs. At the end of the introduction, there is a pairwork dice game, allowing pupils to practise the -er verb endings.
Instructions are in the notes section of the presentation.
Teach pupils the simple rule of using two verbs together in French. The examples given in the PowerPoint are:
je préfère
je peux
je veux
je dois
je vais
je voudrais the infinitive.
Enter the text of your choice into the box and then add the English of the TL in the text to the boxes underneath.
Pupils read the text and then take it in turns to choose which English phrase they would like to find in the text (in the target language). If they are right, click on the phrase to reveal their team's score.
There are positive, negative scores and a wipeout.
Instructions are in the PowerPoint.
This is a worksheet to both practise time in French and to stretch pupils' brains.
Pupils are given some time zones and have to work out and write in French what the time is in the different places around the world.
The answer sheet has now been added.
Use this to practise transcription in French.
Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person.
Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles.
They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section.
This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.