Coasts - coastal defences
This lesson looks at the pros and cons of different types of coastal defences
Weather and climate - uk climate
This lesson explores what the UK’s climate is like, why it changes and what causes this
Weather and climate - depressions and low pressure
This lesson focuses on the conditions that low pressure causes, and what depressions are
Coasts - transportation
This lesson explores how material is transported along the coast and what this creates
Coasts - Erosional landforms
This lesson explores the creation of coastal landforms by erosion
Development - HDI
This lesson looks at how we use the HDI to identify and measure development
Development - spread of money
This lesson looks at the global financial spread leading to differing levels of development
Weather and climate - clouds and rain
This lesson explores what different cloud types there are and what different types of rain and precipitation there are
Development - Causes of Poverty
This lesson looks at what causes poverty and how its linked to development
Development - Introduction
This lesson introduces the concept of Development and how it is measured
Weather and Climate - recording and presenting the weather
This lesson looks at how people record and present the weather, and what symbols are used
Weather and Climate - what is the difference?
This lesson looks at the difference between weather and climate and different types
Africa - can Africa develop by itself?
This lesson explores how hard it is for Africa to develop, and its reliance on aid and investment from higher income countries
GCSE retailing - the high street fights back
This lesson looks at what high streets are doing to attract more customers and visitors
Africa - the ever changing map
This lesson looks at how Africa’s map has changed over the years, including a look at the slave trade and colonialisation. Could be used for a black lives matter discussion
GCSE Retailing - where does it occur?
This lesson looks at spatial patterns of where retailing occurs
Changing Pattern of retailing
This lesson looks at the past, present and future patterns of retailing in the UK
Africa - natural Africa
This lesson explores the physical features of Africa
Retailing bundle !
A short unit of work on the geography of retaling for Human Geography GCSE , orginally designed for eduqas b but can be adapted