A set of sentences with missing possessive apostrophes for both plural and singular possession. Also contains a sentence with the collective noun children to teach where to place the apostrophe when the noun is plural. Can easily be extended into children writing their own sentences or exploring other plural nouns. Sentences can be made into cards or shrunk easily to make a worksheet.
A set of singular nouns ending in y. Can be made into cards of shrunk into a worksheet. Useful for teaching children to apply the rule for pluralising nouns ending in consonant and y. Can also be used as a sorting activity for those where you would take off y and add ies and those where you would just add an s.
A set of sentences that can be easily adapted to make a worksheet or can be used as a runaround game to teach how to use I or me correctly in a sentence. Could be used in a hall where children have to run to the correct side of the room or hoops to show I or me. Or answers can be removed and it can be used as an assessment worksheet. Can be easily extended by asking children to come up with their own similar sentences to show how I and me are used correctly.
A set of sentences which ca be used in different ways. Can be used as a spinner game, where different types of punctuation are put on the spinner and children have to keep spinning until they have punctuated the sentence correctly. Or can be used as a game where children have to complete the missing punctuation and then run/bounce back to the teacher with their answer.
12 worksheets for homework, which can easily be adapted into worksheets for classroom use. Covering a whole range of GaPS objectives. Useful for revision in the run up to SATs in Year 6.
A set of more unusual homophone pairs suitable for Year 5 and . Can be used in lots of different ways e.g. write a sentence to show the meaning, read a sentence aloud and the children to identify which of the pair is the correct card, homophone snap, choose a card from feely box and spell its homophone pair, look up the homophone meaning in a dictionary etc.