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Directions Os & Xs

Directions Os & Xs

This can be used with any language. Pupils play in two teams. When you click on the O or the X, the square will change to either O or X. Instructions are within the PowerPoint.
'aller' in French

'aller' in French

Use this PowerPoint to introduce 'aller' and how it can be used to talk about the near future.
Bomb timers

Bomb timers

Use these visual timers to keep students on their feet! Click on the bombs to start the timers. When time is up, the bomb 'explodes'. Time limits from 30 seconds to 5 minutes with instructions explaining how to set a longer time limit.
School subjects & opinions in French

School subjects & opinions in French

Use this PowerPoint to introduce both simple opinion phrases and school subjects. It starts by getting pupils to work out where the opinion phrases are and which words are school subjects, After introducing the school subjects, pupils show understanding using 'hands up' and then by playing 'Follemathiques', giving their opinions about different subjects. Instructions are given in the PowerPoint.
What can you do in town?

What can you do in town?

Use this PowerPoint to introduce the different activities that you can do in town (shopping, bowling, etc), The focus really is on using phrases, rather than single words. It starts by showing the phrases with the words jumbled up, unjumbling them and showing the image. Pupils then show their understanding kinaesthetically, using a 'hands-up' activity. Finally, pupils translate the phrases from French into English.
TV programmes & films in French

TV programmes & films in French

This PowerPoint introduces the vocabulary of different types of TV programmes and films. The vocabulary is introduced, then, with the necessary vocabulary around the edge of each slide, the corresponding images appear and disappear quickly. Pupils identify them in French. Finally, focusing on detail, pupils write the vocabulary correctly.
Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Use this PowerPoint to introduce saying whether or not you like different foods and drinks in German. Instructions are in the PowerPoint, which starts by introducing the vocabulary and ends with pupils using a 'reveal' activity to identify the food/drink in German.
Sentence builder template

Sentence builder template

This is a template, so you can use your own choice of words, in any language. Students choose a number on the screen and have to make a sentence with the word that appears after clicking. Depending upon ability, they could make new sentences with the words chosen, or they could try to make a story with the following words.
What time is it in...? (with answers)

What time is it in...? (with answers)

This is a worksheet to both practise time in French and to stretch pupils' brains. Pupils are given some time zones and have to work out and write in French what the time is in the different places around the world. The answer sheet has now been added.
Transcription pairwork - French

Transcription pairwork - French

Use this to practise transcription in French. Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person. Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles. They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section. This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
Transcription pairwork - Spanish

Transcription pairwork - Spanish

Use this to practise transcription in Spanish. Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person. Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles. They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section. This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
Transcription pairwork - German

Transcription pairwork - German

Use this to practise transcription in German. Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person. Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles. They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section. This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
Donate or Steal? - with negative scores

Donate or Steal? - with negative scores

This has proved so popular with all of my classes! In teams (blue & red), pupils answer a question and choose a square from the opponents’ grid. Their opponents then get that score. They are allowed to steal one score only from their opponents throughout the game. An ‘X’ is a wipeout and wipes the opponents’ score (which can be a good thing if their score is negative!). If they cannot answer or give an incorrect answer, the opposite team answer and choose to swap the number or keep it. This can be used with any subject and any vocab/topic! Make it up on the spot! There are three different boards, so pupils are unlikely to memorise the scores.