A Powerpoint with some time problems at the expected level for Year 5 and 6. Problems involve counting durations of time and reading from timelines, timetables and graphs.
A Who Wants to be a Millionaire style quiz including converting between hours and minutes, writing times in different ways and solving problems involving counting forward and backward in time. Useful for assessment and contains answers.
A splatter game with one slide where there are some times in minutes. Read out a time in hours and children to splat the board with the correct amount of minutes. Once you have the template you can extend and change the numbers to suit different abilities or produce another slide to work from minutes to hours.
A powerpoint to teach converting between units of capacity and writing capacity in different ways. Then some problems to apply this. Answers are included. Suitable for Year 5 and 6.
A powerpoint to teach children to convert roughly between miles and kilometres by using the fact 5 miles = roughly 8km. Some questions for children to answer with answers.
SATs revision powerpoint for choosing and using an appropriate method. Also looks at choosing an dusing appropriate units of measure when solving problems. With answers.