Lesson 10 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson focuses on reasons for Germany's surrender and the signing of Armistice.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- numeracy starter task
- remembrance day task / discussion of what remembrance day is
- carousel activity describing reasons for surrender and explaining the impacts
- PEE paragraph task
- remembrance day poetry plenary
Lesson 7 of 9 in a Year 9 scheme of work for the Holocaust.
This lesson focuses on the Nazi's regime of implementing concentration camps.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities.
Lesson includes:
- starter task based on Adam Koscielniak's art interpretations
- analysis of 2 interpretations of events task
- source analysis
- stretch task
- social media plenary
Lesson 5 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson focuses on the PALS battalions (case study: Accrington) There is an opportunity for students to use the soldier profile formed in this lesson throughout homework activities and stretch tasks through the remaining lessons in the unit of work.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- starter source task
- key term definition (PALS)
- video clip
- soldier profile game activity
- questioning plenary
Lesson 7 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson focuses on conditions in the trenches.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- recap task
- source task (information gathering activity)
- letter / diary entry writing task
- peer assessment plenary
Lesson 1 in a Year 8 scheme of work on China - the big question of the topic is "Does China have what it takes to be a superpower?"
This lesson focuses on a comparison between China and the UK so that students can see similarities and differences in climate, culture, history and industry.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- gimme 5 starter
- matching statistics task
- marketplace activity (with write on structured worksheet)
- similarities and differences class discussion
- extended writing task
- bingo plenary
Lesson 6 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson explains what population pyramids are. Students are shown examples of MEDC and LEDC pyramids and are given the opportunity to create their own. Assessment on graph skills.
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
Lesson 2 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson explains what population density is and allows students the opportunity to explore areas that are densely / sparsely populated, working out the calculations themselves (numeracy focus)
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed (differentiation included)
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
Lesson 8 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson explores the population management in China (China's One Child Policy) Worksheet, differentiated task and lots of stretch activities included.
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
This is an assessment used in the current Year 10 new GCSE (AQA) for The American West 1840 - 1895. Used to assess student understanding of life on the Plains, the concept of manifest destiny and American progress, attitudes towards the Plains Indians (covering Fort Laramie Treaty 1851) and taking in to consideration students have previously studied some of the groups who settled the West (Mormons, Gold miners)
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives (and prompts to assist students with completing tasks) , write on multiple choice quiz (starter), write on assessment sheet, sources insert and mark scheme.
Lesson includes:
- multiple choice quiz (starter)
- key word definition
- timeline completion (chronology)
- source description
- interpretation questions
- self assessment plenary
- sources booklet (AQA)
- interpretation questions mark scheme (AQA)
A3 task sheet designed for students to consolidate what they have learnt from Key Enquiry 1 (Life of Plains Indians) of a thematic approach to teaching the American West study for Paper 2
A3 task sheet designed for students to consolidate what they have learnt from Key Enquiry 1 (Westward Migration) of a thematic approach to teaching the American West study for Paper 2
Lesson 3 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson is an assessment opportunity to gauge student understanding of the causes of WWI.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- levelled assessment objectives
- literacy levelled objectives
- sentence starters
Lesson 1 in a Year 8 scheme of work on China - the big question of the topic is "Does China have what it takes to be a superpower?"
This lesson focuses on introducing where China is in the world.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- think / pair / share activity: what is a superpower?
- key term definition (unscrambling task)
- China or not task
- identifying where China is in the world (map task)
- BBQ plenary
Lesson 2 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson focuses on the spark that triggered the war.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- card sort activity
- timeline / chronology activity
- tweet the teacher plenary
Current Year 11 OCR History GCSE Lesson.
Lesson includes bronze, silver and gold learning objectives for students to work through.
- bell work activity / starter
- card sort the event in to chronological order
- success and failures activity
- exam question
- peer assessment (following mark scheme)
- exemplar answer
Lesson 3 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson explains what population distribution is and allows students to describe population density and distribution using a choropleth map. Peer assessment included.
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
Lesson 4 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson allows students to create their own choropleth map and describe population density and distribution using the choropleth map they have created.
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
Lesson 1 of 9 in a Year 8 SOW on Population
This lesson covers an introduction to population and natural change
Included is the PowerPoint and all handouts / worksheets needed (differentiation included)
Lessons have Bronze, Silver, Gold learning outcomes for students to progress through.
Lesson 12 of 12 in a Year 9 scheme of work for World War One.
This lesson is an assessment opportunity for students to demonstrates their understanding of topics covered in the scheme of work through extended pieces of writing.
Students will cover:
Life in Accrington
Being part of a PALS battalion
Trench warfare
The battle of the Somme
Germany's surrender
Signing of Armistice
The Treaty of Versailles
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- Powerpoint showing the fate of the Accrington PALS battalion (students use this to complete their soldier profile for identified soldier earlier in the scheme of work)
- Assessment worksheet
Lesson 2 in a Year 8 scheme of work on China - the big question of the topic is "Does China have what it takes to be a superpower?"
This lesson focuses on population distribution within China.
Lesson includes a PowerPoint with Bronze, Silver, Gold objectives, differentiation opportunities and stretch activities. All worksheets, resources and video clips included.
Lesson includes:
- matching task
- key word definition
- graph activity
- choropleth map task
- describing population distribution task
- self assessment