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Coins - Missing Coin Activity Worksheet

Coins - Missing Coin Activity Worksheet

This worksheet is perfect as an extension and allows children to practice counting on in coins. The children are challenged with finding the missing coin to make a certain amount. The worksheet is differentiated to include 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 mixed amounts and mixed amounts over £1. The file includes 6 worksheets in both an editable Microsoft Word format and a PDF.
Roman Numeral Loop Cards 4 Sets 1-12, 1-20, 1-50, 1-100

Roman Numeral Loop Cards 4 Sets 1-12, 1-20, 1-50, 1-100

A great resource to use to consolidate Roman Numerals. These sets of 12/20 loop cards differentiated between numbers 1-12, numbers 1-20, numbers 1-50 and numbers 1- 100 make learning fun. This activity could be used as a starter or plenary, or for early finishers. If laminated, the cards can be used time and time again.
Data Handling Year 2/3 Mini Beasts themed

Data Handling Year 2/3 Mini Beasts themed

Learning Objective: To investigate a question by collecting data Success Criteria: I understand different ways of presenting data. I know how to interpret simple data to answer a question. I can collect data and record it. The resource is structured with a powerpoint to support children in asking a simple question to collect data, and how to draw their pictogram. Powerpoint includes a close procedure to support less able children. Resource also includes a tally pro forma for the children to use to record their data. There is also an extension sheet for more able children which contains a tally sheet with room for two locations to allow children to compare locations.
Coin Cards UK (Money) - Recognise different amounts of coins

Coin Cards UK (Money) - Recognise different amounts of coins

Playing cards to help pupils consolidate the different types of coins. Different amounts are shown using different combinations of coins. Can be used as a matching game, pairs memory game or snap game to enable children to become familiar with different ways of making different amounts.
3x multiplication table test differentiated 4 ways

3x multiplication table test differentiated 4 ways

4 multiplication tests for the 3x tables, differentiated for the differing abilities in your class. 1. Multiplication table in order. 2. Multiplication table out of order. 3. Multiplication table mixed order with division facts. 4. Application of the multiplication table, enabling children to prove mastery of the times table.
5 x table multiplication and division tests (4 differentiated tests)

5 x table multiplication and division tests (4 differentiated tests)

4 multiplication tests for the 5x tables, differentiated for the differing abilities in your class. 1. Multiplication table in order. 2. Multiplication table out of order. 3. Multiplication table mixed order with division facts. 4. Application of the multiplication table, enabling children to prove mastery of the times table.
4 x table multiplication and division tests

4 x table multiplication and division tests

4 multiplication tests for the 4x table, differentiated for the differing abilities in your class. 1. Multiplication table in order. 2. Multiplication table out of order. 3. Multiplication table mixed order with division facts. 4. Application of the multiplication table, enabling children to prove mastery of the times table.
Length Word Problems - Bar model (Multiplication and Divison) YEAR 3/4

Length Word Problems - Bar model (Multiplication and Divison) YEAR 3/4

A collection of length word problems using multiplication and division, using known times tables. The problems are structured to scaffold children to use the bar model to problem solve. The bar model, which is part of the Singapore Maths model, is presented to help children develop their confidence and understanding of the vocabulary of sharing equally and twice / three times etc in relation to solving length word problems. This worksheet is suitable for Year 3 / 4. The resource is differentiated 3 ways, with an opportunity for more confident learners to apply their knowledge to multistep word problems in a structured, scaffolded way. I have included the worksheets as a pdf and as an editable Microsoft Word document.
Bar Modelling - Word Problems - Multiplication and Division (Single digit)

Bar Modelling - Word Problems - Multiplication and Division (Single digit)

A collection of multiplication and division word problems, using known times tables for children to begin to solve using the bar model. The bar model, which is part of the Singapore Maths model, is presented to help children develop their confidence and understanding of the vocabulary of sharing equally and twice / three times etc in relation to solving word problems. This worksheet is suitable for Year 3 / 4. The resource is differentiated 3 ways, with an opportunity for more confident learners to apply their knowledge to multistep word problems in a structured, scaffolded way. I have included the worksheets as a pdf and as an editable Microsoft Word document.
Bar Modelling - Addition and Subtraction word problems

Bar Modelling - Addition and Subtraction word problems

A collection of word problems for children to solve using the bar model. The model is draw to help children develop understand the vocabulary more / fewer in relation to solving word problems. This worksheet is suitable for Year 3 / 4. The resource is differentiated 2 ways, with one worksheet involving additional scaffold.